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1、1Now youve got me.你可把我难住了。 Youve asked me a question I cant answer.你问我一个问题,我答不上来。 2Thats the last thing I needed.那是我最不需要的东西。 I certainly didnt need that.我当然不需要那个东西。 3It is easier said than done.这是说起来容易做起来难。 Doing is more difficult than saying.做的要比说的难。 4Susan is anything but poor.苏珊除了贫穷什么都有。 Susan ha

2、s a lot of money. 苏珊很有钱。5Diane looks up to her teacher.黛安很尊敬她的老师。She respects her teacher.他很尊敬她的老师。6Didnt the summer just fly by!夏天不是刚过去嘛。The summer seemed to pass.夏天似乎已经过去。7Its beyond a childs understanding.它已经超出一个孩子的理解。Its impossible for a child to comprehend this.这是一个孩子不可能理解这一点。8Arent you clever

3、to figure that out!如此聪明的你算出了这个题。How smart you are to find the answer to that.如此聪明的你找出了这个题的答案。 9I really need to brush up on my math.我真的需要温习我的数学。 I need to improve my math skills.我需要提高我的数学技能。 10Ive been tied up in meetings all week.我已经在这个会议上忙了好几周了。 Hes busy attending meetings all the week.这几周他正在忙着出席会

4、议。 11Not a single student was late for the final test.没有一个学生在最后的考试迟到。 Every student took the final test.每个学生都参加了最后的考试。 12Typing the essay is the least of my worries.打文章我有点担心。 Typing the essay is only a minor problem.打文章有一点问题。 13Hell turn his back on me if I ask for money.假如我向他借钱的时候他总是躲着我。 When I nee

5、d money, he wont help.当我需要钱的时候,他不帮我。 14Ben really has a way with words.本有自己的一套说话方式。 Ben has a talent for expressing his ideas.本在语言表达上很有天赋。 15Joe often loses himself in books.乔经常忘我的看书。 Joe is so interested in his books that he forgets his surroundings.乔对他的书是如此的感兴趣以至于他忘记他周围的环境。 16Im well behind in my

6、term paper.我落下了我的学期论文。 I have to catch up on my term paper.我要赶上我的学期论文。 17Wow! Thats terrific! I couldnt agree more.哇!太棒了,我非常同意。 He agrees completely.他完全同意。 18Lee won the chess match hands down.李在国际象棋中战胜了他的对手。Lee easily won the chess match.李很容易就赢得了国际象棋的比赛。 19I know this city like the back of my hand.

7、我很了解这座城市。 I know this city very well.我很了解这座城市。 20Michael had an electrician repair his stereo.迈克让电工修好了他的音响。 The electrician fixed Michaels stereo.电工修好了迈克的音响。 21That name just doesnt ring a bell with me.我对这个名字没有印象。 I dont recognize that name. 我认识这个名字。 22To be honest, I didnt think much of the play. 说

8、实话。我发挥的不好。 In my opinion, the play was not very good.在我看来,发挥不是很好。 23Postcards seem to take forever in the mail.明信片好像被永远的带走了。 Postcards often arrives late.明信片常常来得很晚。 24The economics assignment is really over my head.经济学作业真的在我脑中盘旋。 He doesnt understand the assignment. 他不理解那个作业。 25He respects his frien

9、d because he keeps his word.因为他守信用,所以他尊重他的朋友。 His friend is responsible.他的朋友很有责任感。 26Im afraid that Allan is not up to such a difficult task.我怕奥兰不能够接受这样艰巨的任务。 I doubt that Allan can do the job.我怀疑奥兰能否胜任这个工作。 27Nancy has been knocking herself out on the project.南希已经全身心的投入到这项工程里。 She has been working

10、very hard on the task.她一直都很努力地在做这项任务。 28Come what may, well pick you up tomorrow at eight.尽可能的来,明天八点我们来接你。 No matter what, well come for you tomorrow.无论如何我们明天都要来接你。 29The scientist picked up a new idea at the symposium. 那个科学家在讨论会上产生了新想法。The scientist learned about the new idea by chance.那个科学家偶然地了解到那

11、个新想法。 30The manager crossed the item off the list. 那个经理把那个项目从清单上划除了。 He removed the item from the list by drawing a line across it.他画了一条线,从清单上去除了那个项目。 31He would rather have steak than chicken.相比于鸡肉来说,他更想要牛排。 He would prefer steak to chicken. 鸡肉和牛排他更爱吃牛排。 32The snowstorm brought train travel to a st

12、andstill.由于暴风雪的降临使得火车不得不停止运行一会。 It snowed so severely that people couldnt take the trains.雪下得很大以至于人们不能乘坐火车了。 33We couldnt be more pleased by these pictures.这些图片令我们非常满意。 Were delighted with the pictures.我们很满意这些图片。 34I have been feeling under the weather recently.我最近一直感觉不舒服。Im not feeling well these d

13、ays.我最近感觉不太好。35Anne said she could baby-sit any day but Friday.安妮说她除了星期五的其余任何一天都可以去担任临时保姆。 On Friday Anne does not baby-sit.只有星期五安妮不能去担任临时保姆的工作。 36Tom is looking forward to seeing his uncle.汤姆一直期待着见他的叔叔。 He is eagerly awaiting seeing his uncle.汤姆一直在焦急的等待着见他的叔叔。 37Please drop me a line when you get a

14、 chance.如果你有机会请给我打个电话。 I hope youll write to me if you can.如果可以的话请给我打个电话。 38Aspirin is as good as anything for colds and flu.阿司匹林对于任何的感冒和流感都一样见效。 One of the best remedies for colds and flu is aspirin.对于治愈感冒和流感的最好方法之一就是阿司匹林。 39Nothing could hide the face that he is growing old. 岁月无法掩盖他逐渐苍老的容颜。 The fact that he is growing old could not be hidden.他在逐渐变老的事实是无法磨灭的。 40He always changes his mind at the last minute. 不见棺材不落泪。He never changes his mind until the last minute.他总是在最后一刻才改变他的心意。 41Mary ran into her teacher on the train.玛丽跑进火车厢见到了她的老师。 Mary met with her teacher on the t



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