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1、Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?单词和短语:1. not at all 一点也不2. turn down 把调低;关小3. yard j:d n.院子4. right away 立刻;马上5. in a minute 马上6. task t:sk n.任务;工作;作业7. poster pust n.海报8. make posters 制作海报9. waitress wetrs n.女服务生10. brought br:t v.bring的过去式11. solution slu:n n.解答、解决办法12. line n.排;队;列13

2、. wait in line 排队等候14. cut in line 插队15. join the line 排队16. annoy ni v.使恼怒,使生气17. annoyed nd adj.恼怒的,生气的18. polite plait adj.有礼貌的;客气的19. be polite to sb. 对某人有礼貌20. perhaps phps adv.或许;大概21. door n.门22. hasnt = has not23. term t:m n.术语24. etiquette etket n.礼节25. normal n:ml adj.正常的;正规的26. behavior b

3、hevj n.行为;举止;表现27. at first 首先28. Asian en, en亚洲的;亚洲人的29. uncomfortable nkmftbl 不舒服的30. impolite mplat无理的;粗鲁的31. allow lau v.允许; 准许32. keep down 控制;抑制33. voice vis n.声音34. public pblik n.公众35. in public places 在公共场所36. take care 当心;小心37. cough kf v.咳嗽38. sneeze sni:z 打喷嚏39. break breik v.打破,违背40. br

4、eak the rule 违反规则41. politely platl adv.客气地;斯文地42. smoke smuk v.抽烟;吸烟43. put out 扑灭、熄灭(火)、关灯44. cigarette siret n.香烟45. criticize kritisaiz v.批判46. careful kful adj.当心;小心47. drop drp v.落下;掉下48. litter lit n.垃圾49. pick pik v.采;摘;挑选50. pick up 捡起51. behave biheiv v.举止;表现52. at a meeting 在开会53. leave a

5、 note 留便条54. go shopping 购物55. make dinner 做饭56. have a long conversation 长谈57. follow sb. around 到处跟着某人58. happen to sb. (某事)发生在某人身上59. a bit late 有点儿晚60. wait for 等待61. close to sb. 接近某人62. even if 即使63. try not to do sth. 尽量不做某事64. take care not to do sth. 当心不要做某事句子:1. Would you mind turning down

6、 the music? 你把音乐调低好吗?- Im sorry, Ill do it right away. 对不起,我马上就做。/ - OK, Ill do it in a minute. 好的,我立刻去做。2. When I finish, could you help me with my homework? 当我做完时,你能帮我做作业吗?3. Could you please feed the dog? 请你喂一下狗好吗?4. The pen you bought didnt work. 你买的那支钢笔不能用。5. I ordered a hamburger with French f

7、ries, but I only got a hamburger. 我点了一个带有炸薯条的汉堡包,却只得到一个汉堡包。6. I dont like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. 我不喜欢在排队时,售货员却在讲电话。7. Could you please not follow me? 请你别围着我转,好吗?8. If that happens, I wont go back to that store again. 如果那种事再发生,我就在也不去那家商店了。9. I get ann

8、oyed when someone talks to me while Im reading. 当我看书时,若有人跟我讲话我会生气。10. This happens to me all the time in the school library. 在学校图书馆,这种事总是发生在我身上。11. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite. 或许在将来我应该试着不对他们那么礼貌。12. I ordered my food half an hour ago and it hasnt arrived yet. 我半小时之前点了菜,现在

9、都还没送来。13. Would you mind keeping your voice down? 你介意低声说话吗?14. Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation. 礼节并不是在每一种文化或场合都相同。15. There are other places where talking loudly is not allowed. 有不允许大声讲话的其他场合。16. Even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice down

10、 in public places. 即使你和你的朋友在一起,在公共场合最好还是小声点。17. In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public. 事实上,我们也应该小心不要在公共场所大声咳嗽或打喷嚏。18. If wee see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may politely give them suggestions. 如果我们看到有人违反礼仪规则,我们也许应该礼貌地向他们提出建议。19. For example, droppi

11、ng litter is almost never allowed. 例如乱丢垃圾几乎不被允许。句子练习:1. 你能不能不在这里抽烟(smoke)? 2. 请你把椅子移开好不好? 3. 你介意照顾一下我的妹妹吗? 4. 你介意我把窗户打开吗? 5. 你介意我在你家做作业吗? 6. 你和我一起逛街好不好? 7. 你介意帮我留张纸条吗? 8. 你介意他在这里大声唱歌吗? 单元总结Would you mind? 的用法:1. 含义:这是礼貌地提出要求或请求的重要句型,其意思为“你介意吗?”或“请好不好?”2. 用法:1) Would you mind doing sth. ? 其中mind后接动词时

12、,要用-ing形式。Eg. would you mind moving the desk? 请你把桌子移开好吗?2) Would you mind not doing sth. 在mind 后直接加not,表示请求对方不要做某事。Eg. Would you mind not playing basketball here? 你能不能不在这打篮球?3) Would you mind ones doing sth. 表示请求对方允许某人做某事。Eg. Would you mind my turning up the music? 你介意我吧音乐声调大吗?4) 肯定回答:同意(不介意)对方做某事常用

13、的回答:No, not at all./ Certainly not./ No, please. / Of course not.5) 否定回答:不同意(介意)对方做某事常用的回答:Sorry, but I do./ Yes, youd better not.3. 拓展:1) Would you mind doing sth. ? 的另一种说法是Do you mind doing sth. ? 但是前者比较客气和委婉。2) 表示有礼貌地向别人提出请求,还可以用句型Could / Would you please do sth. ? 意为“你能吗?;请你好吗?”Eg. Could you please help me carry the heavy bag? 你能帮我提这个重包吗?



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