英语九下冀教版Unit 1:Lesson5~Lesson 8同步练习二及答案

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1、英语九下冀教版Unit 1:Lesson5Lesson 8同步练习二及答案 Unit 1 You Can Write PoetryLesson 5Lesson 8一. 单项选择1. He can recite old poem. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. The woman often tells children some . A. story B. stories C. storyes D. a story3. Fish cant live water. A. without B. with C. have D. havent4. The young man wen

2、t out without goodbye to his girlfriend. A. say B. says C. saying D. said5. Please speak English . A. clearly B. clear C. clears D. more clearer6. Tom doesnt listen to the teacher John doesA. as careful as B. so careful as C. as carefully as D. such carefully as7. This question is difficult, lets it

3、 . A. think;over B. think;about C. think;of D. think;on8. It is today, put on your raincoat. A. rain B. rainy C. windy D. cloudy9. Knowledge practice. A. begins with B. begins on C. begins at D. begins in10. There is much in the classroom.Yes, it is too .A. noise;noise B. noisy;noisy C. noisy;noise

4、D. noise;noisy二. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Haikou always (have)three lines.2. You should pay attention to your (pronounce).来源:3. There are two shirts, one is red, the other is blue. At last, he (choose)the blue one.4. This story sounds (fun).5. He is good at sports , he runs very (quick).6. What should I do

5、 if I want (be)a doctor.7. Autumn is coming, and the (leaf)fall from the tree.8. The little girl opened the door (slow).9. We feel the (warm)of the fire.10. You can express the animals by (tell)how it looks like.三. 完形填空In 1608 an Englishman named Thomas Coryate traveled in Italy(意大利). He liked the c

6、ountry and 1 down everything interesting. But he found one thing 2 interesting than the others. In his diary Thomas wrote,“ 3 the Italians eat meat, they use small forks. They do not eat with their hands because, as they say, people do not always have 4 hands.” Before he went back to England, Thomas

7、 Coryate bought a few 5 .At home Thomas had a dinner party to show the forks to his friend. When the steak(牛排)was brought out, he took out a fork and wanted to 6 the steak as the Italians did in Italy. His friends were 7 when they saw this. He told them what the fork was. They all said that Italians

8、 were very strange people because the fork was not easy to use at all. Thomas Coryate tried to prove that his friends were 8 , so he began to show that it was easy to use the fork. But the first 9 of meat he took with the fork fell to the floor. His friends began to 10 at him and he had to take fork

9、 away.People in England began to use forks only fifty years later.1. A. broke B. wrote C. went D. calmed2. A. less B. much C. even D. more3. A. Why B. When C. Which D. Where4. A. clean B. big C. dirty D. safe5. A. knives B. dishes C. forks D. plates6. A. use B. eat C. make D. cut7. A. worried B. bor

10、ed C. tired D. surprised8. A. honest B. correct C. wrong D. clever9. A. piece B. kilo C. pound D. packet10. A. scream B. look C. shout D. laugh【试题答案】一. 15 B B A C A 610 C A B A D二. 1. has 2. pronunciation 3. chose 4. funny 5. quickly 6. to be 7. leaves 8. slowly 9. warmth 10. telling 三. 15 B D B A C 610 B D C A D


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