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1、组 内 教 学 竞 赛 活 动 教 案2009年5月 日教者林杨班级三年级二班科目英语课题Unit Four Part A Lets learn教学目标1. Help students master the words about fruit.2. Enable students to say out the singular and plural form of the words.3. Enable students to use the sentences Do you like? I like I dont likein their daily life.重点1. Help stude

2、nts master the words about fruit.2. Enable students to use the sentences Do you like? I like I dont likein their daily life.难点Enable students to say out the singular and plural form of the words.教具CAI, word cards学具Students book步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图IIIIIIIVWarm-up:1. Free talk 2. Greeting each other3. Sing

3、a song(Rainbow song)Prasentation:1.Lead in the new lesson.T: What colour do you like?T: Do you like black?T: I like red. And this fruit is red, too. Whats it?2.Spell and make sentences) Writing the tittle on the the plural form of the word the word “orange” through the colo

4、ur.5.practice with the sentence pattern; the words banana and peach through the monkey.7.Lets chant8.using the same way to show the word pear.9.divide the word watermelon into water and melon.10. Lets chant:Practice:1. read after the tape.2. matching game3. Say out the singular and plural4. Sa

5、y with the target language.Homework:Students read or recite their favourite dialogues in pairsStudents sing the song together.(open class)Students answer me their favourite colours.S1:No, I dont like black.Ss: appleS2: a-p-p-l-e appleS3: I like apples.Students read after the teacher.Read together.Pi

6、ck up some students to read the singular and plural form.Do you like ?Pick up some students to read the singular and plural form.Chant for the peach togetherstudents read the singular and plural form.Students read the each part and then read together.1. Students chant together.2. pick up one to read

7、.Look and repeat.Indiviual work to check.For the lower students.Pair work to practice and sayStudents practice in groups,and then act out their conversation.Recite the words that weve learnt today.The content of the song has connection with todays lesson. through this song to lead in .This part has

8、appeared before. Not only they review the content before ,but also develop sts confidence and I show the main sentence freely.Games are students favourites. We can move on quickly to next stage. CAI is very common in English teaching , Its very easy to show the new content ,on the other side it coul

9、d improve the students enthusiasm their activism.Check the pronunciation and understanding of these words.allows more capable sts. tochallengethemselves/each other provides opportunity for the lower students increase the ability for using the sentence ,I can find their mistakes or the word they seld

10、om use, and help sts use the words correctly.Error correction for previous activityPeer check feedback could encourage them and let them feel successful.板书设计Unit Four Part ALets learnDo you like pears?apple banana orange peach pea(豌豆)+ chwatermelon= water +melonpear ear(耳朵)教学反思I think I have two suc

11、cessful parts :First I use the different methods and activities to lead in the new lesson. The students could learn the new learning from the old content freely. Of course they like it very much. Secondly ,I show the new learning to students from easy to difficult ,step by step .and improve their sp

12、eaking ability in the practice. I give them more opportunities to read and make new dialogues.The consolidation part went well. Because the activity I design make all the students are invovled .And they show me A lot of special opinions from them.The task activities. I think I will make better activities to focus the main points, and help sts using the language creatively.But I dont think my timing is good. Because I less time to give their comment and leave the homework



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