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1、.服 务 指 南Services Directory 精选word范本,供参考!总经理致辞尊敬的宾客: 欢迎您光临陶源酒店!酒店全体员工热诚欢迎海内外宾客以及各组织单位、旅游团体下榻,我们将以舒适的环境、精美的设施、热情的服务盛情接待,让您高兴而来,满意而归。我们殷切期望酒店的服务和设施令阁下感到满意。为了方便您的旅行,特奉上此服务指南,详细介绍了本酒店各项设施及其服务项目等,以供参阅。 如您仍有其它任何需要或不详之处,请拨打内线电话“3581188”与总服务台联系。 祝您旅居愉快,一切顺利! 总经理 : Dear Guest: Welcome to Fair Park, five thous

2、and years of Anhui WanFu International Hotel! Hotel staff warmly welcome guests as well as organizational units, tourist groups stay, we will be first-class environment, first-class facilities, first-class hospitality services, allow you happy and satisfied. We look forward to the hotel services and

3、 facilities to make you satisfied. In order to facilitate your travel, special offer this service guide, details the various facilities of the hotel and its services, etc., for reference. If you still have any other needs or unknown place, please call the intercom 3581188 with the main desk contact.

4、 I wish you lived in a happy, all the best! General Manager: 环 境 保 护Environmental Protection_节能环保,在酒店已不再是一个口号或是一种形式,它是酒店的一种企业文化和精神,并已具体至酒店的日常运作中。我们希望通过我们大家的坚持和努力,能不断唤起人们的环保意识,更加重视和珍惜我们的地球资源。因此我们倡议:当您离开房间时,请随手关闭所有的电器、照明和空调。在不影响您居住舒适度的情况下,减少客房日常用品的更换次数。地球上最后一滴水将是人类的眼泪,请节约用水。Energy saving, the hotel is

5、 quiet and then a slogan or a form, it is the hotel of a corporate culture and spirit, and have specific to the hotels daily operations. We hope that through persistence and hard work we can continue to arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection, more attention to and cherish our earths re

6、sources. Therefore, we advocate: When you leave the room, please turn off all appliances readily, lighting and air conditioning. Without affecting the comfort of your living situation, daily replacement to reduce the number of rooms. The last drop of water on Earth is human tears, please conserve wa

7、ter. 朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音为翻译结果评分客房服务Housekeeping Service _行李服务 电话分机:9999Luggage Service Ext:9999为您提供24小时行李服务以及贵重物品寄存服务,如需服务请联系礼宾部。Our24hours bellboys provide you luggage service and valuables storage.For any assistance, please contact us.接待服务/问询服务 电话分机:6666/8888Reception/Information Ext: 6666/8888提供24小时的接

8、待/问询服务,位于大堂。Located in the lobby,our receptionists provide you24hours service.商务中心 电话分机:3333Business Center Ext: 3333位于大堂,提供商务、订票、邮件服务。Locates in the lobby,our Business Center service provide you business service,tickets booking Seruice Time:07:00-21:00订房服务 电话分机:6666/8888Reservation Ext: 6666/8888酒店

9、提供24小时订房服务。We provide you24hours reservation service.大堂保险箱Lobby Safe 大堂接待处为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。酒店管理当局对留在客房内物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责任。Each room is fitted with a safe ,your valutable belongings are recommended to be keep in the safe .Please open the your safe door before you checkout . Bye the way ,

10、the lobby located provide free safes for bigger valutable belongings .The hotel management is not liable to any loss or damage valutables left in the gust rooms .叫醒服务Wake-Up Calls Service请按6666/8888与接线生联络,确定您的叫醒时间。Wake-up calls can be arranged by the operator to confirm the time.please dial XXXX结帐服务

11、 电话分机:6666/8888Check-out Service Ext: 6666/8888退房时间为正午十二时,若需延迟退房时间,请与宾客服务经理联系。如果您在下午六点前退房,酒店将保留对客人增收半天房费的机利,超过六点,酒店将增收全天房费。Check out time is 12:00 at noon ,if you extend you stay ,please contact our Guest Service Manager who will assist you .we reserve the right to charge guest who will departing la

12、te an additional half room charge of continued occupancy until 6 pm.after which a full night charge may be incurred.信用卡Credit Card 欢迎使用下列信用卡:国内各大银行信用卡We accept the credit as below: American Express ,Diners Club,Master Card ,Visa,JCB card.other credit cards of China Unionpay客房门匙Room Key 本酒店使用先进安全的磁卡门

13、锁,但请阁下留意:当超过预订时间,锁卡将不能开锁。若要续住,请到总台办理手续。We set sophisticated security Room Card Lock on guests rooms.Be attention to it that if you are the reserved time,the room key will not open the door .please contact the reception if you extend you stay.残障人士设施Handicapped Facilities酒店备有轮椅车,如需使用请与行李部联系。Handicappe

14、d room is available,please contact the front desk for reservation.for wheclchair ,please contact Bell Service counter雨伞Umbrellas大堂入口处备有雨伞,借用请与礼宾部联系。“9999”Umbrellas are available, Please contact the concierge for borrowing. “9999”宠物Pets酒店谢绝宾客携带宠物出现在酒店范围内。No pets are allowed into the hotel.访客Visitors根

15、据酒店安全管理程序规定,来访客人请出示有效证件配合做好访客登记,请访客在晚上十一点后离开客房。According to the “Hotels security Administrative Procedures”, Visitors to the hotel should follow the regulations as stated below. Visitors must show proper identification and fill in the visitors registration form if they wish to visit guestrooms. Visitors must leave guestrooms before 11:00Pm of the some day.失物招



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