人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 1《A land of diversity》(Workbook reading task)课件

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《人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 1《A land of diversity》(Workbook reading task)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 1《A land of diversity》(Workbook reading task)课件(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 READING TASK LOUIS ARMSTRONG THE GRANDFATHER OF JAZZ Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans Louisiana on August 4 1901 according to the most recent research in the poorest section of town He overcame poverty to become one of the most important people in the history of music and his low rough singi

2、ng voice is easy to recognize He also appeared in many films Louis Armstrong Park Skimming ParagraphTopic 1 2 3 What the subject is and who it is about Birth and early life The effect of his arrest and time in a boy s school on his future ParagraphTopic 4 5 6 Musical career from 1922 to 1932 Life ac

3、hievements in music and in other areas Death and fame after death Louis Armstrong TimeEvent 1901 1913 1917 Born in New Orleans Arrested and sent to a problem boys school Got a job in the best jazz band in town Make a time line to show the important events in Louis Armstrong s life 1922 1924 1932 197

4、1 Began recording his music Traveled to Europe Died Began travelling to other cities in the USA Language points 1 Some people are considered great not just because of their achievements but also because of their personalities 一些人被认为是伟大的 不仅仅是因 为他们的成绩 而且是因为他们的 品质 第一 作 考虑 思考 时的搭配如下 1 consider n pron Ha

5、ve you considered the suggestion 2 consider v ing 但不能接不定式的一 般式 We considered going to see the doctor the next day consider的用法 You must consider to tell him something about it 错误 3 consider 疑问词 不定式 例如 He is considering how to improve his English 4 consider 从句 例如 Have you considered when we should go

6、there 第二 作 认为 把 当作 看作 等 意思时的搭配如下 1 consider sb sth to be as n adj 例如 I consider him to be as my best friend Everyone considers him to be clever 2 consider sb sth 不定式短语 作 宾语补足语 不能接不定式的一般式 We consider them to be working very hard We consider them to have finished the work We consider him to be the cle

7、ver in our class We must consider him to go there at once 错误 3 consider 宾语从句 We considered that the film was worth seeing for another time I don t consider that he has a final say in this matter as well as 用来强调 前者 后者只起 陪衬作用 如果A as well as B短语用 作主语的话 则后面的谓语的单复数 当与A保持一致 而not only A but also B 是强调B as

8、well as与not only but also Liu Fang as well as her parents was invited to the party Not only he but also his father is coming to see you 2 Although some boys in his situation might have turned to crime to get money for food and clothing Louis never did 尽管处于他这种情况的一些孩子可 能转向犯罪来获取衣食的钱 但刘易 斯从来也没有这样做 may m

9、ight have done sth can could have done sth 表示过去 推 测过去时间里可能发生的事情 He may might have been hurt seriously in the car accident 情态动词 have done的其他用法 1 must have done sth 对过去时间里 可能发生的事情的推测 语气较强 具有 肯定 的意思 Mary has gone to work but her bicycle is still here She must have gone by bus 2 ought to have done sth s

10、hould have done sth 本应该做某事 而事实上 并没有做 否定句表示 不该做某 事而做了 You ought to should have been more careful in this experiment He ought not to have thrown the old clothes away 事实上已扔了 ought to 在语气上比should 要强 3 needn t have done sth 本没必要做某事 I dressed very warmly for the trip but I needn t have done so The weather

11、 was hot 3 Instead he and several other boys sang on the streets of New Orleans to earn a few cents from passers by 相反他和其他几个孩子在新奥尔良 的大街上唱歌 从过路人那里挣得几 分钱 辨析 instead与instead of 1 instead意为 代替 替代 作副词用 通 常位于句尾 如位于句首时常用逗号 与后面阁开 instead在顺接句子中作 代替 讲 而在转折 或逆转 句子中作 然而 讲 Lily isn t here Ask Lucy instead Lily不在

12、这儿 去问Lucy吧 注意 当instead在祈使句中时 只能位 于句末 She didn t answer me instead she asked me another question 她没 有回答我 反而问了我另外一个 问题 2 instead of是介词短语 意思是 代替 而不 它后面常接宾语 宾语多 由名词 代词 介词 短语 动词 ing 形式充当 I ll go instead of her She won t go I ll go instead 我会替她去 Instead of going to Qingdao I m going to Dalian this year 今年

13、我将去大连 而不去青岛 As I m busy could you attend the meeting instead of me 因为我很忙 你能替我去参加会议吗 Yesterday I went to school on foot instead of by bus 昨天我是步行而不是坐公共汽车去 学校的 4 When Joe Oliver left New Orleans in 1917 Louis took over his job in one of the best bands in town 当乔 奥利佛与1917年离开新奥尔良 时 刘易斯接管了他在这镇上最好 的一个乐队的工作

14、 take over 接任 接管 The new department head took over yesterday 新的部门领导昨天接任 Romans took over from the Greeks their philosophy and arts 罗马人承袭了希腊人的哲学和艺术 5 Before long he had become a very big jazz star as popular as major rock stars are today 不久 他成为了一名非常出名的爵 士明星 像今天的主要摇滚明星一 样的受欢迎 辨析 before long和long befor

15、e before long不久以后 long before很久以 前 not long before before long The telephone which you will use will be very modern A long ago B before long C long after D long before 1 My friend Jim Green will come back to Beijing 2 It was not everyone came to know her 根据句意 用before long或long before 填空 before long

16、long before 3 the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water 4 Well I m sure he will return Just sit here and wait for him Before long before long Homework Ask the students to read the passage again after class and do Activity 3 and list the reasons why the writer says that Louis Armstrong was considered great


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