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1、高一英语单词(模块一)过关检测1. Our country has _great changes in the last thirty years.(经历)2. No girl who _herself would be dressed like that for the important meeting.(尊敬)3. The great inventor was given a prize for his scientific _.(成就)4. He had an _ time when he studied in Britain. (enjoy)5. He thought it bett

2、er to begin our work _(立刻,马上)6. We often study Shakespeares plays in our _ class.(文学)7. She accepted her friends _to swim across the lake.(挑战)8. I am sure Mr. White needs no _.(introduce)9. After graduation I c_ to devote myself to doing this research.10. All the members are r_ to attend the meeting

3、.11. He _to me for stepping on my foot.(道歉)12. We are _nuclear weapons to do away with nuclear weapons.(发展)13. Missing the flight m_ waiting another 3 hours.14. Their grades are well above _. (平均)15. She is d_to be thin, so she takes a lot of weight-loss pills. 16. Upon _the homework, he went out to

4、 play.(完成)17. I _to say that the job has been filled.(遗憾) 18. I like cats while she _pandas.(更喜欢)19. A_ $150 million is to be spent on improvements.20. After _from university, he went to China to study music.(毕业)21. Peter felt upset because he had an a_ with his parents. 22. The government has an in

5、terest in importing (进口)scientific e_.23. He _me that our class teacher asked me to go to the office.(通知)24. You must have the idea _by your teacher and then go home.(通过,同意)25. Are you _of the result?(有信心的)26. I was u_ at first, but soon I stopped worrying.27. When you write, you must make it clear

6、and _ as soon as possible.(吸引人的)28. We should make _after thinking twice.(decide)29. I have moved into a flat where a G_ professor has lived for 3 years.(德国)30. All the students are making _ for the word test.(prepare)31. An a_ is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose. 32. The

7、 football match was b_ live across the world.33. No one goes to the school during the v_.34. Will you be p_ by your parents if you cant get well-prepared for the coming English test? 35.A dictionary _(解释)the meaning of each word.36. I have taken c_ of your class tomorrow so you must do well as I tel

8、l you.37. The car accident was not the drivers f _as there was a man suddenly running across the road. 38.This kind of film is suitable( 适合的 ) for both children and a_.39. The room was a m_ after the party.40. Please take the g _or rubbish with you when leaving the theatre.41. The first s_ in the se

9、cond act contains a very long speech.42. I failed the test, so I am so u_ now.43. Their _ standards are high.(学术的)44Professor Wang often gives some good a _on how to learn English well.45. He was to change dramatically during his _. (青春期)46. The policeman followed the person whose _(行为 )was so stran

10、ge for a while and then caught him. 47. This kind of pop music is popular with the _( 青少年 ).48. I realize there is probably an _ for why the house is so dirty. ( 解释 )49. I think that you should accept the plan without _(争辩). 50. Children are _(禁止) to smoke.51. It is known that poor housing significa

11、ntly a_ educational achievement. 52. He wastes so much of his valuable time_(聊天)on line.53. .He told me not to buy it, but I bought it a_. 54. I want to do things that _me(感兴趣). 55. Im allowing him his_(自由).56.Every pupil is _ to be in his classroom at 9 a.m. (应该)57. I got one of the top_(得分)in the

12、class.58. The film r_ him of what he had seen in Paris. 59. The branch b_but didnt break when the boy climbed along it.60.You werent _(应该,应当)to come home until tomorrow.61. I cant w_ to know the result of the exam. 62.Miss Xu _up(混淆,弄乱)my results with someone elses yesterday.63. What f_ it is to swi

13、m in such hot weather!64 S_slim means everything to him.65His father is very short,which he often feels _(害羞的)of.66Zhou Jieluns songs are _(受欢迎的)among young people.67I _(后悔)telling him the secret. 68Every woman wants a slim _ (体型).69He was r_ from the serious illness,which made his parents very happ

14、y.70Teenagers may want to be part of the group, yet d_independence. 71 The audience wouldnt stop talking, and the speaker began to feel a_.72I studied English very hard last year; h_, I didnt make any progress.73You must wear gloves when handling any of these c _. 74He did not put any p_on her to take the job. 75Do you want to


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