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1、八 年 级 英 语 周 周 练(三)(Unit 3)一、根据汉语写出下列短语。1、洗碗2、倒垃圾3、叠衣服 4、扫地5、铺床6、打扫起居室 7、没问题8、外出吃饭9、去看电影 10、在外面呆到很晚11、搭便车12、做完某事 13、放学回家14、扔下15、过来 16、带狗散步 17、一直,总是18、整天 19、做家务 20、走开21、第二天 22、下班回家 23、惊讶地24、分担家务 25、和某人闲逛26、取得好成绩27、依赖,依靠 28、照顾,照看 29、做某人分内的事 30、向某人借31、把某物借给某人32、为了做某事 33、进一所好大学 34、结果35、介意做某事 36、生病 37、有足够

2、的压力38、讨厌做某事39、给某人提供40、培养孩子的独立性41、白费时间 42、帮某人做某事二、根据首字母、汉语提示及句意写单词。1. One of my _(邻居)moved into the next door last week.2. Dont trouble me w_ Im working. 3. May I b_ your pen? Mine is broken.4.Thank you very much for i_ me to your party.5.Lily likes traveling by train, but she h_ traveling by ship.6.

3、Who m_ dinner for your family? My mother does.7.We need more drinks and s_. Could you buy some?8.Can you give me a r_? My car is broken.9.I dont think children should (依靠) on their parents too much.10. My bike is broken. Could you _ (借)me yours, please?11. The room is full of r_ .Could you take it o

4、ut?12. Please p _your book to me. 13. As a r_, we got good grades.14.Dont t_ the paper away because you can still use it.15.I think we should help to do the housework. And _(而且),its good for us.16.The temperature usually d_ to 0 in winter here.17.N_ of them likes the movie because its too scary.三、根据

5、汉语完成句子:1. 昨天下午,他们花了大约半个小时打扫教室。( spend)They_ the classroom yesterday.2. 既然你喜欢这本书,那么我把它送给你。(since)_, I can give it to you.3.给孩子们提供一个安静而舒适的环境是我们每一个人的职责。(provide)Its everyones job _.4. 我父母让我晚上不要在外面呆得太晚。(stay)My parents asked me _ late at night.5. 你今天没有必要打扫教室。(need)_ you to clean the classroom today.6.学会

6、独立,我们不能永远依赖父母。(independent)_because we cant depend on our parents forever.7.孩子们学会照顾自己越早,对他们的未来越好。(early)_ the kids learn to care for themselves, _ it is for their future.8.那个男孩子不知道怎么照顾自己。(idea)The boy _ how to take care of himself.9.为了给父母一个惊喜,她做了一个美味的蛋糕。(order)She made a delicious cake _.10.他的手割伤了,他

7、努力不把它弄湿。(get)He cut his finger and he _.四、根据句意用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.When did you finish _ (write) the book? 2.He _ (reply) with a short note yesterday.3.Its important _ (stay) healthy for everyone.4.Our teacher is a man of _ (fair).5.China and India are _ (develop) countries.6.I dont know how_(cook)it.7.T

8、hanks for _(buy) us the drinks and snacks.8. The harder you study, the (happy) youll be.9.Would you _(take) out the trash?OK, but I want _(sweep) the floor first.10.Her mother often _(help) her _(fold) the clothes. Look! She_(fold) the clothes for her now. 11.My parents and I _(spend) all day _(do) the chores next week.12.Did you _(do) the dishes? Yes, I _(do) the dishes an hour ago.13.My friend, Mike, enjoys _(cook) very much. 14.With hard work, she _(develop) into a great writer.


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