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1、高中牛津英语Module_1_Unit1_School_Life单词短语及试题清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供Module 1 Unit1 School Life课标单词短语 attend 出席,参加earn vt.获得;赚,挣得respectn.vt. 尊敬,敬重achieve vt.赢得,取得;实现,成就grade n.学分;成绩;等级literature n.文学average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的challenging adj.具有挑战性的lunchtime n.午餐时间e-mail vt.给发电子邮件for fr

2、ee 免费extra adj.额外的,外加的cooking n.做饭;烹饪,烹调prepare vt.vi.准备drop vt.放弃miss vt.思念,想念dessert n.(餐合的)甜点field n. 运动场,操场experience vt.经历,体验article n.文章penfriend n.笔友introduce vt.介绍immediately adv.立即,马上former adj.从前的,以前的recently adv.最近,近来culturen.文化develop vt.培养,养成photograph n.照片,相片donate vt.捐赠,捐献;赠予gift n.赠品

3、,礼物display vt.陈列,展览kindness n.善举;好意,善意guest n.客人,来宾speech n.演说,演讲,讲话flat n.套房attention n.注意,关注pay attention to 注意please vt.使满意,取悦title n.(书的)名称;(文章的)韪目,篇名dynasty n.朝代,王朝cover n.(书的)封面;盖子back cover (书的)封底recent adj.新近的,最近的professor n.教授recent vt.vt.遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜inform vt.通知,告知run vt.管理,经营host n.主持人;主人,

4、东道主approve vt.vi.批准,通过;赞成broadcast vt.vi.广播;播放preparation n.准备,筹备close adj.亲密的;靠近的outing n.短途旅行,远足continue vt.vi.继续,持续poet n.诗人generation n.一代,一代人poem n.诗,诗歌select vt.选择,挑选require vt.要求scary n. 自然,大自然课文出现短语1. at ease with 2. know of sb / sth 3. tell the differences between A and B 4. on (the) averag

5、e 5. used to do sth 6. be happy with sth/ sb7. for free 8. such as 9. encourage sb to do sth 10. introduce A to B 11. pass sth on (to) sb 12. be available for 13. far (away) from 14. make sure that 15. graduate from university 16. upon/ on doing 17. surf the internet 18. donate sth to sb19. forget t

6、o do sth 20. inform sb of sth 21. prepare for 22. be responsible for 23. be made up of 24. consist of 25. come up with 26. tell sb about sth 27. sound like28. word by word 29. drop some subjects 30. play on the school fields31. e-mail sb 32. talk to sb about sth 33. prepare to do sth34. thank sb for

7、 35. invite sb to be/do 36. make a speech about37. run a radio club 38. approve the idea 39. require sb to do sth一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. Nobody knows when the project will be completed. Someone has to i_ the boss of the progress of the work.2. All students are r_ to attend school assembly

8、 on Monday mornings.3. - What is Tom busy doing tonight? - He is making p_ for tomorrow examination.4. There is no student but wants to a_ high grades.5. As a young boy, he had to e_ a living because his family was very poor.6. When we meet, we first s_ poems that we love, and then read them out lou

9、d.7. He i_ himself to us. His name was John Smith.8. He was so generous that he d_ a lot of money to the flooded area.9. British people eat lots of d_ after their main meal.10. In China, David Holmes d_ an interest in teaching English to Chinese students.11. Next month David will make a s_ about his

10、 experiences in China.12. Please pay more a_ to spelling next time.13. I _ (后悔) not finishing my homework yesterday.14. Do you _(赞成) of what I have done?15. Our teacher _(展开) a map on the table.16. I suggest he leave _(立即).17. The _(平均的) age in our class is 17.18. Yao Ming has earned _(尊敬)from all t

11、he world.二词形转换1、achieve vt. _ (n.) 6. preparation n. _ (v.)2、German n. _ (pl.) 7. require vt. _ (n.)3、immediately adv. _ (adj.) 8. scary adj. _ (v.)4、develop vt. _ (n.) 9. nature n. _ (adj.)5、inform vt. _ (n.) 10. please v. _ (n.)三. 句型结构1._(到英国的高中上学)for one year was a very enjoyable and experienced

12、for me.2. 我认为保护环境的最佳方法是多种树。(the best way to do) I think _.3. 周末去公园野餐听起来像是个不错的主意。(sound like) _ in the park at the weekend _.4. 暑假他大部分时间都用来上网了。(spend . doing) He_ most of his summer holiday_.5. I found the homework waa not as heavy as_(我过去的作业量) in my old.6. 经历了这不同方式的生活我很幸运。(be lucky to do) I _ this different way of life.7. 一完成学业,他就开始在中国旅行。(每空一词) 1) _ _ his studies, he began traveling in China. 2) _ _ _ _ _ his studies, he began traveling in China. 3) _


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