人教高中英语必修五 Unit 5 First Aid period 1 课件1

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《人教高中英语必修五 Unit 5 First Aid period 1 课件1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教高中英语必修五 Unit 5 First Aid period 1 课件1(42页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 天有不测风云 人有旦夕祸福 a snake bitebleedinga sprained ankle chokinga broken arma nosebleed Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents What would you do in such situations What is first aid First aid is given to someone who suddenly or before a doctor can be found a temporary form of help falls ill get

2、s injured What things at home can be dangerous electrical equipmentelectric wires poisons knives hot water glass gas pets What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid drown bleed choke burn catch fire cut a bloody nose a snake bite sprained ankle a broken arm Accident Firs

3、t aid 1 The best way to treat a hurt ankle is to A Put an ice pack on your ankle B Put a heating pad 垫子 around your ankle C Keep on walking and jumping treat a hurt ankle 2 If you get a nosebleed gently let your head back to stop the bleeding A True B False It may lead the blood into the throat and

4、easily cause choking 3 To treat a burn you A Rub 擦 some butter on it B Hold the burnt part under cold running water C Put salt on the burnt part 4 You should wait at least five minutes before touching somebody who has been struck by lightening or you might get a shock 打击 A True B False 5 Your friend

5、 has an asthma 哮喘 attack but she doesn t have her medicine You d better A Get a paper bag for her to breathe into B Get her a cup of coffee C Take her outside for fresh air caffeine 咖啡因 can help to dilate 扩大 the windpipe 气管 6 To treat a choke you should make him her spit by patting him her on the ba

6、ck A True B False 7 If someone is having a heart attack you should first A Call 120 B Perform CPR 心肺复苏 What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation Make a list of your ideas Cool the area of skin Wash it under the cold running water Cover the wound with bandage clean cloth See a doctor

7、 if necessary skin organ barrier poison ray complex variety n 皮 皮肤 n 器官 n 屏障 障碍物 n 毒药 毒害 vt 毒害 使中毒 n 光线 射线 adj 复杂的 n 变化 多样化 liquid radiation mild mildly pan stove tissue swell n 液体 n 辐射 射线 adj 轻微的 温和的 adv 轻微地 温和地 n 平底锅 盘子 n 炉子 火炉 n 组织 手巾纸 vt 隆起 scissors unbearable basin bandage vital n 剪刀 adj 难以忍受的

8、n 盆 盆地 n 绷带 adj 至关重要的 生死攸关的 electric shock squeeze out over and over again 触电 电休克 榨出 挤出 反复 多次 Read the title of the text and the headings within it Skim for general idea 1 What is the topic of the text and how is the information organized 2 How many parts are the text divided into and what are they

9、Fast Reading 1 What is the topic of the text and how is the information organized It is about and the information is organized according to for burns 2 How many parts are the text divided into and what are they It can be divided into 5 parts 1 The purpose of skin 2 How we can get burns causes of bur

10、ns 3 The three types of burns 4 The symptoms characteristics of burns 5 What to do if someone gets burn first aid treatment first aid for burns causes types characteristics and first aid treatment The functions of the skin 1 Protect you against and 2 Keep you or 3 Prevent your body from 4 Give you l

11、osing too sense of touch warmcool diseasespoisons the sun s harmful rays Part 1 Detailed Reading much water steam fire the sunelectricitychemicals hot liquids radiation Part 2 Causes of burns Part 3 4 Types can be seen or pain Black and white and TypesTypesCharacteristicsCharacteristics layer top se

12、cond all three swollen Rough tissue Mildly Little no pressed Blisters charred Types of burns Part 5 1 When someone is burned you should place some ice on his wound 2 The function of cool water is to prevent and reduce swelling 3 Cold water can be used in three types of burns F T F Decide whether the

13、 first aid treatment is True T or False F 4 We shouldn t break the blisters or they will make the wound infected 5 Sometimes we can put oil or ointments on burns to stop the infection 6 If burns are on the face we should make the victim sit up F T T How will her mother deal with the burn 1 clothing

14、and jewellery near the burns 2 the burns with cool water 3 cool clean wet cloths on the burns 4 the burned area gently 5 the burned area with a dry clean bandage 6 the burned area than the heart if possible 7 the victim the doctor or hospital if possible Take off Cool Place Dry Cover Keep higher Get

15、 to Part 5 Summary of first aid treatment 1 In which order are these topics covered in the text Number them from 1 to 5 the three types of burns what to do if someone gets burned the functions of the skin the symptoms of burns how we get burns 3 1 4 2 5 2 Label these pictures with first second and t

16、hird degree burn second degreesecond degreefirst degreefirst degreethird degreethird degree rough red and swollen with blisters dry red and mildly swollen black and white and charred 3 Answer the questions 1 Why should you put cold water on a burn Because the cold water stops the burning process stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling 肿 2 Why doesn t a third degree burn hurt Because in a third degree burn the nerves have been damaged If there are no nerves there is no pain 3 Why do you t


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