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1、Period Three Reading and Vocabulary seeing 3 rely on her to 4 rely on it that 4 distract vt 分散 转移 注意力 The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while 这这部影片分散了我的注意力 让让我暂时暂时 忘记记了 这这些难题难题 The students were distracted by the noise outside the classroom 教室外面的喧哗哗声使得学生们们不能集中精力 归纳拓展 1 attrac

2、t vt tell me what the answer is 2 她把钱钱都送给穷给穷 人了 She all her money to the poor 3 你对对他们坚们坚 决不肯投降 这这是对对的 You are right in refusing to them 4 过过了一个月 他们们的食物已消耗殆尽 After a month their food supplies 答案 1 give up 2 gave away 3 give in to 4 gave out 2 turn up 开大 声音 热度或光亮等 I can t hear the radio very well coul

3、d you turn it up a bit 收音机我听不太清楚 你把声音开大点行吗吗 归纳拓展 turn away 把 拒之门外 转过脸去 turn down 拒绝 调低 turn in 上交 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn out 证明是 结果是 turn round 转过身来 用turn短语完成句子 1 她原来是我姐姐的朋友 It that she was a friend of my sisters 2 我们们有礼貌地拒绝绝了邀请请 We politely the invitation 3 我们请们请 她吃饭饭她都不露面 We invited her to di

4、nner but she didn t even bother to 4 转过转过 身去让让我看看你的后背 and let me look at your back 答案 1 turned out 2 turned down 3 turn up 4 Turn round 3 keep in touch 保持联系 He still keeps in touch with his old friends 他仍和老朋友保持着联联系 Our neighbors are moving away but I hope that we ll keep in touch with each other 我们们

5、的邻邻居要搬走了 不过过我希望我们们仍然保持联联系 We have kept in touch with each other for twenty years 二十年了 我们们一直保持着联联系 完成句子 1 我想法和那个代办处办处 取得联联系 I want to the agency 2 我和史密斯先生失去联联系已经经三年了 I Mr Smith for 3 years 答案 1 get in touch with 2 have been out of touch with 1 课文重现 His Sasser worm attacked computer systems through th

6、e Internet slowing down emergency services as well as postal and banking services in dozens of countries 他制作的震荡波 蠕虫 病毒通过因特网攻击电脑系统 使许多国家的应急服务 邮政 银行的电脑系统运行缓慢 句中as well as表示 除 之外 又 不但 而且 和 一样样好 You must deposit 500 as well as the first month s rent 你必 须须付500英镑镑押金及第一个月的租赁费赁费 He grows flowers as well as

7、vegetables 他既种菜也种花 As well as breaking the leg he hurt his arm 他除了摔断腿外 还伤还伤 了胳膊 He can operate the machine as well as I do 他操纵这纵这 台机器和我一样样熟练练 提醒 A as well as B 的短语语作主语时语时 谓语动词谓语动词 随A的人称 数 而变变化 His children as well as his wife were invited to the party 不但他太太 连连他的孩子都被邀请请参加了那次聚会 辨析 短语直接意义引申意义 as far as

8、远至 就 而言 达到 程度 as long as长达 只要 as good as和 一样好几乎 完成句子 1 陈陈教授不但会说说英语语 还还会说说法语语 Professor Chen can speak French English 2 约约翰和他的朋友们们一样样 都没有读过读过 那本书书 John as well as his friends yet the book 答案 1 as well as 2 hasn t read 2 课文重现 I would rather that my parents did not know my bad exam results but the card

9、 will tell them everything about my studies 我真不想让爸爸妈妈知道我 考的不好 但是这张卡会把我的学习情况统统告诉他们 句中的would rather 表示 宁可 宁愿 后跟从句时时 从句中常用虚拟语拟语 气would rather sb did sth 宁愿某人 做某事 用一般过过去时时表示对现对现 在或将来的虚拟拟 would rather sb had done sth 宁愿某人做过过某事 用过过去完成 时时表示对过对过 去的虚拟拟 I would rather you came next weekend 我倒希望你下个周末来 I would

10、rather John hadn t drunk before driving 我倒希望约约翰开车车前未饮饮酒 归纳拓展 1 would rather not do sth意为 宁愿 不 做某事 2 would rather do sth than do sth would do sth rather than do sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿 也不 I d take the train rather than go there by air 我宁可坐火车车去那儿 也不愿坐飞飞机去那儿 句型转换 I would rather stay

11、at home than go out I stay at home go out I stay at home go out 答案 prefer to rather than would rather than 写作项目 自荐信 假设设你是晨光中学的高中生李华华 你校拟选拟选 拔一些优优 秀学生 利用暑期到晨曦希望小学为为学生辅导辅导 英语语 你希 望参加此活动动 请请根据以下提示 用英语给语给 校评选组评选组 写一 封申请请信 对对此活动动的认识认识 如对对本人 学生及社会的益处处等 个人优势优势 如性格 独立生活能力 语语言能力等 你的计计划 如怎样进样进 行辅导辅导 等 注意 1 词词

12、数100左右 2 可适当加入细节细节 以使内容充实实 行文连贯连贯 3 信的开头头和结结尾已给给出 不计计入词词数 参考词汇词汇 晨曦希望小学Chenxi Hope School Dear Sir or Madam I am Li Hua from Class One Senior Two Yours sincerely Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Sir or Madam I m Li Hua from Class One Senior Two I m writing to apply for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi

13、 Hope School with their English Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation Meanwhile I can learn how to get along with the students and benefit the whole school I m kind easy going and always ready to help others I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence Engl

14、ish is my favourite subject and I ve won several prizes in English contests So I think that I m qualified for the position I plan to communicate with the students first to know what they need Besides I ll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories singing songs playing games and s

15、o on I d appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity Yours sincerely Li Hua 名师点津 1 本文符合自荐信的特点 首先介绍绍了对对活动动的认识认识 以及自己的优势优势 然后写了自己的计计划 文章要点齐齐全 2 thus meanwhile besides等连连接词词的恰当运用使 文章语语句连贯连贯 结结构紧紧凑 3 疑问词问词 不定式 结结构how to get along with the students 宾语宾语 从句that I m qualified for the position it作 形式

16、宾语宾语 it if you could give me the opportunity等复杂杂 结结构的运用显显示出作者较较强的语语言组织组织 能力 思路点拨 写自荐信是目前求学 参加活动动 求职职 择业时择业时 一种 比较较常用同时时也非常重要的手段 一般来说说 自荐信应应包括以下几个方面的内容 1 说说明个人的基本情况和招聘 活动动等的信息来源 介绍绍个人的基本情况时时要全面 如姓名 性别别 年龄龄 政 治面貌 就读读学校等 注意详详略得当 最好能附有近期照片 2 说说明胜胜任所申职职位的条件 这这是自荐信的核心部分 主要是向对对方说说明你有知识识 有经验经验 有专业专业 技能 有 与所申职职位相符合的特长长 性格和能力等 特别别要突出你能 胜胜任所申岗岗位的经验经验 特长长和性格 不落俗套 能吸引和 打动对动对 方 3 介绍绍自己的潜能 如向对对方介绍绍自己曾经经担任过过的 职务职务 组织组织 或参加过过的活动动及取得的成绩绩等 显显示自己有 管理等方面的才能 且有进进一步发发展 提高的潜力等 4 附上有关材料或证书证书 自荐信上应应当说说明信中所附 的有关资资料 如相关证书证



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