译林版六年级英语上册第一单元The king's new clothes课件

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《译林版六年级英语上册第一单元The king's new clothes课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版六年级英语上册第一单元The king's new clothes课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Sound time Culture time Cartoon time Try to tell Each student says one passage 1 43 2 Q1 How many people tell the story Q2 Who ends the story Watch and answer Sa m Bobby Willy Billy Watch and answer tell的过去式 苦思冥想 必 须 Read the story Try to act Try to tell 6人一组 给这个 故事一个更有趣的结尾 或自编一个新故事 Tips 每人只能说一 句 不

2、能重复哦 Listen and answer 1 When did Mike get the card 2 What did the card say Try to read This afternoon I got a card From my good friend Mark It said Come to my party At half past four in the park Try to read far jar dark farm lark yard shark sharp 远的 黑暗的 罐子 院子 场地 云雀 百灵鸟 锋利的 鲨鱼 农场 Try to know America

3、n cowboyScottish man 美国牛仔苏格兰人 Try to know This is an American cowboy He s wearing jeans This is Scottish man He s wearing a kilt 苏格兰短 裙 Try to know Try to know This is a Chinese woman She s wearing chi pao Try to know They are Korean family They re wearing hanbok Try to know This is a Japanese woman She s wearing kimono Try to know Each country has their special national costume 各国都有各自的民族服装文化 1 搜索各国民族服装 了解各国服装文化 2 诵读Sound time 进一步了解 ar 字母组合在单词 中的发音 3 进一步完善Cartoon time的小故事 并把它写下来 Homework


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