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1、广西桂林市宝贤中学七年级英语上册 lesson6566 学案(无答案) 人教新目标版学法指导1.充分利用好自己手头的资源:听录磁带、英语字典和相关参考书,它们是你最安静最有求必应的老师。 2.仔细观察课文中的对话和图片,体会这些句型和客套话的相应运用情景。3.记忆单词的方式:把难记忆的单词写在小卡片上,甚至坐在公车上都可以拿出来瞅一眼。课题内容新概念第一册 Lesson65&66&及时质疑Learning Aims Key pointsDifficult points1、1知识目标:学习并掌握这两课的生词、句型、语法。 重点词汇:key,enjoy, hear,yourself, oursel

2、eves, myself,himself,herself themseleves,eighteen years old,come home early,quarter句型:what are you going to do.? ;Whats the time? Its ;When must I/she/he do.语法:反身代词的运用:ourseleves, myself,himself,herself,themseleves 时间与日期:终点的表达;介词+时间2、能力目标:正确运用所学词汇和句子进行交际;运用所学语法知识正确完成相应练习3Key points :知识目标。 4Difficult

3、 points :语法、能力目标Get Ready 1. 当你想和朋友出去玩时,遭到父母的反对时,你会如何说服父母呢? _2. 你知道如何用英文问时间(包括钟点、星期几、日期等)吗? _3.拼读Lesson65&66的生词并朗读。Page 130,P132Listen In (Read On)1. 听Lesson65录音,回答问题:Does Jill take the key to the front door?2. 再听录音并跟读。哪一句最难读?_Say It Right在课本上找出下列词组和句子并划线,然后把中文意思写在课本上Phrases:1.the key to the front d

4、oor e home early e home after a quarter past eleven4.enjoy yourself/himself/herself/myself enjoy ourselves/yourselves/themselvesSentences:1.You must be home at half past ten.2.We always enjoy ourselves. They are enjoying themselves.3.Whats the time? Its 4.Whens your birthday? Its on June 10th,1999.5

5、.When must he telephone you? He must do it at a quarter to three.6.Whats the climate like in your country? Its cold in winter and hot in summer.Focus On 重点词汇学习:1. 观察下列句子,总结enjoy有什么意思?(1) She enjoyed herself in the vacation.(2) He enjoyed swimming.(3) We all enjoy our legal rights(合法权利). _ 2. 观察下来句子,

6、比较listen和hear的区别。 (1)He listened but could hear nothing.他留神地听,但是什么也没听见。 (2)I heard them talking in the next room,but I didnt really listen to what they were saying. 我听见他们在隔壁房间里谈话,但我实在没有去听他们在说什么。 (3)I didnt hear the phone because I was listening to the radio. 我没有听见电话响,因为我在听收音机。 _3.(1)观察第二题中hear,看看它后面

7、一般接的是动词_. (2)完成第二题后,你还能想到类似listen和hear这类区别的其他词吗?如:see和look 还有什么呢_. 本课语法知识。1. 观察下列句子,写出反身代词的用法: He cut himself when he was shaving this morning. 今天早晨刮胡子时,他把脸刮破了。 The old lady is talking to herself. 那位老妇人正在自言自语。 You must do it yourself. 你必须自己做。 He can swim all by himself. 他能独自一人游泳。_2. 时间表达法:(1) 整点的表达:

8、6点6 /six _ 8点8/eight_(2) 归纳:整点表达法是在_(3) 非整点表达法:a:时+分 6:30=_ 7:45=_ 8:01=_b: 分+past+时:一点一刻=_ 两点半:_ 分+to+时:三点四十五分=_ 九点四十:_归纳:什么时候用past,什么时候用to:_3. 观察句子,归纳表示时间的介词用法: You must come home at five oclock. We should call him at a quarter to three. My birthday is on July the 18th. He was born on October 2nd,

9、1999.I always go to school in the morning. Its cold in winter in this city. See you in the afternoonWe will go to the park on Sunday. We are going to have a trip on next Friday. _ _4.新概念P132模仿例句,说出相应的对话。Self-test (自我检测)Task 5:完成新概念练习册P106-107练习题。Task 6:翻译下列句子:1、你不准把头伸出窗外,因为那太危险了。_2、我这周末过得很愉快。_3、你必须得

10、在十点半到家。_4、我们必须得在几点赶上公交车?我们得在9点15分赶上车 _5、我能拿前门的钥匙吗?_Task 7:根据首字母或中文意思填空。1、 You m_ come home too late! 2、I have the key t_ the door.3、 They are enjoying t_. 4、I am going to v_ my friend.5、When Dad r_ home from work every day,the supper is always ready.Task 8:句型转换.1、 I do my homework in the evenging.(改

11、成否定句) _2、 You have dinner in the evening.(改成否定句) _3、 It is thirty past nine .(对画线部分提问) _4、 What time is it?(改为同义句)_5、 I like math because its interesting. (对画线部分提问) _ Talk Some More 1 你知道各种时间的表达方式了吗?(How to tell the time?)2 以“My School DAy”为题,写一篇文章,60词左右。(tips:可以用这节课时间的表达,以时间为主线)3. 请同学们先在背面将1,2题写下来。



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