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1、 5Anbsp;第九单元教案设计知识与能力目标:1.能听、说、读、写词汇::sun, moon, Art, teach, fly, fly a kite.2.能了解、识别关于形状类词汇:square ,rectangle, circle ,star3.能听、说、读、写句型: What shape is the ? Its a /an4.学生能理解、朗读、表演A板块对话 过程与方法目标:通过a bag来做引线,串联教学新生词和形状词汇,歌曲、简笔画、剪纸等形式来学习新知识,通过true or false来帮助学生理解课文的同时培养学生阅读理解能力。补充小故事来培养学生的语言运用能力情感态度与价值

2、观目标:通过让学生表演、展示成果来调动学生积极的情感因素;学生通过唱、演、动手做等途径来提高对学习的热爱并且增进学生之间的友谊。A板块的教学内容是结合B板块中对图形的认识而设计的真实语言情境,通过Miss Li 带领学生上一节美术课来展开,学生通过运用句型What shape is the ? Its a /an讨论身边事物的形状,让学生在学习的过程中不仅改变了对英语课堂单一的认识,还学会运用所学知识并展示自己的学习成果。语言知识方:在平时其他学科中学生对几种形状有了一定的了解,并对物体的形状仍保持感兴趣的状态,对歌曲 Twinkle twinkle little star 的旋律耳熟能详,所

3、以演唱教学比较轻松。学习习惯方面: 五年级的学生经过两年多的英语学习,已经有了一定的听、说、读、写的能力,已基本具备良好的学习习惯。学生缺乏对本课时知识点的认知,对本课时的语言环境的陌生,对较长的语篇缺乏阅读信心。本课时中词汇和四会句型对学生而言并不难掌握,但是课文中句子较长, 在针对A板块的理解上要运用多种方法来培养学生的阅读理解能力。重点:1.能听、说、读、写词句:sun, moon, Art, teach, fly, fly a kite.What shape is the ? Its a /an2.能理解、朗读、表演A版块对话难点:1.学生能听、说、读、写词及词组::sun, moon

4、, Art, teach, fly, fly a kite.2.学生能四会句型: What shape is the ? Its a /an1.结合美术简笔画和剪纸手法来教学新词汇和句型,让难点简易化。2.运用PPT课件让课堂设计更直观、清晰。3.利用改编歌词串唱的方式帮助学生记忆句型。4.让学生讨论图画构成的手段来培养学生综合语言运用的能力。Ss: Hello, Miss Chen.T: Its a fine day today, isnt it? Ss: Yes , it is .T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine. And you ?T: Im fine

5、too.T: Boys and girls. Look, I have a new bag. Ss: How nice!T: Thank you. Guess, whats in my bag? Ss: Theres / There are T: No, theres a songbook. Lets sing a song, OK? Ss: OK! Twinkle twinkle little star 1.PPT展示歌曲画面T: Look, can you see anything else in the sky? Ss: 月亮T: Good. The moon is in the sky

6、 ( Read: the moon) What shape is the moon? (PPT 展示句型)Ss: Its a circle. (引导回答) 带读词汇和句型 T: Can you draw a circle? Ss: Yes, I can.T: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. Ss: All right.引领学生画出圆形的月亮T: Look, the moon is a circle.(带读The moon is a circle.)Boys and girls, Which thing is a circle,

7、too?For example :“My orange is a circle .”(学生举例)2. T: OK. Look at the blackboard .Is this the moon?(用简笔画在圆形的月亮上加几笔变成太阳) Ss: No, it isnt.T: Yes, this is the sun .What shape is the sun? Ss: Its a circle.T: Great! The sun is a circle , too .(带读词汇和句子) 3.T: Whats in my bag? Guess again. S: Theres / There

8、 are T: Look, I have a piece of paper. What shape is it? Ss: 长方形4.T: Yes. Its a rectangle.(Read one by one) (教师运用剪纸法,把长方形剪成正方形) Is it a rectangle now?Ss: No.是正方形T: Great. Its a square .( (Read one by one) (教师运用剪纸法,把正方形剪成圆形)Now, what shape is it ?Ss: Its a circle.5.T: Theres a rectangle paper .XXX, C

9、an you make a square?S: Yes, I can.T: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. S: OK.T: Now .XX, Can you make a circle? S: Yes, I can.T: Come to the blackboard and show us to do it. S: OK.6.PPT呈现句子Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.(带读句子,注意朗读时意群不要分离)PPT呈现操练图片Boys and girls, use

10、these sentences to practice with your friend.A: XXX , Can you ? B: Yes , I can .A: Come to the blackboard and show us to do it .B: OK / All right / Yes / Look.T: So great ! Boys and girls , are you tired ? Lets have a rest .Sing a song after me .改编歌词唱歌What shape, what shape is the sun?Circle, circle

11、, its a circle.Can you draw a circle?Yes, I can. Look at me.Show us how to do it.OK. OK. In this way.1. T: Boys and girls . Do you like watch cartoons? Lets look at the cartoon and guess How many shapes in the Part A?(通过看短片找出几种形状)T: They are circles, rectangles and squares. Boys and girls .Look at t

12、he picture. How many rectangles are there on the blackboard?S: There is one.T: Great. What is it?S: Its a bag. T: All right. The boy has a rectangle bag.Whats the boy doing?S: Hes flying a kite.T: Good .Fly a kite means 放风筝.(Read after the teacher)How many circles can you see?S: I can see six.2. Now

13、. Lets watch the cartoon again and choose True (T) or False (F)( )1. They are having an music lesson.( )2. The boys bag is a square too.( )3. The boy is flying a kite.( )4. Liu Tao can draw a circle.在核对答案的同时教学词组 an Art lesson 3. Read after the tape 4. 角色扮演朗读Step 1用反义疑问句询问天气和学生状况,让学生在课堂伊始就有新鲜感,带领学生进入轻松、愉快的学习氛围。Step 2创设情境,通过教师出示的一个新包引出歌曲,不仅新颖而且复习了Theres / There are 句型。Step 3通过展示歌曲美丽的画面引入对形状的教学,使教学生词部分不再突兀、生硬。在教学词汇的过程中穿插句型的训练,做到词不离句。结合美术学科的优势。用简笔画和剪纸的方式来直观教学新词汇和句型。既能突出重点又能突破难点,将句型教学融入适当的游戏设计中,让学生变机械操练为主动接受。


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