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1、2015年成人学位英语名词强化试题及答案1:_great progress he has made!A.HowB.How aC.WhatD.What a此题应选C。容易误选D,误认为progress是可数名字。此题命题者主要考察了两个方面的问题:一是感叹句句型;二是名词progress的可数性。2:-Where does Mr Smith work?-He works in a glass_ around here.A.workB.worksC.workingD.workes此题应选B.容易误选C,误认为:因为其前用了不定冠词a,所以不能选work(因为不可数)和works(因为是复数),D显

2、然是错的。3:-Can I help you? -_, please.A.Two teasB.Two cups of teasC.Two cup teasD.Two cup of tea此题应选A。其余几项都容易被误选。4:-I want three_ these eggs.A.dozenB.dozensC.dozen ofD.dozens of此题涉及两个方面的问题:一是dozen是否加词尾-s,二是其后是否接介词of.此题答案显然只能是C。5:-It is reported that a great number of _died in the drought.A.cattlesB.pol

3、icesC.peoplesD.poultry此题应选D。其余几项均可能被误选。此题主要涉及集合名词的用法。6:-Every possible means_ been tried, and wefind only_ this means can we do it well.A.have, inB.have, byC.has, inD.has, by此题应选D.其余几项均容易被误选。这里主要涉及名词means(方式,方法,手段)的用法与搭配。1. The reason _ I cant come is that I have to prepare for the coming exam.A. fo

4、r B. asC. because D. why2. She studied hard at school when she was young; _ contributes to her success in her career.A. that B. so thatC. so D. which3. Sound waves travel in the air in much the same way _ water waves spread on the water.A. as B. thatC. where D. in which4. Ive got a bottle of beer, b

5、ut I havent got anything _ I can open it with.A. that B. whatC. where D. which5. Writers can accurately describe objects _ have never seen.A. who B. if they C. they D. that6. It wasnt such a good present _ he had promised me.A. that B. asC. which D. what7. Perhaps the day will come _ people will be

6、able to breathe clean air in cities.A. when B. whileC. as D. since8. To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series of questions, _ has only one correct answer.A. each of which B. some of whichC. which D. what9. A higher crime rate exists in cities _ a large percentage of unemployment.A.

7、where have B. that haveC. which they have D. that having10. Scientists call Newtons idea _ gravitation reaches throughout the universe the law of universal gravitation.A. when B. whichC. that D. where1. D 我不能来来的原因是我必须得为马上来临的考试做准备了。reason 原因,why 引导原因状语从句。2. D 年轻时她在学样学习很用功,这对她在以后的职业生涯中取得成功有很大贡献。这是非限制性

8、定语从句,前面整个句子做先行词,则定语从句只能用关系代词which,故选D.3. A 声波在空气中的传播跟在水面的传播方式是一样的。As引导方式状语从句。引导方式状语从句的从属连词有:as,as if,as though,just as等。4. D 我买了一瓶啤酒,但是我没有什么东西用来打开它。句子“I can open it with”中缺少宾语,关系代词前有介词时:指人就用whom,指物就用which,故选择:D.5. C 作家们能准确地描述出他们曾见过的事物的特征。6. B 这个礼物并不像他曾许诺我的那样好。suchas 如此像什么一样;7. A 或许这样的日子就会来临,人们在城市里能够

9、呼吸到新鲜空气。When引导时间状语从句。8. A 为了组织一场客观的测试,老师写了一系列问题,每个问题只有一个正确的答案。each of which 这些问题中的每一个,非限制性定语从句中“which”这个关系代词代指前面的“a series of questions”。形式也对,但句子谓语用的是has,是单数,故A正确。9. B 更高的犯罪率存在于城市那些大量的无业游民中。分析:这个选项我们不要被空格前的in cities所迷惑了,否则一下就选用地点状语引导词where了,这样句子就不正确了,因为关系副词是不能做主语的,D排除;关系代词在句子中可以作主语,C选项,我们代入句子看看,主语重复

10、了, which 和they都是充当主语,并列这样用,是根本生不通的。D选项谓语动词不能用分词形式,分词本身词性就是不动词,怎么能充当谓语。答案为:B.10. C 科学家们称牛顿的引力存在整个宇宙空间的理论思想为万有引力定律。“Call sth sth” 意为:“称为”;我们把句子简化为:Scientists call Newtons idea the law of universal gravitation. 科学家们称牛顿的思想为万有引力定律;显然,先行词是idea, 而它充当的是宾语,用which或that来引导,在该类题中,如果既给出which又给出that供选择时,应以选that为正确答案。



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