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1、英语一、 单词拼写。1. His _ (毕业) will never take place if he doesnt work hard.2. He won a _(奖学金) to study at Henan University.3. There are few o _ when we quarrel with each other.4. It is a _(传统) that the young look after the old in the family.5. The boy who working far away from home will be back to spend t

2、he _(传统的) Chinese New Year.6. _(如今) lots of students have part-time jobs while they are in university.7. Every year, my family and I go to a nearby restaurant to _(庆祝) my grandpas birthday. 8. In the _(庆典),we congratulated him on his promotion.9. When people move into a new place, they often _(毁坏) m

3、any wild plants. 10. People hold boat races on that day, and the boat are _(装饰) with dragons.11. Our school gave _ (接待会) for the foreign visitors.12. The _(退休的) worker works out every day to keep fit.13. She has got a job with a _(薪水) of $25,ooo a year.14. Youd better take every o_ (机会) to practice

4、your oral English.15. Impatience in everything is a feature of _.(青少年)16. He walked _(潇洒地) into the room.17. We offered our _(祝贺) on his passing the college entrance exams.二、单项填空。1. I have _ for a new job. I really hope I get it because I am tired of working here.A. applied B. provided C. offered D.

5、 answer 2. With more and more trees _, many animals are dying out.A. cutting down B. to cut down C. cut down D. to be cut down 3. -How long will it take? We are in a great hurry.-_, but around 20 minutes.A. Have no idea B. It all depends C. Generally speaking D. Thats OK 4. Something must have happe

6、ned or he would have arrived here _.A. at a time B. in no time C. on time D. at times 5. Luckily, he was _ for the interview.A. all the time B. ahead of time C. in time D. the whole time 6. Sixty people lost their lives in the fire accident,_ ten old people and six children.A. containing B. includin

7、g C. contained D. included 7. Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.A. who B. which C. why D. when 8. The two sportsmen congratulated each other _ winning the march by shaking hands.A. with B. on C. in D. to 9. The boss likes the young man who is full of _.A. power B

8、. energy C. strength D. material 10. He used to _ a waiter at a restaurant in his spare time.A. serve for B. serve in C. serve as D. serve 11. This kind of fruit _ lots of vitamin C.A. remains B. contains C. includes D. hold 12. After I was told to _ the army, the officer asked me if I would _ the l

9、ecture to be given by the general.A. join;attend B. join;join C. attend;attend D. attend;join 13. The Chinese Valentines Day ,named Qi Xi,_ the seventh of day of the seventh lunar month.A.fall into B. fall to C. falls on D. falls over 14. It is often _that human beings are naturally equipped to spea

10、k.A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said 15. He bought a _ of flowers for his mother.A. group B. type C. crowd D. bunch16. These shoes cost _. Whats more, they are _ small for me.A. too much;too much B. much too;much too C. much too;too much Dtoo much;much too 17. I will _ my whole life to scientific research, and make _ to the country where I was born and the people who brought me up.A. contribute;contributionsB. devote;devotionC. contribute;devotionD. devote;cntributions18. My parents dont mind what job I do _ I am happy.A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though


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