人教版高中英语选修六Unit 1《Art》(Section Ⅱ)课件

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1、课 时 跟 踪 检 测 Unit 1 Section 语言点一语言点二语言点三 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 答案 1 A 2 C 3 E 4 F 5 D 6 B B 根据构词词法 ly al ion 写出单词单词 7 faithful adj adv 8 evident adj adv 9 possess vt n 10 adopt vt n 11 convention n adj 12 controversy n adj 答案 7 faithfully 8 evidently

2、9 possession 10 adoption 11 conventional 12 controversial 1 faith n 信任 信心 信念 教材P1原句 Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people 艺术艺术 是受一个民族生活习习俗和信仰影响的 Teachers developed faith in Tom gradually 老师们渐渐对汤师们渐渐对汤 姆有了信心 Faith can move mountains 谚 精诚所至 金石为开 1 have faith in sb sth 对对某人 某事有信心 lose

3、faith in 不再信任 对对 失去信心 2 faithful adj 忠实实的 be faithful to sb sth 忠实实于某人 某事 He has blind faith in what she says 他盲目信赖赖她所说说的每一句话话 A faithful friend is always you in times of trouble 一个忠诚诚的朋友总总是在困难难的时时候对对你忠诚诚 faithful to 语语境串记记 The faithful servant has served his faithless master faithfully for 20 years

4、 这这位忠实实的仆人已为为他不忠诚诚的主人忠实实地服务务了20年 2 aim 教材P2原句 During the Middle Ages the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes 在中世纪纪 画家的主要任务务是把宗教的主题题表现现出来 形 象 记 忆 achieve one s aim 达到目的 take aim at 向 瞄准 without aim 漫无目的地 with the aim of 以 为为目标标 意在 1 n C 目标标 目的 U 瞄准 Yao Ming studied hard in Shanghai

5、 Jiao Tong University to achieve his aim 为为了实现实现 他的目标标 姚明在上海交通大学努力学习习 The project was set up helping young unemployed people 建立这这个项项目的目的是给给失业业青年提供帮助 with the aim of aim at 使 瞄准 aim to do sth 目标标是做某事 力争达到 be aimed at doing sth 旨在 目的在于 2 vi that is the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we s

6、ee them with our eyes 一方面 有些现现代艺术艺术 是抽象的 也就是说说 画家并不 打算把我们们眼睛看到的东东西如实实地画出来 1 vt 尝试尝试 企图图 The prisoners attempted an escape but failed 囚犯企图图逃跑 但是失败败了 Every time I attempted to persuade her I failed completely 每一次我都试图说试图说 服她 但全然不起作用 2 n 努力 尝试尝试 企图图 Liu Xiang made an attempt to break at breaking the wor

7、ld record 刘翔为为破世界纪录纪录 作了一次尝试尝试 I passed my driving test at my first attempt 我考汽车驾驶执车驾驶执 照时时一次就通过过了 The USA withdrew many soldiers from Afghanistan in an attempt to cut costs 为为了削减费费用 美国从阿富汗撤出了许许多军军人 attempt sth 企图图做某事 尝试尝试 做某事 make an attempt 尝试尝试 做 one s first attempt第一次尝试尝试 an attempt to do sth 试图

8、试图 做某事 希望做某事 to do to do at doing at in 7 predict vt 预预言 预预告 预测预测 教材P3原句 Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future 谁谁能预预言将来会有什么样样的绘绘画艺术风艺术风 格呢 The earthquake had been predicted several months before 这这次地震早在几个月以前就发发布了预报预报 predict 从句 预测预测 predict n to do 预测预测 做 It is predicted t

9、hat 据预测预测 It is now hard to predict when and where an earthquake will happen 现现在还还很难预测难预测 何时时何地会发发生地震 China will launch Shenzhou 10 in the second half of 2012 据预测预测 中国将在2012年下半年发发射 神州十号 飞飞船 It is predicted that 点此进入 1 concentrate 集中精力于 全神贯贯注于 2 perspective 用透视视画法地 3 coincidence 巧合地 4 a great 大量 5 br

10、eak away 挣挣脱 脱离 背离 6 scores 许许多 大量 7 the other hand 可是 另一方面 8 be to do 渴望做 on in by deal from of on eager 1 by coincidence巧合地 教材P2原句 By coincidence oil paints were also developed at this time which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper 巧合的是这这一时时期油画颜颜料也得到了发发展 它使得绘绘 画的色彩看上去更丰富 更深沉

11、I don t think all these things happened by coincidence 我认为这认为这 些事情不是凑巧发发生的 we were both on the same train 我们们碰巧在同一列火车车上 What a coincidence I wasn t expecting to see you here 真巧 我没料到会在这这里见见到你 It s a coincidence that It is a coincidence that 是巧合的 What a coincidence 真巧 2 a great good deal大量 教材P2原句 In t

12、he late 19th century Europe changed a great deal from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one 19世纪纪后期 欧洲发发生了巨大的变变化 从以农业为农业为 主的 社会变变成了以工业为业为 主的社会 1 作状语语 修饰动词饰动词 或者形容词词 副词词的比较级较级 He likes to swim a great good deal 他非常喜欢欢游泳 I think he sang a great deal better than I 我认为认为 他唱得比我好多了 点津 可

13、修饰饰比较级较级 的单词单词 和短语还语还 有 a bit a little rather much far by far a lot any still even等 2 作主语语或宾语宾语 作主语时语时 谓语动词谓语动词 用单单数 A great deal and this is the best way 经过经过 大量研究后 这这 被认为认为 是最好的办办法 The researchers have researched a great deal and they believe this is right 研究人员员已经经做了大量的研究 他们认为这们认为这 是对对的 3 和of连连用修饰

14、饰不可数名词词 There is a great deal of sense in what you say 你的话颇话颇 有道理 has been studied 3 on the other hand 可是 另一方面 常与on the one hand 对应对应 使用 教材P3原句 On the other hand some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs 而另一方面 有些现现代派的艺术艺术 作品却是那么写实实 看上去就像是照片 I d like to eat out but

15、 on the other hand I should be trying to save money 我想出去吃 但是另一方面我又应该应该 努力省钱钱 Nuclear power is relatively cheap you could argue that it s not safe 核能相对对来说说比较较便宜 另一方面 你又会争论说论说 它不 安全 On the other hand for one thing for another thing 一则则 二则则 I want to stay at the hotel for one thing it is near the sea f

16、or another thing it costs less 我想住在这这家宾馆宾馆 一则则它靠近海边边 二则则花费费少 点津 on the one hand on the other hand 一般指相反或 相对对的两个方面 前一个the可以省略 但后一个the不能省 略 for one thing for another thing 常陈陈述情况一致的 两个方面 用于解释释原因 表列举举 点此进入 1 句型展示 By coincidence oil paints were also developed at this time which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper 巧合的是这这一时时期油画颜颜料也得到了发发展 它使得绘绘画 的色彩看上去更丰富 更深沉 典例背诵诵 The 2014 World Horticultural Exposition will be held in Qingdao which makes me excited 2014年世界园艺艺博览览会将在青岛举办岛举办 这这使我很兴



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