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1、考点强化练20九年级(全一册)Unit11Unit12.单项填空。1.(2018山东东营)Jack,the Maldives(马尔代夫) may because of the rising sea levels.God!We must do something to stop that happening.A.riseB.moveC.growD.disappear答案D解析空格处所在句子句意:由于海平面的上升,马尔代夫有可能会消失。disappear消失。2.(2018甘肃白银)I cant find my English textbook.Is it possible that you it

2、 at home?A.lostB.sawC.leftD.gave答案C解析leave意为“忘了带”。3.(2018四川成都改编)I got up early this morning my grandma at the airport.A.to pick upB.picking upC.picked upD.pick up答案A解析句意:今天早晨我早起去机场接我的奶奶。此处用不定式作目的状语。故选A项。4.(2018河南)Jack is telling everyone he has bought a new car.Pay no attention to him.He is just.A.t

3、aking offB.showing offC.driving offD.setting off答案B解析句意:Jack正在告诉每一个人他已经买了一辆新车。别理他,他只是在炫耀。showoff炫耀。5.Becky out of the door before I could stop her.A.will rushB.had rushedC.has rushedD.was rushing答案B解析句意:Becky在我能阻止她以前已经冲出门去。before引导的句子是一般过去时,主句的动作发生在从句之前,故用过去完成时。因此选B项。6.Scotts aunt was about to turn

4、off her mobile phone it rang.A.unlessB.thoughC.whenD.since答案C解析句意:Scott的姑姑在手机响的时候正要关上它。故选C项。7.Last night the big fire in Sunshine Shopping Mall was started by the children playing with matches.,no one was hurt.A.LuckilyB.SuddenlyC.EasilyD.Sadly答案A解析句意:昨天晚上阳光购物广场的大火是由孩子们玩火柴引发的,幸好,没有人受伤。luckily幸运地;sud

5、denly突然地;easily容易地;sadly悲伤地。依据句中的“nooneishurt”可知,应填“幸运地”。故选A项。8.Look out!The cars are running fast we cant cross the street now.A.too;toB.so;thatC.such;thatD.enough;to答案B解析句意:当心!汽车行驶得太快了,我们现在不能过马路了。动词不定式to后跟动词原形,不能跟句子,“wecantcrossthestreetnow”是一个句子,故首先排除A项和D项;so后跟形容词或副词,such后跟名词,fast为副词形式,故答案为B项。9.B

6、e quiet,Sally,and dont keep such silly questions.A.askingB.to askC.praisingD.to praise答案A解析句意:Sally,安静,不要一直问那么愚蠢的问题。keepdoingsth.一直做某事。故选A项。10.(2018江苏苏州)I spent the whole night preparing my report.Dont stay up too late,or you will be tired out.Remember,.A.it never rains but it poursB.you cant burn t

7、he candle at both endsC.you cant put all your eggs in one basketD.the grass is always greener on the other side答案B解析句意:我花了整整一个晚上准备报告。不要熬夜太晚,否则你会筋疲力尽的。记住,蜡烛不能两头点。A项意为“不鸣则已一鸣惊人”;B项意为“蜡烛不能两头点”或“你不能过度耗费精力”;C项意为“不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上”;D项意为“这山望着那山高”。根据语境可知选B项。.完形填空。(2019预测)A greedy(贪婪的) mouse saw a basket full o

8、f rice.He wanted to eat it.So he made a 11 hole in the basket.He got into the basket through the hole.He ate a lot of rice.He felt 12.He was happy.Now he wanted to 13.He tried to come out through the hole,but he could not.His 14 was big.He tried again.But it was of no 15.The mouse started 16.A rabbi

9、t was passing by.It heard the mouses cry and asked,“Why are you crying?”The mouse explained,“I made a hole and came into the 17.Now I am not able to get out through that hole.”The rabbit said:“It is because you ate too much.18 till your stomach gets small.”The rabbit laughed and went away.The mouse

10、fell asleep in the basket.Next 19 his stomach got small.But the mouse wanted to eat,so he ate and ate.He was full again.He thought,“I will go out tomorrow.”The 20 passed by.He smelt the mouse in the basket and ate the mouse.【主旨大意】本文是寓言故事。文章通过叙述一个贪心的老鼠在米篮子里贪得无厌偷吃大米最终丢失性命的故事告诉人们一个道理:不要贪得无厌。11.A.bigB.s

11、mallC.warmD.comfortable答案B解析big大的;small小的;warm暖和的;comfortable舒服的。由下文的“Hetriedtocomeoutthroughthehole,buthecouldnot.”可知,老鼠吃饱后不能从洞里出去了,故判断洞很小。12.A.fullB.excitedC.upsetD.lonely答案A解析full饱的,满的;excited兴奋的;upset沮丧的;lonely孤独的。由上句可知,老鼠吃了很多米,故判断它吃得很饱。13.A.hung outB.came outC.walked aroundD.gave up答案B解析hangout



14、;morning早晨。由上句可判断,第二天早晨老鼠的肚子变小了。20.A.tigerB.birdC.catD.dog答案C解析tiger老虎;bird鸟;cat猫;dog狗。由下句的“atethemouse”可判断,猫经过这里。导学号56714091.补全对话。(2019预测)A:Hi,Sally.You look very unhappy.Whats wrong?B:Hi,Bob.21A:What happened?B:This morning I got up late.When I got to the bus stop,the bus had left.22A:Oh,you had t

15、o wait for about 20 minutes.B:Yes,and on the way I found that I had left my keys at home.A:23B:Right.And when I got to school,I found my classmates werent at school.They had gone to help clean up the City Park.But I forgot we were going to do that.A:24B:Yes,and I had to stay at school the whole morning.When I had a physics class in the afternoon,I found that I had forgotten to bring my physics homework.A:Thats too bad.25B:O


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