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1、 高分演练 一 1 读后续写要求 1 先看懂原文 寻求故事的内在联系 走进 作者的内心世界 2 续写基本上是记叙文 记叙文大多离不开 六要素 who when where what how why 找出六要素 文章的结构自然水落石 出 3 续写的时候文章字数在150左右 4 续写的时候 两段的段首给出首句 而且 要用五个以上给出的提示词 5 续写要求 续 的不仅是内容 还有叙述 角度 常见第一或第三人称视角 人物的 特点 文风和思想 2 高考作文时暴露的问题 1 不会审题 抓不住文章大意 导致续写无法完成或续写严重 偏离主题 2 人称 时态不统一 3 续写部分立意不高 情节过于 偏激或消极等

2、4 语法结构和词汇较为单一贫 乏 3 解决方案 1 学会审题 审题材 审时态 审前文大意 审前文要点 审续写所给首句 2 培养时态意识 明确人物以及事件线索 3 合理发挥想象 续写的内容应该充满正能量 4 努力克服语法结构与词汇过于贫乏的问题 4 高分演练Step 1 Main Character s Name Two Words Describing This Person Three Words Describing the Setting or Place Four Words Describing an Important Event Five Words Describing the

3、 Main Idea or the Importance of this Event Story PyramidStory PyramidStory PyramidStory Pyramid Please write down the requested information READINGREADING Amy Disabled lonely Tease laugh at make fun of Giggle fun unusual wish call up Unfriendly problem cerebral palsy exciting news Christmas Wish Con

4、test 5 高分演练Step 2 审题思路 体裁 时态 原文核心内容解读 记叙文 一般过去时 Amy患有残疾 同学对她不友好 模仿她走路的样子 因为在校经常遭到同学们嘲笑 Amy倍感孤独 母亲得 知情况后 让她参加电台组织的圣诞节心愿比赛 令母亲 始料未及的是 Amy的圣诞心愿不是其他同学通常希望得 到的礼物 而是不受同学嘲笑的一天 这个不同寻常的愿 望引起了电台经理的关注 他决定播出这个有特别意义的 愿望 6 高分演练Step 3 文章脉络 Who When Where What Why How Amy Hagadorn Patti Hagadorn Lee Tobin Christmas

5、 season Classroom dinner table radio station Teasing laugh at Christmas Wish Contest Cerebral palsy muscle disorder disability By writing a secret Christmas wish 7 高分演练Step 4 写作思路 按照故事的发展 在各大媒体 的帮助下 Amy的特别心愿最后应该得到了满 足 续写第一段 Amy的圣诞心愿迅速成了报纸的头 条 可以写各家报纸竞相报道 热心人给Amy的 信件不断涌来 表达他们的祝福与鼓励等 续写第二段 人们寄来了饱含友情与支

6、持的信 件 可以写人们在信中表达的内容 如分享自己 类似的经历 鼓励Amy勇于克服困难等 面对如 此多的信件 Amy感觉人们的关心使她不再孤 单 也可以写她的心愿得到满足的过程 她的内 心感受及部分学生态度的改变等 8 高分演练Step 5 罗列要点 以问题的方式 Para 1 How did different kinds of media cover and respond to the story of Amy s unusual Christmas wish How did the audience react to it Para 2 What the letter writers

7、wrote about Some share similar experience of being teased because of disability Some encourage her to ignore teasing Some thank her for being brave to speak up Amy s feeling after reading letters the lesson other students learned from this event 9 高分演练 范文展示 The next day a picture of Amy and her lett

8、er to Santa made the front page of the News Sentinel The story spread quickly All across the country newspapers and radio and television station reported the story of the little girl in Fort Wayne who asked for such a simple yet remarkable Christmas gift just one day without teasing Suddenly the pos

9、tman was a regular at her house Envelopes of all sizes addressed to Amy arrived daily from children and adults throughout the nation They came filled with holiday greetings and words of encouragement During that unforgettable Christmas season over two thousand people from all over the world sent Amy

10、 letters of friendship and support and Amy and her family read every single one Some of the writers had disabilities Some thanked Amy for being brave enough to speak up Others encouraged her to ignore teasing and to carry her head high Through these letters Amy glimpsed a world full of people who truly cared about each other without feeling lonely any more Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing Additionally everyone at school learnt a universal lesson that everyone wants and deserves to be treated with respect dignity and warmth 10


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