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1、Book 3 Module 1 Europe 单元学案 I考点词汇 1. face n.脸;相貌;表面;表情 vt.面向;面临;对付;覆盖;面对;摆在面前 猜猜在下列各句中的含义. Are you bothered by pimples(痘痘) on your face? Saddam faces to be hanged for killing 148 people in the Iraqi town of Dujail, in 1982. His face reminded me of a criminal, like a robber or murderer. A happy face

2、could mean a happy brain. 2. situate / locate v.位于,坐落于 Situated / located adj. 位于的,坐落于的 Situation / location n. 地理位置 注意: Situation / location的区别 相同点: 当地理位置”讲时,二者可以互换. 不同点: 当形势”讲时, 只用Situation. 用以上词的正确形式填空 去年,这家公司在上海设立了办事处. The firm _ its office in Shanghai last year. 你可能经历下列情形. Perhaps youre experie

3、nced the following _. 你能在地图上指出巴黎吗? Can you _ Paris on the map? 我的卧室在房子的顶层. My bedroom is _ on the top floor of the house. 3. design v. 设计;计划;意欲 designer n. 布局; 方案;图样;意图 用design的适当形式填空 The book is mainly _ for use in colleges. The new programme is _ to get kids exercising more and eating more nurtiou

4、s foods. I want to be a fashion _ when I grew up. Thanks to its special _, passengers can enjoy the beautiful scenery above water. He had a trendy haircut, an earring and _ jeans. Now, its common to see people dressed in clothes with a flag _. 4. across prep.在另一边 我们就住在河对岸. The Great Wall winds its w

5、ay from west to east, _ deserts _ mountains, and _ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. A. over; across; across B. through; past; past C. across; over; through D. past; through; over .重点短语 1. in terms of 根据; 以的观点; 谈及; 在方面 就面积和人口而论, 它是一个小国. _ 他在谈论开创全新的事业. _. 我们必须争取持久的世界和平. _ 我们彼此交情好. We are _ ea

6、ch other. 2. “作为”as ; “因”for be famous for be known as be remembered as be famous as be known for be rememvered for be admired for be admired as 用以上短语完成下列句子 他作为一名民族英雄将永远被人们缅怀. He _ always _ a national hero. 因为帮助穷人她至今被人们所怀念. She _ still _ a national here. 哪个村庄过去因贫穷而出名. That village _ its poverty. 她的美

7、丽令人羡慕. She _ her beauty. 3. compare.with. 把.和.比较 把.比作. 如果你把英式英语与美式英语比较,你会发现很多不同之处. _. _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared 4. off the coast 在靠近海岸的海面上 on the coast“靠近海岸”,表示在陆上靠近海岸的地方 有些孩子

8、在靠近海岸的地方玩耍. _ 这个岛濒临上海海岸. _ A big whale was caught _ the coast by two fishermen. A. along B. on C. across D. off III. 经典句型 1. whats .like? 今天的天气如何? _. 她长得怎么样? _. 2. 倍数表达句型 倍数+as+原级+as.; 亚洲的大小是欧洲的四倍. _ 倍数+比较级+than.; 新楼比旧楼高四倍. _ 倍数+the size (length, depth, height, weight)+ of. 大厅是我们教师宽度的两倍. _ 倍数+ what从

9、句. 现在的产量是十年前的三倍. _ 3. Thats ., isnt it?反意疑问句型 She seldom goes to the cimema, _? You said that she would be back soon, _? I dont think Mary is coming tomorrow, _? Dont smoke here, _? IV. 词汇辨析 1. symbol, sign, signal, mark 用以上所给的词填空 Put a _ on it and you will remember. Cant you read that “ No Talking”

10、 _? The red circle at the top of the sign is the _ for Transport for London. The policeman gave the _ to stop walking. 高三词汇练习Module 1 I. 单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。 1. In Rome, there are many a_ buildings which attract thousands of tourists. 2. Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as th

11、e b_ of western civilization. 3. The meeting ended when we reached an a_ on the trade. 4. One of Barcelonas most famous l_ is the Church of the Sagrada Fanilia. 5. The Great Wall of China is a _(标志) of ancient Chinese civilization. 6. Many of Florences most beautiful paintings and s_ were produced by great artists. 7. Between Italy and France, there is a mountain r_(山脉) called the Alps. 8. Barcelona is the second la



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