江苏省徐州市第二十二中学七年级英语上册Unit5《Going shopping》Grammar A

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江苏省徐州市第二十二中学七年级英语上册Unit5《Going shopping》Grammar A_第1页
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1、第四课时 Grammar A【学习目标】1学会在疑问句和陈述句中使用there be结构2学会使用there be 向别人介绍新事物【课前预习】一、请用动词Be的适当形式填空。 1. There _ two English books on the desk. 2. _ there an American girl in your class? 3. There _ a football and some toys on the bed. 4. There _ (not) any water in the river.来源:学优中考网xYzkw 5. There _ 100 dollars i

2、n the purse (钱包). 6. _ there many cakes and an apple in the box?二、选择填空。 ( )1. Are there _ in your class? A. any boy B. any boys C. any boies D. some boys ( )2. Wu Dong and his sister _ a new bike. A. have B. there are C. has D. there is ( ) 3. There is _ cat here. A. not an B. no C. no any D. not an

3、y ( ) 4. - Whats on the table? -_ some books on it. A. Theres B. Therere C. Its D. Theyre【课堂解疑】 1、当我们想向别人介绍某地方有的时候,我们可以用There be句型来介绍新事物,现在让我们来具体地学习这个句型,然后你们就可以运用自如了! There be句型 There is/ are + 某物/某人 +某地, 表示“某地有某人或某物”,句中is/ are与最靠近他们的名词在数方面必须一致。 There is (Theres) a table in your room. There is (ther

4、es) a ruler and two books on the desk.肯定式: There is (theres) some water in the bowl. There are (Therere) some people in the shop. There are (Therere) two books and a ruler on the desk. There is not (isnt) a dog here.否定式: There are not (arent) any cats here.疑问式: Is there a pencil box in your bag?回答:

5、Yes, there is . No, there isnt. Are there any teddy bears in the shop? Yes, there are. No, there arent.来源:xYzkW.Com让我们试试看吧!根据汉语完成句子。树上有一只小鸟和一只猫。 _ _ a bird and a cat in the tree.墙上有些画吗? _ _ _ pictures on the wall?老师的桌上有一些花吗? _ _ any flowers on the _ desk?碗里没水。 _ _ any water in the bowl?这张图里有两张桌子和一个书

6、包(用两种句子表达)。 There _ two desks and a bag in the picture. There _ a bag and two desks in the picture.来源:xYzKw.Com2、It is called sunnyside.它被称作阳光地带。 be called被称作,相当于be named 试试看:这家商店名叫“红火”。 The shop _ _ “Honghuo”. 我有一个名叫“汤姆”的朋友。来源:学优中考网 I have a friend _ “Tom”.3、Write to me soon尽快给我写信。 write to sb. 或wr

7、ite a letter to sb.或write sb a letter. 请用三种方式翻译下面一句话: 我经常给我好朋友写信。 I often _ _ my good friend. I often _ _ _ my good friend. I often _ my good friend _ .学后记:第五课时 Grammar B&C【学习目标】1. 学习并使用现在进行时,谈论现在正在发生的事情。2用宾格代词来指代人或物。【课前预习】一、根据句意,用人称代词的适当形式填空。 1Look at your shoes. _ are very dirty. You should clean_

8、. 2That is Sallys book. _ is looking for _ everywhere. 3This is my old bag. _ want a new one. Can you help_?二、用所给的动词的适当形式填空。 1 I _ (take) photos now.2 Listen! Li Lei _(sing) a song.3 Look! A cat _ (run) up a tree.4 It is 6:00 p.m. The Browns _ (have)supper now.5 - What are they doing? - They _(clean

9、) the classroom.【课堂解疑】 1、“Hello!你在干什么?是看书还是看电视?”我们怎样用英语表达正在发生的动作?让我们一来学“现在进行时”吧。 请看一下课本Page 77和Page78的三个表格。 看完了吗?让我们来练习一下吧。写出下列动词的-的形式。 eat_ do_ run_ sit_ lie_ study _ shop_ have_用所给词的正确形式填空。 . Look! The girl _(play)volleyball. . Its twelve oclock now. The students_ (have) lunch. . Jim, your dad_ (s

10、leep). Please dont watch TV. . Mr and Mrs Black _(watch) TV every evening. But they _ (read) books now. .- What _Kate _(do)? - She _ (draw) a picture of her house. 2. Millie is paying for her new shoes. pay for “为付款”或“支付,赔偿”, 例如: 我正在为这本书付10元钱。 I _ _ 10 yuan _ the book. spend, cost也有花费钱的意思,你们能辨别它们的用法

11、吗?通过下面的小练习检查一下吧! The house _ me 100,000 dollars. I _ 100,000 dollars (in) buying/ on the house.来源:xYzKw.Com I _ 100,000 for the house. 3. Are you studying at the moment? at the moment = now 4. Im waiting for my turn. wait for ones turn等候轮到某人(顺序)。例:我们应排队上车。 请看一下Page 79的表格。 记住他们了吗?让我们做一些练习吧? 用适当的代词填空。This is my coat. Could you look after _, please. Dont worry. I can help _, Lin Tao. Emma is my friend. I like _ very much. Miss Gao is an English teacher. _ is a good teacher. Lily and Lucy arent at school. _ are at home.学后记:



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