人教版选修7unit1 Living well

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1、Living well Unit 1 Life Without Limbs 尼克 武伊契奇 Nick Vujicic 塞尔维亚 裔澳大利亚籍人 是 无四肢生命 Life Without Limbs 组织的创办人 他天生没 有四肢 却勇于面对身体残障 创造了生 命的奇迹 尼克的 足迹 已经遍布全世界 与数十亿人分享了他的经历 Disability is a lack of ability relative to a personal or group standard Disability may involve various impairments 缺陷 障碍 mental disorder

2、 and different types of chronic 慢性 diseases A disability may occur during a person s lifetime or may be present from birth What is Disability Do you know these people below and what disease they have How do they face their life with disabilities Steven Hawking England 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症 amyotrophic Speech im

3、paired can only move one of his fingers physicist mathematician research into the beginning of space matter and time Black holes theory Steven Hawking physicist mathematician famous scientist known for his theory about black holes and big bangs A Brief History of Time born mentally disabled with an

4、IQ of a child famous conductor Zhouzhou 舟舟 became disabled at the age of 5 taught herself English and took up writing in 1983 writer Zhang Haidi 张海迪 第四届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛群众创作表 演舞蹈专场中 由残疾人马丽 翟孝伟 表演的舞蹈 牵手 令观众震撼 Ma Li Zhai Xiaowei 马丽 翟孝伟 dancer though named 杨光 he has lived in a world of darkness since he was 8

5、 months old Yang Guang 杨光 singer He impressed the audience at 2008 Spring Festival Gala Evening 春晚 张玉霞 Zhang Yuxia The voice of China 中国台湾地区盲人歌手 2012年参加浙江 卫视的 中国好声音 节目 演唱邓丽君 的歌曲惟妙惟肖 在 中国好声音 巅峰 时刻的颁奖典礼中 获得了 心灵的歌者 奖 Beethoven musician Beethoven s hearing gradually worsened in his twenties yet he conti

6、nued to compose and to conduct and perform even after he was completely deaf Symphony 交响乐 No 5 also named The Destiny Symphony 千手观音 the thousand hand Bodhisattva 21位舞者是生活在无声 世界的聋哑人 她们平 均年龄17岁 最小的只 有13岁 邰丽华 deaf dancer Light in My Darkness Helen Keller American educator writer Helen Keller became bli

7、nd when she was less than 2 years old She was deaf soon after that She grew into a highly intelligent woman with her teacher s help Her most famous article Three Days to See 刘伟 Evans pianist 第一季 中国达人秀 China s Got Talent 总冠军 刘伟 断臂钢琴师 音乐人 一句人生感悟 我的人生中只有两条路 要么赶紧死 要么 精彩地活着 被广为传颂 坚韧不拔 积极 乐观的精神感动了全世界 外媒争相

8、报道 成 为世人心中新一代的 精神偶像 10岁时因触 电意外失去双臂 12岁学习游泳 14岁获得 全国游泳冠军 16岁学习打字 19岁自学钢 琴 仅用一年即可弹奏出相当于手弹钢琴业余 4级水平的钢琴曲 梦中的婚礼 2008年 与刘德华共同为奥运加油 合作歌曲 天意 2010年 摘得东方卫视第一季 中国达人秀 China s Got Talent 总冠军 舞林大会 踢馆赛于2011年10月2日在 东方卫视播出 512汶川大地震 中的幸 存者 用一曲精彩的桑巴征服了现场的观 众和评委 她将义肢藏在丝袜内 不知道 的人根本看不出她身体上的缺陷 而她在 比赛现场还选择了热情洋溢的拉丁舞 Liao Zh

9、i 廖智 dancer Pair Work What can you learn from them belief confident optimistic patient persevere courage diligent passion strong minded independent The following list might help you mental disability learning difficulty hearing problem difficulty with eyesight brain injury loss of an arm or a leg Do

10、wn s Syndrome 唐氏综合症 infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹 walking difficulty You are going to read an entry on a website called Family Village It gives ordinary young people with a disability a chance to share their stories Glance at the title and picture then discuss with a partner The Family Village is a 1 To

11、give young disabled people the chance to share their stories with others 2 To inspire other disabled people 3 To get non disabled people to understand more about the challenging life the disabled people lead website The purpose of the website Though he is a person Marty never feels for himself and h

12、e his life disabled sorry enjoys Find the main idea of the whole text Task1 1 Match the main idea of each paragraph Para1 A The problems he has to deal with Para2 B How his life has become easier Para3 C An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease Para4 D How his disability develops Para5 E The

13、advantages of his disease Para 1 Reading strategy How to grasp the structures Para 2 the problem the problem the problem Main idea muscle disease from normal to weaker Para 3 what problem Para 4 Para 5 his daily life attitude to disability raise analyze solve the purpose difficulties makes him very

14、weak and can t or stairs as quickly as other people A muscle disease disease Clumsyrun climb motto live one day What does live one day at a time mean Live a rich and full life every day Para 1 at a time Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty s leg A Because they could cure the dise

15、ase by cutting it out B Because they wanted to use it as a specimen 标本 C Because they would transplant 移植 the new muscle D Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease Paras 2 look after pets Para 4 1 Don t feel sorry for them 2 Don t make fun of them 3 Don t ignore them 4 Accept them fo

16、r who they are 5 Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do Para 5Marty s advice Further understanding 1 hopeful the change of Marty s feelings hopelessstupid not get annoyedgood busy Further understanding 2 We can see that Marty is a person optimistic brave stupid pessimistic independent strong minded optimistic brave independent strong minded 1 What kind of person do you think Marty is Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life He is realistic abo


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