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1、必修1 Unit 1一 根据词性及释义写出下列单词1 _(adj.)心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的_(vt.)使不安;使心烦2 _(vt.)不理睬;忽视_(n.)不理睬;忽视_(adj.)无知的;愚昧的3 _(v.)(使)平静;(使)镇定_(adj.)平静的;镇静的;沉着的4 _(vt.)(使)担忧;涉及;关系到_(adj.)担心的;忧虑的5 _(adj.)德国的;德国人的;德语的_(n.)德国_(n.)德国人(复数形式)6 _(adv.)在户外;在野外_(adv.)(反义词)在室内7 _(adj.)整个的,完全的;全部的_(adv.)整个地;完全地;全部地8 _(n.)能力;力量;权力_(adj

2、.)强有力的;权力大的9 _(adj.)积满灰尘的_(n.)灰尘;尘土10 _(n.)伙伴;合作者;合伙人_(n.)部分;角色二 A写出黑体单词的汉语意思1 At dusk (_),I came to the lonely house,tried and hungry.2 A series of school accidents has proven that the local governments mustnt ignore(_)the safety of school buildings.3 The first thing Im concerned (_) about Guangzho

3、u Asian Games is how many gold medals we can get.4 The tour guide in Shanghai Expo site explained to me the beautiful curtain (_) is made of silk materials from Suzhou.5 The captain told us to calm (_) down and be ready to board the plane.6 It is known that the Change-2s going up to outer space dema

4、nds great power(_).7 What upset (_) me was not what he said but the way he said it.8 While in college, my teacher told me teaching and learning are two entirely (_) different processes.9 Playing games outdoors (_) in a small village was an exciting experience for these children.10 Im often his table

5、 tennis partner(_).B根据所给首字母及中文释义写出单词的完整形式 1 To build a morden city, they moved the local people and s_(使定居)them in another beautiful place. 2 Many people s_(遭受,经历) from the loss of family members in the southern floods. 3 That young man hasnt yet r_(痊愈,恢复) from the car accident. 4 Were leaving for L

6、ondon tomorrow so I have to P_(打包行李) now. 5 The old man has lots of experience dealing with t_(青少年)problems. 6 She seemed to d_(不同意) with this decision. 7 Miss Gao received a lot of g_(感激的,感谢的) letters from the students parents. 8 Many building i_(项目) are good, with high science and technology conte

7、nt.三 完成下列短语1 add _ 合计 2 calm()_(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 3 have got to _ 4 be concerned_ 关心;挂念 5 go _ 经历;经受 6 set_ 记下;放下;登记 7 a series of _ 8 _ purpose 故意 9 in order to _ 10 _ dusk 在黄昏时刻 11 face to face _ 12 no longer _13 遭受,患病 suffer _ 14 对厌烦 get/be tired _15 将东西装箱打包 pack sth _ 16 与相处,进展 get along _17 相爱;爱上

8、fall _ love 18 参加;加入 join _四 用方框中的短语填空 add up; at dusk; have got to; be concerned about; go through; on purpose; in order to; set down1 When the man saw the car accident on the highway, he stopped _ offer some help.2 It is no use doing what you like, you _ like what you do.3 After Peter died, George

9、 _ the story of their friendship in a book.4 When the lights of Shanghai Expo site go on _they take a beautiful picture,so different from the daytime.5 It is doubtful that many of us would have to _ this kind of pain today,but is does happen.6 I wonder whether he did it by accident or _.7 My mathema

10、tics teacher asked me to _ these figures for her.8 Nowadays more and more people _ their health and safety while travelling.五 用适当的介词,副词填空1 _ dusk we can enjoy the beauty of the sun setting.2 The scientist went _ a hard life in her childhood.3 You can fold paper _ this.4 He attended a series _ import

11、ant committee meetings this week.5 Lily, calm _ and go on with your work.6 He joined the English club _ order to improve his English.7 To my anxiety, the police set _ my car number.8 One thing I am concerned _ is my mothers health.六 完成句子1 _(为了不错过第一班车), my mother got up very early this morning.(order

12、)2 _(就我个人而言), I disagree with what you did.(concern)3 _(当过街的时候), you must be careful.(while)4 My watch doesnt work. Ill _(找人修理它).(get)5 It/This was the second time _(他参观) Shanghai Expo site.(visit)6 _(是乘船) John came to China for sightseeing.(it)七 单项填空1 The money he spent during the trip _ more than 50 dollars. A. added B. added to C. was added to D. added up to2 When _ to recite the text, he still kept _. A. asked; silent B. asking; still C. being asked; quiet D. asked; calm3 To my disappointm


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