人教版高中英语选修六Unit 4《Global warming》(第1课时)ppt课件

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1、 类别新课程标准所要求的项目 词汇consume random subscribe tend trend oppose consequence state range glance steady tendency average advocate circumstance depend on upon heat up come about that go up build up keep on on the whole on behalf of put up with turn up 语法it的用法 2 consume v 1 消耗 耗费 燃料 能量 时间等 She consumed most

2、 of her time in reading 她把大部分时间都花在读书上 2 吃 喝 饮 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table 孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光 3 sb with sth 使充满 强烈的感情 The boy was consumed with curiosity 那男孩充满好奇心 4 烧烧毁 毁灭灭 The fire consumed half the village 大火吞噬了半个村庄 知识运用 1 Each year Americans a high percentage of the world s e

3、nergy A exhaust B digest C absorb D consume 答案 D 本题题意 每年美国人都消耗掉世界能源 的很大比例 consume表示 消耗 耗费 燃料 能量 时间 等 2 The man is with the idea of going abroad A covered B addicted C consumed D accustomed 答案 C 本题题题题 意 这这人一心想着出国 consume sb with sth 表示 使充满满 强烈的感情 depend on upon 1 sb sth 依靠 信赖 You can depend on him 你可

4、以信赖他 2 确信 相信 指望 We can depend on his arriving here on time 我们可以相信他会准时到来 3 sb sth for sth 需要 依靠 提供资金 帮助等 Children depend on their parents for food and clothing 小孩依赖他们的父母供给衣食 4 sth 受 的影响 由 决定 取决于 A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge 在很大程度上将取决于她对这对这 一难题难题 的反应应 知识拓展 1 rely on upon 1 依赖

5、 依靠 Now that you are grown up you should not rely on your parents 既然你长大了 就不应该依靠你的父母 2 信任 信赖 You may rely on me to help you 你可以信赖我会帮助你的 2 That depends It all depends 那得看情况 How many people use each screen It That all depends 每个屏幕有多少人使用 这这要看情况 知识运用 1 2001上海 50 I m planning to hold a party in the open a

6、ir but I can make no guarantees because it the weather A links with B depends on C connects to D decides on 答案 B 本题题意 我计划举办一次露天聚会 可 是我不能做出承诺一定举办 因为这完全要视天气状况而 定 depend on sth 表示 受 的影响 由 决定 取 决于 2 2010江苏苏 27 Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games Ours i

7、s much stronger than theirs A Of course B It depends C Don t mention it D By no means 答案 D 本题题题题 意 你认为认为 他们们的乒乓乒乓 球队队会在 即将举举行的亚亚运会上获获得冠军吗军吗 绝绝无可能 我们们球 队队的实实力比他们们强多了 by no means表示 绝绝不 一点 也不 3 How often do you eat out but usually once a week A Have no idea B It depends C As usual D Generally speaking 答案 B 本题题题题 意 你们们多久出去吃一次饭饭 视视情形而定吧 通常每周一次 That It all depends 表 示 那得看情况


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