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1、Unit SevenReading and ReflectionEnhance Your Language Awareness Words in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. Answers:1) immediate 2) essential 3) d

2、ebating 4) cited 5) hence 6) obligation7) distinct 8) logical 9) vital 10) revolution 11) unburden 12) privilege2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) attend to 2) be carried away 3) fell

3、into 4) broken off 5) were summoned up 6) be put in touch with Increasing Your Word Power1 You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on the differences in usage between the words in each group and fill in each blank with a proper one. Change th

4、e form if necessary. Answers: 1) charge 2) accused3) abolish 4) cancel 5) senseless 6) meaningless7) frustrating8) depressing9) extra 10) additional 11) classical; classic 12) classic2 The suffixes th and age can form nouns from corresponding verbs or adjectives. Now add th or -age to the verbs or a

5、djectives given in the table to form nouns. Answers: AdjectivesNounsVerbsNounsdeepdepthlinklinkageshortshortagemarrymarriagelonglengthpasspassagetruetruthgrowgrowthyoungyouthstorestorage Now complete each of the following sentences with a noun you have just formed. Answers: 1) marriage2) growth 3) s

6、torage 4) depth 5) truth6) youth 7) passage8) length 9) shortage 10) linkage3 In each of the following sentences you are given two confusing words in the brackets. Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. Answers:1) rarely 2) average 3) entire 4) benefit 5) obligation6) regard 7) selective 8

7、) meatGrammar in contextDiscourse structureConnective words or phrases can be used to point out the thought relationship between sentences. Now choose proper connective words and expressions from the boxes below to fill in the blanks in the following two paragraphs. Answers:Paragraph 1:1) First 2) S

8、econd 3)Instead 4) Third5) In contrast6) Fourth 7) Consequently 8) Finally 9) ButParagraph 2:1) For example2) Similarly3) Another 4) First5) then 6) finally 7) Furthermore8) In like mannerClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given. Answe

9、rs:1) compare 2) understand 3) limited 4) acquaintances 5) enters 6) touch 7) special 8) poet 9) object 10) forces 11) cultivate 12) depends 13) consisting 14) contribution 15) intellectualTranslation 1 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets

10、. Answers for reference:1) Under the circumstances of promoting a socialist market economy in China, it is essential to strengthen the management of accounting information quality.2) Professor Lin told students stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest.3) Peop

11、le living in the desert area dont have enough water to drink, let alone using water to irrigate the land.4) Dr. Wang has the habit of making notes in the margins while reading a book.5) It is interesting that with the passage of time, some words which have fallen into disuse may sometimes be revived

12、 with a new meaning.6) There seemed no chance of reaching an agreement, therefore both parties / sidesdecided to break off negotiations.7) College students should be brave enough to face and overcome with confidence all the obstacles and difficulties they meet with in their lives.8) The sanitary con

13、ditions in this area have deteriorated to such an extent that there is widespread danger of diseases.9) Extensive investigations and interviews put Miss Smith in touch with a whole range of the people of that country and their life styles.10) It is true that weve made some progress in our work but w

14、e must take care not to be carried away by our achievements.2. Translate the following passage into English. Answers for reference:Lin Yutang was a famous man of letters in modern China. In his The Art of Reading, he tells us that reading gives a man a certain charm and flavor and only those who rea

15、d with this object in mind can understand what is meant by the art of reading. When one begins to think of improving his mind, all the pleasure of reading is gone.Lin Yutang holds that there are no books that one absolutely must read. Even if there is a certain book that everyone must read, there is a given time for it. When ones thoughts and experience have not reached a certain point for reading a classic, the


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