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1、考点强化练3七年级(下册)Unit1Unit4.单项填空。1.(2018云南)I like the two dresses,but I can only afford of them.I suggest you take the white one.A.allB.bothC.neitherD.either答案D解析句意:“我喜欢这两个裙子,但我只能买得起一个。”“我建议你买这个白的。”本题考查代词。all三者或三者以上都;both两者都;neither两者都不;either两者其一。根据句意选D项。导学号567140392.(2018上海改编)Lets go!The show will beg

2、in in minute.A.aB.anC.theD./答案A解析句意:快点!音乐会马上就要开始了。minute以辅音音素开头,前面要用不定冠词a修饰,inaminute马上,立刻。故答案为A项。3.Do you know Zhangjiajie Glass Footbridge?Yes,its built over a canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.A.300-meter-deepB.300-meters-deepC.300 meter deepD.300-meters deep答案A解析中间加连字符号的词相当于一个形容词,其中

3、间的名词不用复数形式。故选A项。4.(2018湖北黄冈改编)Johnny,I hear someone is crying.Go to see what happened!.Im cleaning the windows.A.Just a minuteB.One more timeC.Lets goD.Thats fine答案A解析Justaminute稍等片刻;Onemoretime再来一次;Letsgo我们走吧;Thatsfine太好了。根据语境,可知需稍等片刻,故选A项。5.(2018上海)Sue practises the violin hard and often gives won

4、derful performances.A.playB.playedC.to playD.playing答案D解析practicedoingsth.练习做某事。故选D项。6.(2018江苏连云港) will the project of high-speed railway connecting Xuzhou to Lianyungang be completed?In about two years.A.How longB.How farC.How soonD.How often答案C解析句意:“连接徐州和连云港的高铁项目还有多久完成?”“大约2年后。”howlong多长,主要对做某事用多长

5、时间进行提问;howfar多远,提问两地距离;howsoon过多久,对从现在到将来某个动作发生的这段时间提问,常用于一般将来时态中;howoften多久一次,对频率进行提问,根据“Inabouttwoyears.”(大约2年后),可知问“过多久完成”。故选C项。7.(2018内蒙古包头)Are you watching the football matches of the World Cup these days?Sometimes,and Ill watch the match Japan and Poland tonight.A.againstB.aboutC.throughD.betw

6、een答案D解析句意:“这些天你看世界杯足球赛了吗?”“有时看,我今晚要看日本和波兰之间的比赛。”against反对;about关于;through通过;between在两者之间。根据语境可知是日本和波兰之间的比赛,结合选项,可知D项符合题意。8.(2018山东青岛)More and more people in Qingdao go to work subway now.A.withB.onC.inD.by答案D解析句意:现在越来越多的青岛人乘地铁去上班。“by+交通工具”表示交通方式。故选D项。9.(2018山东青岛)I cant find my mobile phone.Dont wor

7、ry.Maybe you it at home.A.forgotB.missedC.lostD.left答案D解析“把某物忘在某处”用句型“leavesth.+地点”。故选D项。.完形填空。(安徽阜阳第九中学20172018学年九年级第三次月考改编)A man feared his wife wasnt hearing as well as she used to.He thought she might 10 some hearing aids(助听器).Not quite sure how to 11 her,he called the family doctor to discuss t

8、he problem.The doctor told him there was a simple 12 the husband could do to give the doctor a better idea of her hearing loss.“Heres what you can 13,” said the doctor.“Stand about 40 feet away from her,and in a usual conversational 14 tone(音调) to see if she hears you.If not,go to 30 feet,then 20 fe

9、et,and so on until you get a reply.”That evening,the wife was in the kitchen,and he was in the yard.He said to 15,“Im about 40 feet away,and let me see what will happen.” Then in a usual tone he asked,“Honey,whats for dinner?”No reply.16 the husband moved closer to the kitchen,about 30 feet from his

10、 wife and asked,“Honey,whats for dinner?”Still no reply.Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife and repeated,“Honey,whats for dinner?”Again he got no reply.He walked up to the 17 door,about 10 feet away.“Honey,Whats for dinner?” Again there was no reply.So he 18 r

11、ight up behind her.“Honey,whats for dinner?”“19!James,for the fifth time Ive said that.”10.A.needB.mindC.loseD.hate答案A解析由上句可知,一个人担心他的妻子听力不像过去一般好。判断“他认为妻子需要助听器”。故选A项。11.A.askB.tellC.helpD.show答案C解析由上句可知,那个人认为妻子需要助听器。他不知道如何帮助妻子,于是给家庭医生打电话讨论这个事情。故选C项。12.A.storyB.testC.ruleD.dream答案B解析下文叙述了那个人是如何测试妻子的听力


13、braryB.storeC.kitchenD.station答案C解析由上文的“thewifewasinthekitchen”可知,妻子在厨房做饭。故判断他走向厨房门。故选C项。18.A.ranB.stoodC.walkedD.jumped答案C解析由上文可知,那个人一步步走进厨房。walk“步行”。故选C项。19.A.MathB.PianoC.BasketballD.Chicken答案D解析上句那个人询问晚饭吃什么。故判断选D项。导学号56714040.补全对话。(2019原创)W:Hi,Frank.Havent seen you for a long time.20M:Los Angele

14、s.I just came back last weekend.W:Wow,did you go there on a trip or on business?M:Neither.21W:So you must have improved your English a lot.22M:About six months.W:23M:No,I lived with a family.They were very friendly.And I got on well with them.W:24 I hope I can study abroad like you one day.A.Did you

15、 stay in the local school?B.How did you go there?C.I went there to study English.D.Where have you been?E.Whats the matter with you?F.An interesting experience!G.How long did you stay there?答案2024 DCGAF.阅读理解。A(2018湖北恩施)In the 1950s,a female swimming athlete set a goal for herself.She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired.If she could make it,she would be the first person in the world



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