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1、江西省重点中学协作体2020届高三联考(数学文)二、连词成句 1.raises, every hour, skate, for, for, they, charity, each, ten yuan, student _ 2.stuffed animals, nine, collecting, she, been, for, has, years _ 3.anyone else, let, if, know, collects, me, you, who, coins, please _ 4.twelve, they, they, baseball, since, have, were, be

2、en, play, learning, to 二、连词成句 5.old, snow globe, I, when, got, was, I, years, first, my, eleven _ 6.long, skating, you, been, how, have _ 7. an, swimming, ago, Fanny, hour, started _ 8. CDs, would, collect, I, to, music, like _ the capital of China the capital of Hunan Province Emperor chairman the

3、old buildings in Harbin in Russian style European influence Sydney Australia 1.My friends in Australia said that Chinese history was very hard to understand. 2. If you study hard, youll be able to understand any culture.文化 3.The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 4

4、.The first Jews were welcomed by 5.Ive been teaching in China for two years. 6.Since I came to China, Ive been learning a lot about my family history. 7.Although I live quite far from Beijing,Im certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2020! * + * * stamp teapot stone flash card doll picture

5、book Many people like to collect. They often collect paper money traffic card coin watch / clock newspaper ticket picture post card credit card drawing SECTION B 1a 任务三:说说我的收藏。 I collect I would like to collect What do you collect? How long have you been collecting them? What would you like to colle

6、ct? 1a Would you like to collect any of these things? Fill in the chart. Add other things you collect. I collect I would like to collect kites stamps coins shells dolls envelopes 1b PAIRWORK Tell your partner what you collect and what you would like to collect. Say why. A: I collect shells because t

7、hey are beautiful. Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting. 风筝 邮票 钱币 We know different people have different hobbies.Now lets listen to the following three conversations.They are about Bob,Marcia and Liam and their collections. hobby(爱好) 2a Listen. What do Bob, Marcia, and Liam collec

8、t? Fill in the chart under “What”. What How long How many Bob Marcia Liam kites stuffed animals theater and movie tickets 2b Listen again. How long have they been collecting these things? How many do they have? Fill in the chart under “How long” and “How many”. since he was ten years old 22 for five

9、 years 35 since last year 20 A:What does Bob collect ? B:He collects kites. A:How long has he been collecting kites? B: Hes been collecting kites since he was ten years old. A:How many does he have? B:He has 22 so far. I collect kites. I have been collecting kites since I was ten years old. I have a

10、bout 22 so far. She collects stuffed animals. She have been collecting stuffed animals for five years. She has about 35. He collects theater and movie tickets. He has been collecting since last year. He has 20. I usually fly them in the park when its windy. She likes the panda best. She also likes t

11、he tiger. He puts them in his book. 3b 时态填空: 1.How long _you_ (collect) stamps? For half a year. 2.How long _he _(skate)? Since I _(be) ten years old. 3.When _he _(start) learning to dance? In 2020. 4.We_(run) on the playground since 6 oclock a.m. have has been skating was did start been collecting

12、have been running 1.snow globe 2.monster 3.in fact 4.run out of 5.store 6.particularly 7.anyone 8.by the way 9.hobby 10.penguin 11.a birthday cake 12.collector 雪球 怪物 事实上 用完 储存 特别的 任何人 顺便说 爱好 企鹅 生日蛋糕 收藏者(家) 3a Read the following message. Then draw lines to match the snow globes with their description

13、s. n. 球状物;球体 Dear Jack, Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. I love it. In fact I think its probably my favorite. Ive been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. Theyre all around our apartment. I even store them in boxes under my bed. monster n. 怪物;妖怪 run out of 用完;用尽 store v. 储存 send sb sth = send sth to sb 送给


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