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1、听力部分一.听录音,判断单词是否与录音相同,相同的打,不相同的打。( )1.circus ( )2.mouth ( )3.konck ( )4.bad ( ) ( ) ( )7.week ( ) ( ) ( )10.jog二.听录音,判断句子是否与录音相同,相同的打,不相同的打。( )1.I was in Beijing last month.( )2.My father went for a jog this morning.( )3.He walked a long way yesterday( )4.They played badminto

2、n last Saturday.( )5.Gogo painted a picture yesterday.三.听对话,选择正确的答案,把字母编号填在括号里。( )1.A.I was in Thailand. B.I was in Canada. C.She was in Canada.( )2. A.Yes,he was. B.No,he wasnt. C.Yes,she was.( )3.A.It was yucky. B. It was spicy. C. It was nice.( )4. A.Its fine. B. It was very bad. C. It was windy.

3、( )5.A.I studied English. B.I painted pictures. C.I did my homework.四.听短文,填上所缺的单词。Yesterday was _.The weather was _.Gogo and Tonys family went to Guangzhou.They went to the zoo.The _in Guangzhou was very _.They _very happy.五.听短文,选择最佳答案。( )1.Where was Ben last summer holiday? A.Canada B.Thailand C.Ch

4、ina( )2.What did Ben do with his cousin? ( )( )( )笔试部分一.单词运用。 1.写出下列单词的三单形式、现在分词和过去式。 dance _ watch _ joy _ cry _ 2.根据提示,用单词或短语的适应形式填空。 1._ (加拿大) is a big and beautiful country. 2. My mother cooks _ (美味的) food for us every day. 3 .Dont eat too much _ (辛辣的) food, its not good for you. 4. The doctor _

5、 (来自) Thailand. 5. Where can we buy food? You can buy food in that _ (商店). 6. Look! _ (来了) our teacher. Please stop talking. 7. There are many beautiful _ (地方 ) in China. 8. Dont _ (敲打) at the door. The baby is sleeping. 9. The food at that restaurant is _ (难吃的 ). 10. Can you put the box on the _ (顶

6、部) of the closet?二选择正确的答案填空,把字母编号填在括号里。( )1. A:What_ the food _ in Guangdong? B: Its very nice. A. was, of B. is, like C. are, as( )2. His mother is sick. She is _.A in hospital B. in the hospital C. see the doctor( ) 3. Last summer holiday my friends _vacation.A. went to B. went C. were on( )4. Whe

7、re _ you go this morning? I _ the park. A. did, went B. were , was C. do, go ( )5. Jenny and Tom _ the U.S.A. A. come from B. is from C. comes for( )6. A: Where were you _ week? B: I was in Thailand. A: next B: this C: last( )7. A: What is the _ like? Its _.A. weather, spicy B. food, yucky C, food,

8、snowy( )8. Last month I was in Thailand and I _ pictures there. A. draw B. paint C. painted( )9. The apples were _ the day before yesterday, but they are _ now.A: good, bad B: bad, good C: yucky, tasty ( )10. It was _ last Saturday. We didnt go to the park. A: sunny B, warm C: rainy三.补全对话,根据上下文提示,填上

9、合适的单词或句子,使对话合理、通顺。A: Hello! Ben.B: Hello! Lisa. _ last month.A: I _ in Thailand.B: _ there?A: It was very hot.B: _?A: It was spicy.A: _?B: I visited my friends.A: Did you have a good time? B: Yes. Thats great.四.完成句子。根据中文提示,在横线上填上合适的单词或词组,使句子合理、通顺。 1.我祖母每天晚饭后都去散步。 My grandmother _ after supper day. 2

10、.你父母去年在哪里?他们在北京。 Where _ your _ last year? _ in Beijing. 3.小狗喜欢慢跑。Dogs _. 4.我们走了一段长路种树。We _a long way and we _. 5.小明来自四川。我们上个假期在那里度假。 Xiao Ming _Sichuan. We were _there last holiday.五.阅读理解。短文A判断对错,在括号打“”或打“”;短文B选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号里。A One day a little boy met an old millionaire(百万富翁) and said, “I think (

11、认为) I am much richer ( 富有) than (比) you are.” The old man was very surprised (惊讶) and asked:” Why, my child?” “Do you have much money?” said the boy. “Of course I do, but does it mean (意味) you are richer than I?” “Why not?” said the boy, “Now you see, Im only ten years old and you are already(已经) se

12、venty. If we both(两个) can live(活) to 100. I still (仍) have 90 years to go, while(而) you have only 30 years. Time is money. Dont you agree(同意) Im much richer than you.” ( )1.The boy has more money than the millionaire.( )2.The millionaire is sixty years older the boy.( )3.The millionaire was surprised to hear the boys word.( )4.They both can live to 100.( )5.The story tells us time is important than money. B Ben and John were brothers. Ben thought(想) he was clever and John was foolish. One day he ha


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