人教版高中英语选修六Unit 3《A healthy life》(第2课时)ppt课件

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1、 词汇 1 ban A a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense 2 abuse B to make sth stronger or become stronger 3 desperate C feeling or showing great despair or ready to do anything regardless of danger 4 strengthen D to make a bad or wrong use of 5 stress E to say that sth must not be done seen us

2、ed etc 6 due F feeling embarrassed and guilty because of sth you have done 7 automatic G to leave a job school etc especially without finishing it completely 8 mental H relating to the health or state of someone s mind 9 quit I done without thinking especially because you have done the same thing ma

3、ny times before 10 ashamed J owed to someone either as a debt or because they have a right to it 答案 1 E 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 J 7 I 8 H 9 G 10 F 短语 1 due 由于 2 give 放弃 戒掉 3 become addicted 对 有瘾 4 and again 再三地 反复地 5 become accustomed 习惯于 6 do damage 伤害 损伤 7 on 对 做出决定 8 throw 扔掉 抛弃 9 feel doing 想要 做 10 in

4、stead 代替 而不是 答案 1 to 2 up 3 to 5 over over 5 to 6 to 7 decide 8 away 9 like 10 of 语篇导读 根据课文内容完成下列短文 Choose a day that is not 1 to quit smoking Make a list of all the 2 you will get from stopping smoking 3 all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to 4 Reread the list of benefits you

5、wrote when you 5 smoking Develop some other habits like walking drinking some water cleaning the house and so on to keep your mind and your hands 6 If you feel 7 or stressed try to do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing You can stop smoking with a friend If you feel really bad ask a doctor

6、 or 8 for help The most important thing is to 9 Don t feel 10 if you weaken because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking Never give up and you will make it 答案 1 stressful 2 benefits 3 Throw away 3 quit 5 feel like 6 busy 7 nervous 8 chemist 9 keep trying 10 ashamed 1 b

7、an 1 v 明令禁止 取缔缔 The government has banned the use of chemical weapons 政府已经经禁止使用化学武器 sb from sth from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 或去 某处处等 She s been banned from driving for six months 已禁止她开车车 为为期六个月 2 n on sth 禁令 There is a ban on smoking in the theatre 这剧这剧 院内禁止吸烟 The police lifted the ban against parking in

8、this street 警察取消了不准在这这条街上停车车的禁令 词语辨析 ban forbid prohibit 这三个动词均含有 禁止 之意 1 ban语气最强 指权威机关明文取消或禁止严重危害 公众利益的事或行为 含 严厉谴责 之意 只能用事物作 其宾语 Swimming is banned in this lake 这个湖里不准游泳 2 forbid通俗用语语 指直接地 面对对面地吩咐不许许他 人采取某种行动动 The doctor forbids him to smoke 医生禁止他吸烟 3 prohibit正式用词词 多指通过过法律手段或制订规则订规则 加以禁止 The law pr

9、ohibits stores from selling cigarettes to children 法律禁止商店向儿童出售香烟 知识运用 采用prohibit forbid或 ban的适当形式填空 The new military government has strikes and demonstrations Their father them to go The high cost of the machine its widespread use I can t you your seeing that man again Women wear shorts are from vis

10、iting the temple They threatened to the book 答案 banned 译文 新的军人政府禁止罢工和示威活动 forbade 译文 他们的父亲禁止他们去 prohibits 译文 这机器价格昂贵 很难普及使用 forbid 译文 我无法禁止你再和那个男人来往 prohibit 译文 禁止穿着短裤的妇女进入寺院 ban 译文 他们威胁要禁止该书 2 due adj 1 to sth sb 由于 因为 The team s success was largely due to her efforts 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力 2 to do sth

11、 for sth 预订 预期 预计 The boat is due to arrive at 12 船预计在12点到 3 到期 My rent isn t due till Wednesday 我的租金星期三才到期 4 to sb 应应支付 应给应给 予 应归应归 于 That money is due to me but I haven t got it yet 那笔钱钱是应应付给给我的 而我至今还还未拿到 5 for sth 应应有 应应得的 She was due for a rise 她该该加薪了 词语辨析 due to because of thanks to owing to as

12、 a the result of 这几个短语都可以用来表示 原因 1 due to用于较庄重的书面语中 侧重 起因于 在句 中多作表语 状语或后置定语 有人认为在动词之后或从 句之首用owing to表示 因为 更合适 因为due为形容词 The accident was due to owing to his driving at high speed 这这起交通事故是由于他高速开车车引起的 He was late owing to due to the very heavy traffic 他迟迟到是因为为交通拥挤拥挤 Mistakes due to careless may have s

13、erious consequences 由于疏忽大意造成的错误错误 可能会带带来严严重的后果 2 because of 介词词短语语 用于名词词 代词词 形容词词或 宾语宾语 从句前 着重某种原因的理由 在句中通常作状语语 The police are advising motorists to reduce speed because of the fog 由于有雾雾 警察告诫驾车诫驾车 者减慢速度 Because of the storm he didn t go there 因为为暴风风雨他没有去那儿 3 thanks to突出一种感激之情 含 多亏 意味 只能 作状语语 既可用于褒义义

14、又可用于贬义贬义 表示讽讽刺的口吻 It was all a great success thanks to a lot of hard work 由于尽心竭力 这这才获获得了巨大的成功 Everyone knows about it now thanks to you 多亏了你 现现在大家都知道了 4 owing to可以和due to换换用 但在句中多作状语语 也 可作表语语 作状语时语时 修饰饰整个句子 可用于句首或句末 与句子的其他成分用逗号隔开 They could not cross the river owing to the flood 由于洪水 他们们不能过过河 Owing

15、to Due to the heavy traffic he was late 因交通拥挤拥挤 他迟迟到了 Tom s failing in the exam was owing to his careless 汤汤姆由于粗心而考试试不及格 5 as a the result of表示 由于 作为为 的结结果 在句中作状语语 His illness is a the result of eating bad food 他的病是吃了变质变质 的食物的结结果 He was late as a result of the snow 他由于下雪迟迟到了 知识运用 1 2007浙江 19 The ope

16、n air celebration has been put off the bad weather A in case of B in spite of C instead of D because of 答案 D 本题题意 由于天气恶劣 户外庆祝活动 被推迟了 because of表示 因为 2 Accidents driving at high speed were very common that weekend A due to B because of C thanks to D owing to 答案 A 本题题题题 意 在那个周末 因高速驾驶驾驶 造成 的交通事故很多 due to可直接用于名词词之后 担任定语语 3 2008福建永安市 what has recently been done to provide more buses for the people a shortage of public vehicles 交通工具 remains a serious problem A Except for B Due to C Because of D In spi



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