人教版高中英语必修二Unit 5《Music》(using languange)ppt课件

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《人教版高中英语必修二Unit 5《Music》(using languange)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修二Unit 5《Music》(using languange)ppt课件(72页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学课件站 Listen to the tape and decide which of the statements are true 1 Freddy had changed from a man to a frog F 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 kx b ax2 bx c 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 中小学

2、课件站 中小学课件站 中小学课件站 单击此处进入 活页规范训练 中小学课件站 2 He felt lonely in his lake till he met his friends on the lily leaf T 中小学课件站 3 The singers of the band could sing very loudly T 中小学课件站 4 Freddy thought he could sing as well as the other singing frogs T 中小学课件站 5 Freddy was very confident about his singing F 中

3、小学课件站 6 He sang the song to ask the other frogs to be his friends T 中小学课件站 FREDDY THE FROG 1 Freddy the frog dipped his long thin legs into the water Within a few short weeks he had changed from a samll tadpole into the beautiful animal he was now Listening text 中小学课件站 He smiled to himself Then sudd

4、enly he heard a fine deep sound that carried far into the darkness of the quiet night Freddy looked up Other frogs I must try and find them he thought It s so hard being a grown up frog on my own 中小学课件站 He began to swim slowly towards the sound Suddenly he knocked into a large lily pad On it sat thr

5、ee confident frogs and them were playing instruments Freddy climbed onto the leaf can I sing with you he asked quietly of course thay said He opened his mouth wide and began 中小学课件站 Help I need somebody Help Not just anybody Help You know I need someone Help When I was young so much younger then toda

6、y I never needed anybody s help in any way But now those days are gone I m not so self assured confident Now I find I ve changed my mind I ve opened up the door 中小学课件站 chorus Help me if you can I m feeling down 沮丧的 and I do appreciate you being round Help me get my feet back on the ground Won t you

7、please please help me 中小学课件站 1 not long after 后不久 Not long after his arrival they began to work Before long he went abroad 不久 It will be long before he goes abroad again 很久 It was not long before he went abroad 不久 Language points 中小学课件站 2 on a tour of a place visit a place When they visited Beijing

8、on a tour they went on a tour of the Great Wall the Summer Palace and so on afterwards adv 后来 以后 Afterwards he had a rest in the garden Soon afterwards he came back home Four days afterwards he went abroad 中小学课件站 3 Freddy was now quite confident when he went into the hall be confident 从句 对 有信心 be co

9、nfident of about in 对 有信心 中小学课件站 He is quite confident that he ll pass the driving test Don t be too confident in your own opinion Tom is confident of his ability to overcome the difficulty 中小学课件站 4 afterwards adv 后来 以后 Afterwards he had a rest in the garden Soon afterwards he came back home Four da

10、ys afterwards he went abroad 中小学课件站 5 He had to go to London wear an expensive suit and give a performance to a TV camera performance n 表演 performer n 表演者 perform v 表演 履行 执行 表现 中小学课件站 give a performance put on a performance put on performances perform 1 做 执行 履行 Perform your promise One should perfor

11、m one s duties perform a task 中小学课件站 2 表演 演奏 perform tricks 表演魔术 戏法 What play will be performed tomorrow 3 正式进行 施行 某事 perform a ceremony 举行典礼 中小学课件站 6 Then things went wrong Freddy and his band could not go out without being followed go wrong 出了毛病 Something is wrong with There is something wrong wit

12、h My watch went wrong yesterday What s wrong with you 中小学课件站 7 not no without Nobody is admitted into the party Without being invited What can t we go without We can t go without water food clothes shelter I can t live without you 中小学课件站 What s the main idea of the story This is a story about a band

13、 that became famous and did not like it 中小学课件站 Read these sentences and cross out the one that is wrong a Freddy and his band always loved b being pop stars c b Freddy and his band began by d wanting to be pop stars 中小学课件站 a His favourite programme was Top b of the Pops b A popular programme was Top

14、 of the Pops 中小学课件站 a Things went wrong because Freddy b and his band became too popular b Things went wrong because Freddy and his band hid themselves 中小学课件站 a They realized they had to go b because they were painful b They realized they had to go because it was painful 中小学课件站 1 Do you think you wo

15、uld enjoy being famous 2 now you know some of the problems 3 Give a reason 2 What do you think are the advantages of being famous Give examples 3 What are the advantages of not being famous Give examples Discussion 中小学课件站 Listening P 69Listening P 69 Discuss these questions in groups of four before

16、you listen to the tape 1 Do you often listen to music while studying at home 2 2 If you do what kind of music do you usually listen to What kind of effect does the music have on you 中小学课件站 Listen to the tape again and write down what the Mozart effect means to you Classical music especially Mozart helps improve your memory 中小学课件站 True or False You can listen to any kind of classical music if it has regular rhythms 1 Listening to classical music improves your memory 2 The Mozart effect means list


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