新概念英语青少版 1B Unit27 Toothache专业课件PPT.ppt

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1、1 牙痛 toothache 看起来 不舒服 牙医 病人 look awful dentist patient New Words 2 牙医 dentist 牙痛 toothac he 病人 patient 3 约时间见面 急诊 今天 今天下午 痛苦的 make an appointment emergency today this afternoon miserable 4 hospital emergency 5 感到 希望一切都好 耳痛 feel hope for the best earache 胃疼 背疼 心痛 stomachache backache heartache 6 Gue

2、ss what happened to them toothacheearache miserable 7 headache stomach ache 8 New Words and Expressions toothache 牙痛 today 今天 look 看起来 this afternoon 今天下午 awful 不舒服的 miserable 痛苦的 dentist 牙医 feel 感到 patient 病人 hope for the best 希望一切都好 make an appointment 约时间见面 emergency 急诊 earache 耳痛 9 patient sick

3、appointment flu dentist emergency awful miserable 10 急诊 耳痛 牙痛 头痛 牙医 流感 胃痛 感冒 11 生病的 看起来 痛苦的今天 不舒服 的 病人 感到希望 一切都好 约时间 见面 12 Describe the pictures 13 William Robert s not Karen What s the with him Karen He s got Fill in the blanks well matter toothache well 副词 近义词 fine healthy What s rong with you he

4、s got he has got 14 William Poor Robert He looks Please the dentist Karen Yes yes awful call of course 看上去不舒服 反 look well 15 Karen Hello My name s Karen Jenkins We are Mr Hall s Please can I for my son Robert It s an emergency patients make an appointment 约时间见面 emergency 急诊 hospital 医院 16 Karen Yes

5、that s right Robert Jenkins He s got toothache Yes That s today with Mr Hall That s at half four this afternoon Thank you very much terrible past terrible toothache 严重的牙疼 bad toothache 17 William Poor Robert He looks Karen You look miserable too William I miserable miserable feel look miserable 看上去痛

6、苦 18 William Oh well the appointment s for today Let s for the best Karen Poor Robert Poor you hope hope for the best 抱最好的希望 19 可怜的你 急诊室 空腹 今天下午 感觉痛苦 不太好 看上去健康 poor you emergency room empty stomach this afternoon feel miserable be not well look well 20 得了牙疼 看上去不舒服 打电话给牙医 当然 为 预约 严重的牙疼 在四点半 抱最好的希望 看上

7、去痛苦 have got a toothache look awful call the dentist of course make an appointment for terrible toothache at half past four hope for the best look miserable 21 New words Part 天 一昼夜 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 星期天 Sunday 头痛 生病的 胃痛 流感 感冒 headache sick

8、stomach ache flu cold 22 coldflu 23 past 分钟数不超 过30分 half past to 分钟数超过 30分 o clock 24 Three ways to express time 1 点钟数 分钟数 eg 6 15 7 29 2 分钟数 past 点钟数 分钟数不超过30分 eg 6 15 7 29 8 30 3 差分钟数 to 下一点钟数 分钟数超过30分 eg 5 45 9 39 six fifteen seven twenty nine a quarter past six twenty nine past seven half past e

9、ight a quarter to six twenty one to ten 25 表示时间的 on at to past on 表示 在 后面加具体 的某一天 如 在星期天 on Sunday 在星期六 on Saturday 26 at 表示 在 后面加具体的 时间点 如 在12 15 at twelve fifteen at a quarter past twelve 在12 45 at a quarter to one 27 Pattern Practice 1 A What day is it B It s Sunday 2 A When s your appointment B

10、It s on Sunday 28 3 A When can he see you B He can see me at four o clock on Sunday 29 4 A How does Robert feel look B He feels looks awful 30 5 A Who looks awful B Robert does He has got He s got toothache 6 A What s the matter with Robert B He s got toothache 31 6 A When can the dentist doctor see

11、 Robert B He can see him at four o clock on Sunday A That s good 32 personal pron 人称代词有人称 数 和格的变化 数单数复数 格 主格 动前 宾格 动后 主格 动前 宾格 动后 第一人称I 我 me 我 we 我们 us 我们 第二人称you 你 you 你 you 你们 you 你们 第三人称 he 他 him 他 they 他们 她们 它们 them 他们 她们 它们 she 她 her 她 it 它 it 它 33 Across 1 Toothache See a dentist 4 Anything else madam 6 Is it Thursday or Friday today 7 A short word for father dad 8 Do you want one yes or no 9 Not shut open 10 Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday 34 Down 1 I can see the college from the window in my room 2 Monday Wednesday Tuesday 3 Quick It s an emergency 5 Not good boys bad boys 35



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