新课堂英语选修八北师大课件:Unit 22-2

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1、Period Two Lesson 2 Endangered Species 单词自测 1 n 陆 龟 2 n 大陆 3 n 钩子 钩 4 vt 依法没收 用武力 夺取 5 n 代表 短语自测 1 除 以外 2 对已产生的不良后果 负责任 3 就 而言 4 要求结束 5 否则 不然 6 结束 7 代表 8 永远 9 掠去 夺走 10 总的来说 1 we need to call for an end to illegal hunting and improve our conservation programmes or else face a future without tigers 为了

2、拯救这些可爱的动物 我们需呼吁停止 非法捕猎 改善我们的保护措施 否则我们将 面对没有老虎的未来 2 Well all in all if we help protect these animals and spread the news about conservation 嗯 总的来说 如果我们帮助保护这些动物 并且传播动物保护的信息 我们将会尽一份 力量 Every year police seize bags of tiger parts and arrest illegal hunters but sadly many never get caught 警方每年都会缴获大量的虎制品

3、逮捕非法的狩 猎者 但不幸的是 很多未被抓到 1 The policeman the arm 警察抓住了小偷的胳膊 2 He a slight attack of fever yesterday 昨天他有一点儿发烧 3 Don t hesitate and that comes along 不要犹豫 抓住先机 即时跟踪 1 写出下列句中seize的含义 The enemy seized the city after a violent attack I can t quite seize what you said just now If you don t pay your debt you

4、r property will be seized The child was seized with an illness last night 2 单句语法填空 He seized her the arm asking for money On a dark night they took the enemy by surprise and seize the town 1 Apart from the few found in zoos pandas live only in the central bamboo forests of mainland China 除了在动物园里看到的几

5、只熊猫外 熊猫仅仅 生活在中国内地中部的竹林中 归纳拓展 1 apart from 既有 except except for 的含义 也有 besides 的含义 2 except 相当于 but 意为 除了 排除 在外 3 besides 相当于 in addition to 意为 除了 之外还有 包括 在内 1 the price we also need to think about where it is situated when buying a house 买房子时 除了价格外 我们还要考虑房子 的位置 2 Your composition is well done a few

6、spelling mistakes 除了几处拼写错误外 你的作文写得不错 名师指津 表示 除 之外 此外 的短语还有 as well as in addition to other than aside from等 2 完成句子 所有的事情对于野餐来说都非常完美 除 了天突然下雨之外 Everything was perfect for the picnic it rained suddenly 2 Hunters in general have a lot to answer for in terms of endangered animals 就濒危动物而言 猎人通常应付许多责任 归纳拓展

7、 answer for 对已产生的不良后果 负责任 in answer to sth as a reply 作为回应 answer sb back 反驳 回嘴 顶嘴 还口 answer to sb for sth 向某人 为某事 负责 对某人承担 某事的 责任 1 You ll have to your violent behaviour in court 你得对自己在法庭上的暴力行为承担责任 2 The doctor came at once my phone call 医生一接到我的电话立刻就来了 即时跟踪 1 用适当的介 副词填空 The government has a lot to

8、answer the rising house prices I ll answer the truth of what he has said We should not answer when criticized by our parents 2 完成句子 所有这一切都是要偿还的 All these things are to be 他老师责骂 他时 他顶撞了她 他 When his teacher scolded him he 1 The public are air pollution 公众呼吁结束空气污染 2 The meeting finally after a long tim

9、e of discussion 长时间 的讨论之后 会议终于结束了 即时跟踪 1 用适当的介词填空 Love begins with a smile grows with a kiss and ends tears People call an end to the war in this area His depression comes an end when she kisses him 2 完成句子 我们本月要透支 We can t this month 4 We need to speak out on their behalf before they disappear for g

10、ood 在它们永远消失之前 我们需要代表它们公开 站出来说出心声 归纳拓展 on sb s behalf on behalf of sb in sb s behalf in behalf of sb 都可表示 做某人的代表或代言 人 为了帮助某人 即时跟踪 1 句型转换 I m making a study on behalf of my school about global warming I m making a study my school about global warming They also write letters of recommendation on studen

11、ts behalf They also write letters of recommendation 2 完成句子 我们为帮助在地震中的无家可归者募捐 We collected money the homeless in the earthquake 我是为了你才找这么多麻烦的 I made all these troubles 3 单句改错 I m not appealing for myself but doing so on the behalf of millions of workers 5 Because the alligators live in holes that dam

12、age the farmland and sometimes carry off farm animals 因为短吻鳄居住在洞穴中 而这些洞穴破坏农 田 而且它们有时叼走家畜 归纳拓展 carry off掠去 夺走 获得 赢得 carry on继续进 行 坚持下去 carry out实行 履行 carry away运走 carry sth sb through成功完成 帮助某人渡过难关 1 The robber her handbag when she walked back home late at night 深夜 她走路回家时 劫匪夺走了她的手提 包 2 The Chinese athl

13、etes many medals in the 2016 Olympic Games 中国运动员在2016年的奥运会上获得了很多 奖牌 3 It s impossible to a conversation with all this noise going on outside the house 外面这么吵 谈话根本就无法进行下去 4 I believe that her courage will the crisis 我相信她的勇气会使她渡过危机 即时跟踪 1 用carry短语的正确形式填空 He had learned enough English to a conversation

14、They were an important experiment Some unknown man the prize yesterday 2 单句改错 Sometimes the police wear casual clothes to carry off special tasks 1 To save these beautiful animals we need to call for an end to illegal hunting and improve our conservation programmes or else face a future without tige

15、rs 为了拯救这些可爱的动物 我们需呼吁停止非 法捕猎 改善我们的保护措施 否则我们将面对 没有老虎的未来 归纳拓展 1 to save these beautiful animals为不定式作目的状 语 其位于句首时 可以用逗号隔开 位于句尾 不用逗号隔开 2 不定式也可作结果状语 一般表示出乎意料的 结果 常与only thus等连用 可用逗号隔开 但 不位于句首 1 on Saturday I turn off the alarm 为了在星期六多睡会儿 我关上了闹钟 2 They went to Hainan this summer 今年夏天他们去海南度假了 3 They lifted

16、a rock it on their own feet 他们搬起石头砸了自己的脚 4 He woke up everybody had gone 他醒来后发现大家都走了 即时跟踪 1 单句语法填空 Having finished her project she was invited by the school speak to the new students 2 完成句子 要想通过考试你必须努力学习 you must work hard 他匆忙赶到机场 却被告知那位电影明星 已经离开了 He hurried to the airport that the film star had left 2 Well all in all if we help protect these animals and spread the news about conservation we will be doing our bit 嗯 总的来说 如果我们帮助保护这些动物 并且传播有关动物保护的消息 我们将会尽一份 力量 归纳拓展 本句的主句we will be doing our bit 用了将



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