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2、招呼,问候(n):greeting4:发动机,引擎(n):engine工程师(n):engineer例句:我的理想是成为一名工程师。My ambition is to be an engineer5:拥有(v):own拥有者(n):owner例句:杰克拥有一辆汽车。Jack owns a car例句:他是这辆车的拥有者。He is the owner of the car6:物理(n):physics物理的(adj):physical短语:物理的变化。a physical change短语:体育(全称)。physical education短语:物理老师。physics teacher短语:教

3、我们物理。teach us physics7:签名(v):sign签名(n):signature8:n(变成adj):加y变adj(变adj)rain-rainy(变adj)sun-sunny(变adj)cloud-cloudy(变adj)wind-windy(变adj)snow-snowy(变adj)fog-foggy(变adj)friend-friendly(变adj)love-lovely9:可能的(adj):probable可能,大概(adv):probably可能的(adj):possible可能,大概(adv):possiblyadj-adv(第一种方法):直接加lyadj-adv


5、trength宽的(adj):wide宽度(n):widthU1P21:喜欢做某事(3个动词):like/love/enjoy doing sth变成doing形式(第一点):加ing变成doing形式(第二点):去不发音e加ing变成doing形式(第三点):(辅元辅)双写结尾字母加ing(变doing)ski-skiing(变doing)dance-dancing(变doing)write-writing(变doing)swim-swimming(变doing)run-runing(变doing)shop-shopping2:喜欢做某事(第一种形式):be keen on喜欢做某事(第二种

6、形式):be interested in doing sth喜欢做某事(第三种形式):be fond of3:想要做某事(would形式):would like to do sth想要做某事(want形式):want to do sth/would为情态动词,可以直接加not,构成否定wouldnt/want有人称和时态变化,would没有例句:kitty不想成为一名教师(would形式):kitty would not like to be a teacher例句:kitty不想成为一名教师(want形式):kitty doesnt want to be a teacher4:我的爱好是做某

7、事:my hobby is doing sth做某事是我的爱好:doing sth is my hobby主语+is+to do sth我的爱好是做某事(todo)。my hobby is to do sth我的志向是做某事(todo)。my ambition is to do sth我的职业是做某事(todo)。my job is to do sth我的期望是做某事(todo)。my wish is to do sth例句:我的爱好是下国际象棋。My hobby is to play chess5:送信件和包裹。deliver letters and parcels例句:一个邮递员的职业是送

8、信件和包裹。A postmans job is to deliver letters and parcels6:拥有(v)(两种):own = have短语:谁拥有什么。ones own sth短语:独自(两种)。on ones own = by oneself7:对某人友善(两种)。be friendly to sb = be kind to sb8:短语:叫.+名字:call sb +名称例句:叫我Jon:call me Jon打电话给某人(第一种形式):call sb打电话给某人(第一种形式):phone sb打电话给某人(第一种形式):ring sb被叫作:sb called +名称例

9、句:一个被叫做Jon的男孩。A boy called Jon短语:号召某人做某事。call on sb to do sth例句:我们新班级的老师总是号召我们为了更好的将来而更努力地学习。Our new class teacher always calls on us to work harder for a better future9:返回(两种):come back = return10:play后加(第一种形式):play +球类运动play后加(第二种形式):play chessplay后加(第三种形式):play +the +乐器钢琴:piano小提琴:violin吉他:guitar

10、11:在上学:at school在工作:at work在读大学:at university12:希望做某事:hope to do sth希望某人将/能做某事:hope (that) sb will/can do sth例句:我希望你将尽快给我写信。I hope you will write to me soon.13:告诉某人关于某人/某物:tell sb about sb / sth例句:告诉我父母关于我的校园生活。Tell my parents my school life14:与某人共用/分享某物。share sth with sb例句:与我们分享幸福。Share happiness w

11、ith us15:写信给某人:write (a letter) to sb收到某人来信(两种):receive/get a letter from sb = hear from sb16:在.期间(prep):during短语:在暑假期间。during summer holidays短语:在我停留在上海期间。during my stay in Shanghai17:可能,大概(adv)(两种)(用于句首):maybe = perhaps/maybe和perhaps常用于句首可能,大概(adv)(两种)(用于句中):probably = possibly/probably和possibly常用于

12、句中例句:kitty可能成为一名医生(maybe)。Maybe kitty will be a doctor例句:kitty可能成为一名医生(possibly)。Kitty will possibly be a doctor18:在.中间:in the middle of在.中心:in the centre of在.东边:in the east of在.西边:in the west of在.南边:in the south of在.北边:in the north of在.右边:on the right of在.左边:on the left of在.(外部)的前面:in front of在.(内部

13、)的前面:in the front of例句:教室前面有很多树。There are many trees in front of the classroom例句:教室里的前面有一个讲台。There is a teaching desk in the front of the classroom19:离.近(两种):be close to = near附近的(adj):nearby附近的(adv):nearby例句:我妈妈在附近的一所学校工作。My mum works in a nearby school例句:我妈妈工作在一所学校附近。My mun works in a school nearb

14、y20:从A到B:from A to B/从A到B:AB为人,AB为地点,用How far提问。AB为时间,用How long提问21:德国人:German德国人(复数):Germans短语:说德语。speak German22:想到:think of例句:春天令你想到了什么?What does spring make you think of?考虑做某事(两种):think about doing sth = consider doing sth例句:Kitty考虑出国去进修(过去时)。Kitty thought about going abroad for further studyfar

15、的第一种表示距离的比较级:fartherfar的第二种表示程度的比较级:further短语:进修,深造:further study仔细考虑:think (it) over例句:请仔细考虑,然后告诉我你的最终结果。Please think it over and tell me your final decision23:遍及全世界(两种):all over the world = throughout the world24:来自(两种):be from = come from例句:Kitty来自德国。Kitty comes from Germany25:在工作日:on weekdays在周末(两种介词):on/at weekends26:短语:某人最喜欢的某物:


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