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1、 2013年PEP五年级英语上册全册教案 Unit 4 Part ALets learn 1.词汇(要求四会)sweep the floor cook the meal / / / / / / / / water the flowers empty the trash / / / / / / / /clean the bedroom helpful/ / / / / /helpful -_ (名词/动词)ful 是形容词后缀,类似的词有:hope-hopeful thank- _ 2.重要句型:1. .can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。变一般疑问句时将can放在句首,变否定

2、句在can后加not,即cant。Eg: He can sweep the floor.(T) He cans sweep the floor (F) He can sweeps the floor. (F)我会扫地:I _ _ _ _ 她会倒垃圾:She _ _ _ _2.变一般疑问句时将can放在句首,肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ do/否定回答:No, 主语+ dont.变否定句在can后加not,即cant。Eg: He can count insects .(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ ?肯定回答:_They can clean the livingroom. (改为否定句)_ _

3、 clean the livingroom练习:(1)I can (do) the dishes.(2) He can (play)football.(3) We can cook the meals.(改一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ (4) She can water the flowers.(改否定句)_ Lets talk一、知识要点:1. 短语:在家 _2. 你在家能干吗?(翻译)_他的弟弟在家能干吗?(翻译)_3.课文链接:I can cook the mealsmeals是名词,意为“ 一餐”。Eg: We _ three _ a day .我们一日吃三餐。 二、重要句型:询问某人

4、会做什么?What can + 主语 + do ?Eg: 你在家会做什么?_ _ you _ at home ?练习:1.His brother can cook the meal (划线提问)_2. My friend can water the flowers ( 划线提问)_3.你的表弟会做什么?(翻译)_Read and write1.词汇ill just/ / / /ill 的名词:_2. 知识要点ill 与 sickill只作表语,而sick 既可作表语也可作定语Eg: He is _/ _ 他生病了 I smell a _ smell . 我闻到了一股令人恶心的气味4.操练有关c

5、an的句型 Unit 4 Part BLets learn1词汇wash the clothes set the table/ / / / / / / /make the bed do the dishes/ / / / / /put away the clothes do housework/ / / / / /Lets talk1.知识要点:would like意为 “想要”,等于want ,没有人称和数的变化,后接名词或动词不定式。Id like = I _ _Eg: 我想要去上学Id like _ _ _ _ 你想喝杯茶吗?_ _ _ a cup of tea ?注意:Would yo

6、u like?句型虽是疑问结构,但因表示委婉的建议或请求,故常用some 表示“一些”,而不用any.如:Id like some apples.(改一般疑问句) ._ _ _ _ apples ? 练习:(1)Id like _ _ _ _.(整 理床铺)(2)Hed like _ _ _ _(倒垃圾)(3)Id like some juice .(改为一般疑问句)_(4)We would like to do the dishes.(改为一般疑问句)_2.have a try 试一试eg: They would like _ _ _ _3.复习can 的用法(肯定句和一般疑问句)Read

7、and write 1.知识要点:sorry 与 excuse me 都表示歉意,但用法不同。sorry常用于某种过失而给他人造成麻烦。Sorry,I broke your pen.excuse me 常用于客气地打断某人的话,或请求他人帮助时。_. Where is the post office ?2.复习句型:询问某人会做什么?What can + 主语 + do ?Pronunciation1.掌握元音:2.掌握辅音:练习:找出与其他三个单词发音不一样的单词。(1).A. play B. place C. pray D. plate ( )(2).A tall B. fork C. h

8、all D. small ( )(3).A. horse B. doctor C. storm D. short ( )(4).A.pride B.plane C.pretty D.prince ( )Good to know1词汇(会读与认)remember switch gas pick / / / / / / / /battery rinse detergent separare/ / / / / / / /熟读句子Storytime 1词汇tasty throw silly/ / / / / /课文链接: Here comes my tasty food.以here 开头得倒装句(1)

9、在倒装句中当主语为名词时,谓语要放在主语之前。EG: The teacher comes here. 老师来了Here _ the teacher(2) 当主语为人称代词时,主语与谓语位置不变Eg : He comes here.他来了Here he _ 拨通教育2013年秋季PEP小 小学英语五年级内部讲义 Unit 5 Part ALets learn 1.词汇(要求四会)curtain closet mirror / / / / / /bin end table air-conditioner/ / / / / / / /trash bin/ / /2.重要句型(一) 课文链接:Is t

10、his your bedroom ? 这是你的卧室吗?Be 动词的一般疑问句,用来询问别人对所述问题得证实情况。回答时用:Yes, 主语+be 动词 No, 主语 + be 动词Eg: Im a student._ _ a student ?Yes, _ _练习 :把下面句子改为一般疑问句(1)They are good teachers_ _ _ _ ?Yes,_ _(2)He is a doctor._ _ _ _ ?No, _ _(二) look at “看”look 是不及物动词,它的后面不能直接跟宾语,如果要接宾语必须加上介词at_ _ that man 看那个人Look _ the

11、 blackboard. 看黑板Lets play1.词汇room/ /room 还可以作“空间”,此时的room 是不可数名词eg: There are three _ (room) in my family There isnt any _ (room) in the car.2.知识要点课文连接:In my room I have a trash bin, a mirror and an air-conditioner.“have” 表示“某人(物)拥有”当主语是第三人称单数时,我们要用“_”Eg: I _ a car. 我有一辆小汽车He _ a hat 他有一顶帽子练习:用词的适当形

12、式填空(1)They _ ( have) some new friends(2)I _ ( have) a beautiful room.(3)Her room _ ( have) a big closet and a new mirror.(4)He _ ( have ) some books.Lets talk 1.词汇 own/ /own 用作定语, 构成“物主代词+own +名词”的结构eg: my own house 我自己的房子练习: (1)_ (he) own book(2) _ (we) own room(3) _ (they) own hats2.重要句型:(1)Whats


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