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1、错题总结文档xx中考英语 xx中考经典错题汇编 1、_boy inblue is my youngerbrother.A.The B.A C.An D.不填 2、She was always verybusy。 She hadlittle timeto spend_going travel_her family.A.about,in B.on,with C.on,at D.in,with 3、My postcardis stillon thedesk.Why youit?Ahavent,posted B.didnt,post C.wasnt posting D.wont,post 4、The

2、family_at thelunch tablewhen someonecame totell themwhat hadhappened at_.A.were sitting;Mr.Brown B.were sitting;Mr.Brown C.was sitting;Mr.Brown D.was sitting;Mr.Brown 5、The foodtastes_and sells_.A.well;well B.good;good C.well;good D.good;well 6、Unfortunately thebasketball_(hide)under theteachers des

3、kwas foundby myteacher. 7、-Have youread the book writtenby HanHan?-Yes,thebook_(e)out lastmonth. 8、Paris isone of the_(生气勃勃的)in theworld。 9、When thechildren sawthe beautifulfireworks in the sky,they couldnt helpscreaming_(cheer). 10、The murder(谋杀案)_(take)place when the policearrived.Its toolate. 11、

4、Could youlend meyour ruler?Mine is_(break). 12、I wantto knowif theresanon-stop(直达)_(fly)from Lanzhouto Hainanthis 13、when Igot home,I foundmy petdog_(lie)on the floor,dead. 14、she tellsher sonto havehis hair_(cut)every othermonth. 15、the manin greenis lookingforward tobeing_(salesman). 16、listen!How

5、_(exciting)he istalking abouthis lastvisit tothe SummerPalace.单选 1、When hesaw allhis books_here andthere on thefloor,he knewsomething terrible_.A.lying;must havehappened B.lie;must happenC.lay;might havehappened D.had lain;could havehappened 2、-You dont lookwell,youd bettersee yourdoctor?-I_.I hadan

6、 appointmentwith mydoctor thismorning.A.will B.did C.have D.can 3、The younggirl_her seatto anold ladyon thebus.A.brought B.offered C.gave D.lent 4、When Ifirst atein westernrestaurant,I didnt knowwhat Iwas supposedto do.Questions_my mind.A.e toB.in crowdedC.crowded D.went 5、-Do youhave Jays CDs?-Sorr

7、y,they are_.But well getmore nextweek becausethey_.A.sold well;are on sale B.sold out;sell wellC.selling well;are soldD.onsale;sell well 6、-Steven,can youhelp me_when theplane willtake offon the inter?-Sorry,my puterdoesnt work.A.hand outB.find outC.look forD.look out 7、This pairof gloves_in thatfac

8、tory,and it_very fortable.A.is made,is feltB.are made;are feltC.are made,feels D.is made,feels 8、We wont allow_in thecinema,but youare allowed_in therestroom.A.smoking,smoking B.to smoketo,to smokeC.smoking,to smokeD.smoke,smoke 9、If thequestion_in correctly,_questions willbe givento you.A.is answer

9、ed,other B.answers,other C.is answered,another D.answers,another 10、The libraryis used_books bypeople,so weare notallowed_loudly.A.to read,talking B.to read,to talkC.to reading,to talkD.to reading,talking 11、It_that Tomis alwaysthe first_to school.A.is said,to getB.says,getting C.is said,getting D.s

10、ays,to get 12、The studentswere told_during the exam,but Lucy_the schoolrules.A.dont cheat,broke B.not tocheat,broke C.dont cheat,was brokenD.not tocheat,was broken 13、I meta friendof_in thestreet yesterday_.A.my father,by mistakeB.my fathers,by mistakeC.my father,by aidentD.my father,by aident 14、-T

11、he planelanded_at theairport inthe end.-good news!_is thefirst.A.safe;safety B.safe;safe C.safely;safe D.safely;safety 15、-the tourguide hasmade theroute forthe schooltrip。 We dont needto_.A.be afraidof B.be strictwith C.be excitedabout D.be worriedabout 16、the boy_red shirtismy brother.A.in B.on C.

12、at D.under 17、_boy inblue ismybrother.A.the B.a C.an D./ 18、She wasalways verybusy,she hadlittle timeto spend_her family.A.about B.on C.in D.with 19、My postcardis stillonthedesk.Why_you_it?A.havent,posted B.dont,post C.werent,postingD.wont,post 20、The family_at thelunch tablewhen someonecame totell

13、themwhat hadhappened at_.A.were sitting;Mr.Brown B.were sitting;Mr.Browns C.was sitting;Mr.Brown D.was sitting;Mr.Browns 21、The foodtastes_and sells_.A.well;well B.good;good C.well;good D.good;well 22、About_of theengineers inmy panywere borninthe_.A.two-thirds;1970B.two-thirds;1970s C.two-third;1970

14、s D.two-third; 197023、I hearsomeone_at thedoor.Please goand seewho_is.A.knock;he B.knocking;he C.knock;it D.knocking;it 24、Its kind_you totell funnystories tothose_kids.A.of;lonely B.of,alone C.for;alone D.for;lonely 25、You willfall intheexam_you workhard fromnow on.A.until B.so thatC.unless D.if 26、Mr Smithis searchingtheinterto findout_.A.what isthe causeof the earthquake in Qinghai B.what wasthe causeoftheearthquake inQinghai C.when didtheearthquaketake place inQinghaiD.whentheearthquake tookplaceinQinghai.。 内容仅供参考



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