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1、初中英语演讲比赛文稿两篇 Good morning,ladies andgentlemen.I am*ing fromno.105mid-school.It isreally agreat honorto givea speechhere.And mytopic is:*Malaysia AirlinesFlight MH370,with239people aboard,lost contactearly Saturday.Theres stillno exactexplain about the disappearance,there are a lotof newsabout that,w

2、hen isaw thelook ofsadness fromthose relativesof thepassengers,i think about my life.If iwere oneof them,what shouldi do?We neverknow whatwill happennext minute.So theonly thingwe can do istreasure thenow.Id liketo pointout thatwe haveonly onelife,Live in the moment,learn to think notso muchaboutthe

3、past orfuture,but aboutwhat youare goingthrough right now,so weshould startrightnow!As astudent,i muststudy harder.I knowthat insome smallvillages inwest china,lots ofstudents livefar awayfrom school.They go to schoolis difficult.Even thereare riversbetween theirhome andschool insome place.They goon

4、 arope way to crossthe riversto school.Most ofthem dont havemoney togoto school orhave lunch at school.For us,we goto schoolis easy.We cango by bus,by bikeor onfoot.Our homeis notfar fromthe school.Every morningmy mommake deliciousbreakfast for me.I gotoschoolbybusand i can havelunchatschool canteen

5、.I alsohave pocketmoney tobuy thingswhat iwant.As adaughter,i shouldlisten tomy parentsadvice.They letme e to thiscolorful worldand supportme grow up withoutreturn.I usedto thinkmy parentsare verystrict,they dont allowmetowatch TV,listen tomusic,and eatout withmy friends.So ialways arguewith them.Bu

6、t nowi dont thinkso.If theytake theplane whichcrashed,i cant facemylifeanymore.Now ifully understandthem.They loveme.They cookmeals andwash clothesfor meevery day.At theweekend,they oftenprepare someof myfavorite food.Sometimes theymake rulesfor me,its goodforme.Im young,icant seethe trueas clearlya

7、s them,so theygive meadvice andi shouldlisten toit.I amliving andstudying happily.So Ineed domy bestto bea gooddaughter.As afriend,i shouldbe forgiveness.Forgiving someonewho hurtyou is very difficultto do.When Igot upsetat someonefor doingsomething,I couldnever forgivethem.Even ifit wasa pettything

8、,I wouldhold itagainst themfor therest oftheir liveswhich wasnot healthy.After thisevent,I quicklylearned thathumans canmake mistakessometimes.Instead ofholding mistakesagainst themfor life,try toforgive someone.To bee a better person,go throughyour pastand forgivesomeone thatdid somethingto hurtyou

9、.Life isso beautiful,why notenjoy it?Good morning,ladies andgentlemen.I am*ing fromno.105midschool.It isreally agreat honorto givea speechhere.And mytopic is:*Everyone wantsto beea betterperson,but somepeople justdont knowhow.每个人都渴望自己更好,只是有些人并不清楚该怎么做。 At theend ofeach day,I liketothinkwhat I can dot

10、o beea betterperson.Not onlythat,but Ialso wantto dogreat thingsinthefuture.While ithinkaboutgood orbad,I havethe opportunityto grow.一天结束后,我喜欢反思该怎样做才能让自己更好。 不仅如此,我还期望这一生能有所成就。 通过每天反省自己的功与过,我得到了成长。 Growing up,I amnott thenicest kid.I wouldmake funof others,I wasselfish,and Ithought everyoneshould und

11、erstandme.Now Imno longerthe annoyingchild I was becauseI havegrown andlearned whatit meansto bea betterperson.Get alongwell withpeople isthe firststep togrowup.I knowthat ican do better.成长时期,我并不是最棒的那个。 我也会取笑别人,自私地以为别人都该理解我;现在,因为一直尝试做更好的自己,我也不再是那个烦人的小孩了。 Here aresome waysto beebetter.Honest peoplear

12、e hard to eby nowadays.However,honesty isthe mostimportance for any situation.Promise yourselfthat youwont tellany liesforamonth straight.当今社会,诚实的人并不多见。 但诚实却是任何情况下最重要的品质。 请先尝试一个月内不讲一句谎话吧。 Try to be honestby havinggood habits.If yourealiar,no onewill likeyou请试着养成好习惯、学着诚实做人。 如果你撒谎,别人就不会喜欢你。 Everyone h

13、asa specialperson inlife.Plan asurprise forthe oneyou love.If youknow someonewho deservesa nicevacation ora newgift,go buyit forthem.准备一场惊喜给你爱的人。 如果想送某人礼物或跟某人度假,那就拿出行动。 You willhave astrong feelingof satisfactionwhen youmade someonesmile.Do somethingspecial anddifference forsomeone inyour lifeto giv

14、ethem asurprise自己能给他人带来快乐会让你有一种强烈的满足感。 做一件不寻常的事,给生命中心爱的人带去惊喜吧!Keeping anopen mindand tryingthings thatyou wouldnot dois avery easywaytobeea betterperson.Take arisk andchallenge yourselfto trysomething youhave alwaysbeen afraidto do.敞开心怀去尝试自己一般不会去做的事情有助于成为更好的人。 冒一次险,挑战自己,尝试去做一直害怕的事情吧。 Iwasafraid ofro

15、ller coasters.However,at lasti triedit andi couldnever forgetthat feeling.That oneexperience hasled meto trymany othernew things.After that i knowthaticandobetter.成长时期我很害怕坐过山车,还是尝试了一下,结果记忆深刻。 这个经验使我勇于尝试其他更多的新鲜事情。 Everyone wanttobeabetterperson,The problemis,itsveryhardtodo,it takesa lotof work,When youdiscover howmuch youhave reallygot,you maysurprise evenyourself.So ialways trustmyself andsay tomyself“Icandobetter.”当你发现你真正能获取的,你会发现自己都感到不可思议。 内容仅供参考



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