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1、【十年高考】2004-2013年全国各地高考英语试题分类汇编:交际用语05全国Oh dear!Ive just broken a window.It cant be helped.A.Never mindB.All rightC.Thats fineD.Not at all答案A考点此题考查交际用语。解析Never mind.不要紧, 用来安慰人。句意为:不要紧, 这很难免。05江苏How about putting some pictures into the report?A picture is worth a thousand words.A.No way.B.Why not?C.Al

2、l right?D.No matter.答案B考点本题考查情景交际。解析Why not? 为什么不呢?表示同意对方的意见。根据所提供的情景A picture is worth a thousand words.可判断出说话人认为对方的意见是很好的。No way.表示拒绝。All right? 表示疑问。05广东Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.Im sure we will win.Mike: !A.Good luckB.CheersC.Best wishesD.Congratulations答案A考点

3、本题考查情景交际。解析因为还没有取得胜利, 故应 “祝好运”。05辽宁Wed like you to start work tomorrow if possible.Im sorry, but I cant possibly start until Monday.?A.Do you agree with meB.Is that a good ideaC.Do you think Im rightD.Will that be all right答案D考点本题考查交际用语。解析根据上文可知, 此处表示对对方提议的回答, 并且征求意见, 语气委婉, 所以答案为D项。05辽宁Well, I do th

4、ink the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. .A.So it isB.So is itC.So does itD.So it does答案A考点本题考查交际用语。解析从所提供的四个选项可以看出, 第二个说话者应是对第一个说话者所说的事情表示同意。所以语序应用陈述语序, 助动词应根据前句用is。05山东Lets go to a movie after work, OK?A.Not at all.B.Why not? C.Never mind.D.What of it?答案B考点本题考查情景交际。解析N

5、ot at all,一点也不;Why not?干吗不, 表示同意某建议或想法;Never mind没关系;What of it?那又有什么关系, 用于表示对某事不关心或生气地告诉某人事情与他无关。根据题意知B项正确。05江西Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?Thank you.A.It couldnt be better B.Of course you canC.If you likeD. Its up to you 答案B考点本题考查情景交际。解析It couldnt be better。意为 “那就再好不过了”;Its up t

6、o you意为 “由你决定”。分析可知A项更合适。05江西Hello, Mr.Smith.This is Larry Jackson.I am afraid I wont be able to arrive on time for the meeting in your office.Well wait for you.A.Hurry upB.No doubtC.Cheer upD.Thats all right答案D考点本题考查情景交际。解析由答语知Well wait for you可知, 应选Thats all right, 意为 “没关系”。而Hurry up.意为 “抓紧”;No do

7、ubt.意为 “多半, 很可能”;Cheer up意为 “加油”。05安徽Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?.A.Its your opinionB.I dont mindC.Its all up to youD.Thats your decision答案C考点本题考查情景交际。解析Its all up to you.这你说了算, 是对对方意见的答语。Its your opinion.这是你的意见;I dont mind.我不介意;Thats your decision.那是你的决定,显然与句意不相符。05安徽Im terribly so

8、rry I broke your glass.A.Thats rightB.Bad luckC.SorryD.You can forget it答案D考点本题考查情景交际用语。解析句意为:很对不起, 我把你的玻璃杯打破了。没关系, 别放在心上。Forget it或You can forget it.是口语用法, 意为 “没关系;不必在意;算了吧;别提它了;休想;住嘴”, 可用以回答别人的道歉, 或不想重复说过的话, 或断然拒绝某人的请求, 或因厌烦而不让某人继续说下去。05全国Can I speak to Mr.Wang, please?.A.Who are you?B.Im Wang.C.S

9、peaking.D.Are you John?答案C考点本题考查了在真实语境中交际用语的使用。解析由Can I speak to Mr.Wang, please?可知双方正在打电话, 故其答语应为This is Mr.Wang speaking,其中的This is Mr.Wang可以省略。05浙江Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?A.How come?B.Take your time. C.Yes,go on. D.Yes,help yourself.答案D考点本题考查情景交际用语。解析对别人请求的回答。 how come意为 “怎么会”;ta

10、ke your time 意为 “别着急, 慢慢来”;go on意为 “继续干”。故应选help yourself意为 “自己干吧”。05浙江People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.The roads are too crowded as it is.A.All rightB.ExactlyC.Go aheadD.Fine答案B考点本题考查情景交际用语。解析Exactly.可用于答语, 表示完全同意对方的意见;All right.好吧, 同意那样做;Go ahead.继续进行。05福建Would

11、you like, sir?No, thanks.I have had much.A.some more orangesB.any more orangesC.some more orangeD.any more orange答案C考点考查语言交际能力。解析在表示建议或请求时用some, 不用any, 又因回答是I have had much. “much”用于指代不可数名词所以推断出orange在句中意为 “桔汁”而不是 “桔子”, 是不可数名词。05福建James, Im sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.

12、A.Thats all rightB.Its a pleasureC.You are welcomeD.Dont mention it答案C考点考查语言交际能力。解析Thats all right意为 “不用谢;没关系”, 主要用于对感谢或歉意的礼貌回答。05湖南Its cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.A.Yes, take it easyB.Well, it just dependsC.OK, just in caseD.All right, youre welcome答案C考点本题考查情景交际用语。解析take it easy别着急、慢慢来;i

13、t just depends看情况而定;just in case以防万一;youre welcome你是受欢迎的。由题意知应选C项。05湖北Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little sons curious about those roses you grow.Youre welcome.A.Yes, I doB.Never mindC.Yes, pleaseD.Not at all答案D考点考查请求和应答。解析上句问Would you mind.? 回答应该是 “不介意”, 因此

14、选D, 表示自己一点也不介意, 它通常是would/do you mind的回答。而Never mind.一般是对sorry的回答, 来宽慰道歉的一方。05重庆My family usually goes skating for vacation.I like skating, but I want to try something different this year.A.Lets go.B.Cheer up.C.Like what?D.Take care.答案C考点本题考查情景交际用语。解析根据语境既然对方提到今年尝试点其他东西, 对方自然要问:比如什么之类的话。Like what? “比如什么”。故选C项。05重庆We missed you at this mornings meeting, Diana., but if I hadnt had to meet


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