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1、期末综合测试题(时间60分钟,满分120分)命题人:高英姿第卷一、听力部分(20分).根据你所听到的句子将下列图片按先后次序排列,将其下面的标号填在答题框内。每个句子读 一遍。(5分)顺 序12345答 案. 听句子,选出你所听到问句的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. Im reading a book. B. Yes, Im reading. C. No, Im watching TV.( )7. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it is.( )8. A. Milk and eggs. B. In a hotel. C. Ye

2、s, I do.( )9. A. Good idea. B. Here you are. C. Thank you.( )10.A. Its ten thirty. B. Its cold. C. Its Sunday. 听句子,选出与你所听到句子意思相同或相近的选项。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Kate was in her room a moment ago.B. Kate was in her room two hours ago.C. Kate wasnt in her room a moment ago.( )12. A. Alice didnt buy anythi

3、ng, but I did.B. Both Alice and I bought some presents.C. I didnt buy presents, but Alice did.( )13. A. Theyll have a great time in the park this Sunday.B. They had a great time in the park last Sunday.C. They always have a good time in the park on Sundays.( )14.A. Tom is older than Jack.B. Tom is y

4、ounger than Jack.C. Tom and Jack are old.( )15. A. Table tennis is cheap in China.B. All of the Chinese people are good at table tennis.C. Mary people like table tennis in China. 听短文,根据其内容选出正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. How many days does the speaker work every week?A. Five days. B. Six days. C. Seven days.

5、( )17. How does the speaker usually go to work?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.( )18. Do the students love their English teacher?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. Were not sure.( )19. How is the speaker every day?A. Too tired. B. Quite free. C. Very busy.( )20. How do the students do in Englis

6、h classes?A. They play a lot of games. B. They study in a happy way. C. They dont do anything.二、单项选择(15分)( ) 21. Tony is taking lots of photos, and he _. A. doesnt lie in the sun B. lies in the sun C. isnt lying in the sun D. isnt lying under the sun.( ) 22. Beijing is the capital of China, _ more t

7、han 13 million people.A. over B. of C. with D. has( ) 23. Would you please speak _?A. quick B. slow C. slowly D. fastly( ) 24. The Taipei 101 Tower is one of _ in the world.A. tallest buildings B. the tallest buildings C. the taller buildings D. the tallest building( ) 25. I _ a dying bird on my way

8、 home yesterday.A. pick up B. picked C. picked up D. pick( ) 26. Do you think Children in the future _ at home? Its difficult _. Nothing is impossible.A. is going to study, to say B. study, say C. to study, saying D. will study, to say( ) 27. Joe Grant designed the films Snow White and The seven Dwa

9、rfs, so he is famous _ a Disney artist.A. for B. as C. with D. because( ) 28. Last month John began his _ holiday. He went to Zhangjiajie for a visit.A. ten-months B. ten months C. ten-month D. ten-months( ) 29. There is going to _ a new channel for kids. Great. I hope more patriotic films will be s

10、hown.A. be B. will C. is D. have( ) 30. Let me help you do it, Granny. _.A. Thanks a lot B. You are welcome C. Certainly D. You are great.( ) 31. He married _two years later.A. she B. her C. hers D. herself( ) 32. Jackie Chan is _ successful actor.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 33. Tom enjoys _ football

11、games on television.A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching( ) 34. There is _ with my computer. It doesnt work.A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong something D. something wrong( ) 35. Mr Li is _ than Mr Zhang. A. busyer B. busy C. bigger D. busier三、完形填空(10分)Once Jack went to a big dinner

12、party. His coat was 36 . When he went in, no one looked at him and no one gave him any 37 . He was very angry. So he went home, put on his 38 , and then came back to the party again. Everyone stood up at once and came to 39 him. He was taken to the best table, and was given the best food. Then Jack

13、put the food in the 40 and said, “Please eat, dear coat.” The other people were very surprised(惊讶)and 41 , “Why? Why do you put food in your coat?” Jack answered, “Im asking my coat to 42 . When I came here just now (刚才), 43 gave me 44 food. After I changed(更换)my coat, you gave me the best food. 45 you gave this food to my coat, not to me!” ( ) 36. A. cleanB. bigC. oldD. colorful ( ) 37. A. drinkB. foodC. seat D. welcome ( ) 38. A. new shoesB. hatC. best coatD. old clothes ( ) 39. A. look after


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