人教版高中英语选修六Unit 1《Art》(第3课时)ppt课件

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1、 词汇 1 Her 娇弱的 health needs great care 2 Mr Lee is a well known 学者 in ancient Chinese history 3 Severe 过敏的 reactions may accompany administration of the drug 4 The 展览会 will be opened as soon as everything is in order 5 He has been losing f ever since the death of his wife 6 She says she ll come but I

2、 can t make it clear to a s time 7 A square is a f with four equal sides and four right angles 8 She put a b of flowers by the edge of the table 答案 1 delicate 2 scholar 3 allergic 4 exhibition 5 flesh 6 specific 7 figure 8 bunch 短语 1 on exhibition 2 specific examples 3 be allergic to 4 一串 束 5 活着的 本人

3、 6 好像 答案 1 在展览 在展出 2 特例 3 对 过敏 4 a bunch of 5 in the flesh 6 as if though 填空 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 If there be time I could give you a much better plan 2 I wish she be here with us to enjoy the country 3 It is suggested that you attend the opening ceremony 4 It may make him come towards me and I would rathe

4、r he stay away from me 5 When she came in from the rainstorm she looked as if she take a shower with her clothes on 答案 1 were 2 were 3 should attend 4 stayed 5 had taken 1 specific adj 1 明确的 具体的 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific aim in life 比尔的问题问题 是他从未有过过明确的人生目标标 2 特定的 The mone

5、y is to be used for one specific purpose the building of the new theatre 这这笔钱钱有专门专门 用途 就是建造新剧剧院 3 to sth 特有的 独特的 The lessons you are presented with are specific to you 你所要学习习的内容是专门为专门为 你量身定制的 词语辨析 specific special especial particular 这些形容词均含 特殊的 特别的 之意 1 specific着重指某种 某类事物具有的特殊或特定的 属性 也可指专门提出作特别考虑的事

6、物 They also conserve the culture and inheritance specific to their country s civilization 他们也保护本国文明所特有的文化和遗产 2 special普通用词词 指不同于一般 与众不同 着重 事物的专门专门 性 突出与一般不同 The best students are awarded special scholarships 最好的学生将授予特殊奖奖学金 3 especial和special含义义很接近 较较正式 但侧侧重有特 殊的意义义或重要性 Your birthday is an especial s

7、pecial day for you 你的生日是你的一个特殊的日子 4 particular侧侧重不同于普遍性的个性或特殊性 Is there any particular colour you would prefer 你有什么特别别喜欢欢的颜颜色吗吗 知识运用 采用specific special especial或particular填空 We haven t fixed a an date for our meeting He has a an car because he cannot walk This is a an day in the history of our count

8、ry I m not about my clothes I don t mind what I wear Her way of smiling left a good impression on me There was nothing in the letter of importance This disease is to this area She was quite about the type she wanted There are so many books here Why do you like that one in They will also be building

9、new roads and a an railway line 答案 specific 译文 我们会议的具体日期还没有 定下来 special 译文 他有一辆专车 因为他不能走路 special especial 译文 今天是我国历史上一个特殊 的日子 particular 译文 我不怎么讲究我的衣服 我不在 乎我穿什么 particular 译文 她特有的微笑给我留下了美好的 印象 particular especial 译文 这封信里没什么特别重 要的内容 specific 译译文 这这种疾病只发发生在这这一地区 specific 译译文 对对自己想要哪种类类型她十分明确 particul

10、ar especial 译译文 这这里有这这么多书书 你为为 什么特别别喜欢欢那一本 special 译译文 他们还们还 打算修建一些新的公路和一 条专专用铁铁路线线 2 figure n 1 C often pl 代表数量 尤指官方资料中的 数字 This figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation 到了暑假 这个数字上升到72 2 C 人物 人士 He was once a leading figure in the community but now he has become a figure of fun 他原是该社区的

11、头面人物 但现在成了人们取笑的对 象 3 C 远处远处 人的 轮轮廓 隐约隐约 可见见的 人影 I made out three figures moving in the distance 我隐约隐约 看出远处远处 有三个人影在移动动 4 C 身材 体形 尤指 身段 She s still got a lovely figure 她的身材仍很秀美 5 C 绘绘画或故事中的 人 动动物 The central figure in the painting is the artist s daughter 画中间间的那个人是画家的女儿 6 C 书书中的 图图 表 The figure on pa

12、ge 22 shows a political map of Africa 第22页页的插图图是非洲的政区图图 图图解figure的一词词多义义 知识拓展 1 figure sb sth out 1 弄懂 弄清楚 弄明白 I couldn t figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was 我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁 2 计算出 金额或成本 Have you figured out how much the trip will cost 旅行要花多少费用你算出来没有 2 figure on sth figure on sb sth doing

13、sth 计计划 打算 预预料到 If you figure on success you stand a better chance of winning 如果你想成功 你就有了取胜胜的较较大可能 Don t figure on the weather being fine for your garden party 不要指望花园聚会有好天气 词语辨析 figure shape outline form 这些名词均有 形式 或 外形 之意 1 figure指轮廓 外形 尤指体态 相貌或身体 同时 表示内部构造与外形 I m dieting to keep my figure 我正在节食以保持身

14、材不变 2 shape通常指由线线和面所围围成的外观观上的形 侧侧重 立体形状 shape与figure 相近 但强烈表示内部是实实体 Shape is the primary way we recognize what an object is 形状是我们们辨识识物体的最主要方式 3 outline指任何形状的轮轮廓线线 强调调由线线条或轮轮廓所 表示的外形 She could see only the outline s of the trees in the dim light 朦胧胧中她只看见树见树 木的轮轮廓 4 form最普通用词词 含义义广 既可指客观观物体的外形 又可用于抽象概

15、念的 形 form是相对对于一个物体本质质 而言的某物的外形和构造 侧侧重与内容或颜颜色有区别别的外 形 形状 Churches are often built in the form of a cross 教堂常常建成十字形 知识运用 1 2008湖北 27 The present situation is very complex so I think it will take me some time to its reality A make up B figure out C look through D put off 答案 B 本题题意 目前的形势非常复杂 我认为 需要一段时间才

16、能搞清楚真实的情况 figure sb sth out表 示 弄懂 弄清楚 弄明白 2 We must be practical and the cost we make a decision A turn out before B work out before C figure out until D come out until 答案 B 本题题题题 意 我们应该实们应该实 事求是地先把费费用 算出来 然后再做决定 work out和figure out都可以表示 计计算出 例如 Have you figured out worked out how much the holiday will cost 你算出假期得花多少钱钱了吗吗 before引导时间导时间 状语语从句 表示 指时间时间 在 以前 例如 Do it before you forget 趁早动动手 免得忘了 3 采用figure shape outline或 form的适当形式填空 Ice snow and steam are different of water He drew the of a house o



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