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1、观点背后的秘密 The teachers What does the woman like about the summer school A B C The size of the class The math book M The service is really slow here W I hope he takes our order soon Otherwise I ll be late for my class at two o clock M Me too I have a class at 2 as well W I ve noticed you have a math bo

2、ok Do you like the summer school here M It s pretty good I think I ve learned a lot W Yeah I only wish the class were a little smaller but I like my teachers a lot They are very kind and patient M I see By the way where are you from 听力材料 The teachers What does the woman like about the summer school

3、A B C The size of the class The math book 旨在考查学生理解说话者意图 观点和态度 的能力 需通过其中的重要细节 具体事实 以及对话者说话的语音 语调 语气来揣摩 推断说话者的意图 观点及态度 知识 延伸 试题考点 知识 延伸 经典表达 Let s do I think It seems Why not do I suggest insist on doing So far as I know It s correct to do You should ought to do What does the man think about the vacat

4、ion A B C It ll be a long vacation It s only a dream It ll be great That s wonderful I m so jealous 听 力材料 I m spending my vacation in Hainan this summer I ve been dreaming about it for a long time What does the man think about the vacation A B C It ll be a long vacation It s only a dream It ll be gr

5、eat He is sure that he can become famous What does the man think of Picasso A B C He thinks that he is the greatest Spanish painter He doesn t consider him the best Spanish painter 听 力材料 How do you like these paintings in the museum Not too bad In my opinion Picasso is the greatest Spanish painter D

6、o you think so Well I m not sure 需要理解对话者真正要表达的观点 在留 意细节的同时还要体会弦外之音 话外之 意 知识 延伸 题型特点 知识 延伸 解题技巧 1 听到提示词 advice opinion 等词之后 要 特别注意其后所跟的句子的含义 2 细辨表示观点的形容词 推断出谈话人 的意图和看法 知识 延伸 解题技巧 3 听清观点是否与其他观点做了比较 比 较后的结果如何 是赞成还是反对 4 注意两个人的态度是否相同 如果不同 要 分清每人的态度 因为这时问题往往问的是 其中一人的态度或看法 不要混淆 听出弦 外之音 A It is very good B

7、It is hard to say now C It keeps her very busy 练 习 专 练 How does the woman think about her work M Hello W Dad it s me Mike M Mike How are you W I m fine but still a little tired M I can imagine What s work like W It s still too early to say But I think it s going to be really good It s a big company

8、but everybody s been so kind and helpful M And how about the city 听力材料 A It is very good B It is hard to say now C It keeps her very busy 练 习 专 练 How does the woman think about her work What does the woman mean A The application arrived a week earlier than expected B The man is not suitable for the

9、position C The job has been given to someone else M I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job W Yes certainly But if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier 练 习 专 练 听力 材料 How does the woman probably feel now M I just read your blood test report and everything seems O

10、K W I see Then there is nothing to worry about A Worried B Relieved C Confused 练 习 专 练 听力 材料 What is the woman worried about A She doesn t have time to move B She doesn t have a truck to help her move C She doesn t have enough money to buy a truck 练 习 专 练 Which suggestion is NOT given by the man A C

11、alling the rental service B Arranging a time for tomorrow C Saving money for her textbooks What does the woman think of renting a truck A It is a good idea B It is too expensive C It is too troublesome 练 习 专 练 M Hello dear I haven t seen you for a while What s up W Oh hey I m OK thanks I do have a p

12、roblem though M Tell me about it I might be able to help W Well I ll move to a new apartment tomorrow and I need a truck on which to load my furniture and everything else But I have no idea from whom I can borrow a truck 听力材料 M Well don t worry A friend of mine just bought a new truck It s a big one

13、 and I m sure it will be good enough to carry all your belongings I can call him if you want W Wow that sounds great But his truck is new What if I get it dirty or scratch it I d feel really bad about that 听力材料 M Yeah I totally understand You might try a rental car then Maybe give the rental service

14、 a call tonight and arrange a time for tomorrow You can rent a moving truck W I have thought about it before but rentals are expensive I need to save some money for my textbooks next term 听力材料 What is the woman worried about A She doesn t have time to move B She doesn t have a truck to help her move

15、 C She doesn t have enough money to buy a truck 练 习 专 练 Which suggestion is NOT given by the man A Calling the rental service B Arranging a time for tomorrow C Saving money for her textbooks What does the woman think of renting a truck A It is a good idea B It is too expensive C It is too troublesome 练 习 专 练 语音语调 英语中的语调主要由升调和降调来判断 关注关键词汇或句型 与此同时还要注意表示否定 转折和虚拟等含义的 指示词汇 录音材料中不会直接说明态度 依据语气充分 理解其言外之意和所反映出的态度 从字里行间判断 1 2 3 Have fun



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