人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4《Earthquakes》(Reading(II))期末复习课件

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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading 中小学课件站 Check homework 中小学课件站 有部分课件由于控制文件大小 内容不完整 请联系购买完整版 中小学课件站 Revision 1 Why the title is A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN T SLEEP 2 Why were so many people killed or injured 3 What does the sentence Slowly the city began to breathe again mean 4 Do you know what would happen befo

2、re an earthquake 5 What can we do to keep ourselves safe from an earthquake 中小学课件站 Look at each part and write down its main idea Part 1Paragraph 1 Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one took any notice of them Part 2 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 The earthquake destroyed the city

3、 of Tangshan and shocked the people very much Part 3Paragraph 4 The army came to help the survivors bringing hope for a new life Comprehending 中小学课件站 1 rise vi 上升 升起 For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell rose and fell P26 三天来 村子里的井水升升降降 起 起伏伏 Language Points 中小学课件站 rise vi rose

4、 risen of the sun moon stars etc appear above the horizon go up 指日月星辰等的 升起 上升 The sun rises at seven o clock 太阳七点钟升起 Prices have risen steadily during the past ten years 过去十年间物价一直在稳定地上涨 中小学课件站 辨析 rise laughter B tears laughing C tears laughter D crying laughing 解析 选B 句意 一分钟后她突然哭起来接下来又突 然 笑起来 我们真的无法捉

5、摸的她的情绪 burst into 后 接名词 burst out 后接动名词 中小学课件站 3 It seemed as if the world was at an end P26 仿佛到了世界末日 1 It seemed as if that 似乎 好像 She spoke to me as if she knew me 她和我说话的神情 好像她早就认识我似的 It seemed as if the meeting would never end 看起来会议没完没了 It seemed as if nothing had happened 好像什么事也没有发生过似的 中小学课件站 2 a

6、t an end finished 结束 终结 The war was at an end 战争结束了 The term is at an end and students will have a good holiday 这学期结束了 学生们就要度过一个快乐的假期 中小学课件站 拓展 at the end of 在 的尽头 末端 指时间 地点等 by the end of 在之前 常与完成时连用 指时间 in the end 最后 终于 finally put an end to 结束 vt come to an end 结束 vi on end 连续不断 一连 中小学课件站 即学即练 1

7、The boy put up his hands he wanted to ask a question 2012兰州高一检测 A even if B even though C as if D ever since 解析 选C 句意 这个男孩举起手好像他想问问题 A B项 即使 即便 D项 从那以后 中小学课件站 2 We discussed where to go for a whole morning but we decided to stay at home A at the end B by the end C in the end D on end 解析 选C 句意 我们讨论了整

8、个上午去哪里 但是最 后决定待在家里 A项 终结 结束 B项 在之前 常与完成 时连用 指时间 D项 连续 一连 中小学课件站 4 In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins P26 在可怕的15秒钟内 一座大城市就 沉沦在一片废墟之中 ruin n 废墟 复数 毁灭 vt 毁灭 使破产 be lie in ruins严重受损 破败不堪 中小学课件站 The castle now lies in ruins 那座城堡现在已成了一片废墟 An earthquake left the whole town in ruins 地震使得整

9、个城市处于废墟之中 中小学课件站 辨析 destroy damage were B The injured was C The injuries were D The injuries was 解析 选A 句意 地震中的伤员被送到其他城市的医 院里 the injured 意思为 伤员 当作主语时 谓语动 词需用复数 中小学课件站 6 shock v 使 震惊 震动 n 休克 打击 震惊 People were shocked P26 人们惊呆了 I was shocked when I heard about your accident 当我听说你出事故时 我惊呆了 It was a gre

10、at shock for him when his wife died 当他妻子去世时 对他来说那是一个沉重的打击 I was shocked to hear the news 我听到这个消息十分震惊 中小学课件站 拓展 be shocked at by doing sth 被震惊 be shocked to do sth 惧怕做某事 It shocked sb to see hear 看见 听到 使某人震惊 be a shock to sb 对某人来说是个打击 中小学课件站 提示 shocked adj 感到惊奇的 惊讶的 主语多为人 shocking adj 令人气愤的 令人惊讶的 主语多

11、为物 即学即练 1 The news of his wife s death was him 他妻子去世的消息对他打击太大了 2 He her smoking 看到她在吸烟 他很吃惊 3 to see how my neighbours treated their children 看到邻居们如何对待孩子 我感到震惊 a terrible shock to was shocked at It shocked me 中小学课件站 7 rescue n B项 使震惊 C项 劝说 说服 D项 破坏 毁坏 中小学课件站 2 the headmaster rose to indicate that th

12、e conversation was 2012衡水高一检测 A At an end in an end B In the end at an end C In an end at the end D At an end in the end 解析 选B 句意 最后校长站起来表明这次谈话结束了 in the end 最后 终于 finally at an end finished 结 束 终结 中小学课件站 3 He was at the waste of food in the school A shocked shocked B shocking shocked C shocking sho

13、cking D shocked shocking 解析 选D 句意 他对这个学校令人吃惊的食物浪费 而感到吃惊 be shocked at by doing sth 被震惊 shocked adj 感到惊奇的 惊讶的 主语多为人 shocking adj 令人气愤的 令人惊讶的 主语多为物 中小学课件站 4 Soon after the quakes one thousand soldiers were sent out to the miners from the local coal mine A shelter B rescue C bury D injure 解析 选B 句意 地震之后

14、不久 一千名士兵被派送 去营救当地煤矿的工人 A项 避难 逃避 B项 营救 C项 埋葬 掩埋 D项 伤害 损害 中小学课件站 5 In that big earthquake all their houses were so they had to build new ones 2012厦门高一检测 A hurt B harmed C injured D destroyed 解析 选D 句意 在那次大地震中所有的房子都被毁 坏了 因此他们不得不建造一些新的 A项hurt为一般用语 既可指肉体上的伤害 也可指精神上的伤害 B项 有害 C项 一般指由于意外或事故而受伤 D项 强调以具 有摧毁或杀伤

15、性的力量把某物彻底毁掉 中小学课件站 6 Which of the two computer games did you prefer Actually I didn t like A both of them B either of them C none of them D neither of them 解析 选 B 句意 这两个电脑游戏你较喜欢哪一 台 实际上 两个我都不喜欢 not either neither 属于全部否定 中小学课件站 7 All hope was not lost means A There was no hope at all B Hope was every

16、where C No hope was lost D Not all hope was lost 解析 选D 句意 并非所有的希望都破灭了 all not not all 属于部分否定 意为 并非所有的 中小学课件站 8 When she heard the bad news she cried with her face in hands 2012大连高一检测 A buried B burying C to be buried D to bury 解析 选A 句意 当她听到这个坏消息时 她掩面而泣 此题考查with 的复合结构 即判断名词her face 和动词 bury 关系 此题为动宾关系 故用过去分词buried 中小学课件站 9 He from his seat and answered the question by the teacher A raised rose B raised risen C rose raised D risen raised 解析 选C 句意 他从椅子上起来回答老师提出的问题 rise是不及物动词 作上升讲 rise from 意为 从 起 来



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