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1、学校 班级 考号 姓名_uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu装uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu订uuuuuuuuuuuuu线uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu2020学年第二学期五年级英语期中检测卷 (总分100分,50分钟完成)听力部分(30分)一、听音,选出你听到的单词或短语。(5分)( ) 1. A. when B. where C. hear( ) 2. A. last B. late C. letter( ) 3. A. season B. see C. some( ) 4. A. play sports B. go shopping C. clean room( ) 5. A. have a

2、Chinese class B. have a maths class C. have an English class 二、听音,选择正确的图片。(10分)( )1A B( )2. A. B. ( )3. A B( )4A B( )5. A. B. 三、听录音,根据你听到的内容选出正确的答语。(10分) ( ) 1. A. I go to school at 7:10. B. I like playing football. C. Im watching TV.( ) 2. A. I eat dinner at 6:00p.m. B. I eat breakfast at 6:00a.m.

3、C. I eat breakfast at home.( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, Im not. C. No, I cant.( ) 4. A. Its too late. B. My mother worked last night. C. In the park. ( ) 5. A. I like yellow. B. I like winter best. C. Do you like spring?四、听音,根据听到的内容完成句子。(5分) 1 are you shopping today?2Sometimes I go _ with my father o

4、n Sunday. 3I like best.4Mothers Day is in .5. I can apples in autumn 笔试部分 (70分)一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示。(10分)( ) 1. please plate ( ) 2. China lunch ( ) 3. clever cook ( ) 4. brow green( ) 5. sheep shirt二、选择正确的答案。(20分)( ) 1. I usually go _ with my mother. A. swim B. to swimming C. swimming( ) 2.

5、 We have a P.E. class_ _ten _the morning. A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in( )3. _ do you like December best?Because winter vacation is coming.A. When B. Which C. Why( )4. I usually go to bed_10 oclock.A.at B.in C. on( )5. Childrens Day is in _.A. March B. July C. June( )6. _ is your birthday? Its in Au

6、gust. A. When B. What C. Which( )7. There _ a few pandas. A. is B. am C. are( )8. Which season do you like best? _. A. Ice cream B. Spring C. Flowers( ) 9. I like winter because I can play _ the snow. A. for B. of C. in ( ) 10. -How many seasons are they in a year? -There are _. A. four B. twelve C.

7、 six三、根据问句选答句。(10分)( )1When is Christmas Day? A. At ten oclock. ( )2What do you do on Sunday? B. Its in December.( )3When do you go to bed? C. I like autumn best.( )4Which season do you like best? D. Ill cook for her.( )5What will you do on Mothers Day? E. I often clean my room. 四、按要求完成句子。(10分)1. ca

8、n every I swimming go day(.) (连词成句) _2Teachers Day is in September.(就划线部分提问)_ is _ Day?3. I like autumn. (改为否定句)I _ _ autumn.4. When is Childrens Day?(按实际情况回答) Its _ _.5.我们通常在6:30分吃早餐。(中译英)We usually_ _at 6:30.五、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,把答案写在答题卡上。(10分)A. I have a lot of things to do.B. When do you get up on

9、Saturday?C. What about Sundays?D. What do you usually do on the weekend?E. Do you often go shopping on the weekend?A: Amy, why are you shopping today?B: My mum worked last night. So Im shopping today.A:_w W w .B: No. But sometimes.A:_B:I often wash my clothes and clean my room.A:_B:I often get up at

10、 6:00.A: Its too early.B: Yes._A:_B: I often get up at 6:30 on Sundays. Because I need to go to the Old Peoples Home(养老院).A: You are a kind girl. 六、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F). (10分)Hello, I am Zoom. I get up at 6:00a.m. every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises a

11、t 8:00. I go home at 5:00p.m. I play sports at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. I go to bed at 9:00. I often wash my clothes on the weekend.( ) 1. Zoom eats breakfast at 7:30a.m.( ) 2. Zoom does morning exercises at 7:00a.m.( ) 3. Zoom goes home at 5:00p.m.( ) 4. Zoom plays sports at 5:30p.m.( ) 5. Zoom

12、always washes his clothes on the weekend.2020学年第二学期五年级英语期中检测卷参考答案听力材料:一、听音,选出你所听到的选项。(5分)1. Where is your photo? 2. My mum worked last night. 3. My favourite season is spring. 4. Sometimes I go shopping with my mother on the weekend.5. We have a Chinese class at 9:00 (B A A B A )二、听音,选择正确的图片。(5分)1. I often do morning exercises. 2. I always take a dancing class on Sunday.3. I often go on a picnic in spring. 4. American Thanksgiving Da


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