BEC初级核心词汇 完整版

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1、附录一、商务英语信函、备忘录和商务报告惯用语1.自我介绍We are manufacturers of environment-friendly hybrid cars.我们是环保混合型汽车生产商。We are a company that imports yachts for sale to Japanese clients.我公司进口游艇,向日本市场销售。Our company is one of the largest sales agents for golf equipment in South East Asia.本公司为东南亚最大的高尔夫设备销售商之一。We learned of

2、 your company through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tokyo.我们通过京东工商会了解了贵公司。We are very much interested in your recently-developed technology.我们对贵公司最近开发的新技术很感兴趣。We have established some good business connections with leading Japanese chemical companies.我们已与日本一流的化学公司建立了良好的贸易关系。With the expans

3、ion of the market in childrens clothing, we are making a large profit.随着童装市场的扩大,我们的利润在大幅度增长。We have every confidence in our products.我们对我公司的产品充满信心。We believe our products are competitive both in price and quality.我们认为我公司的产品在价格和质量上都有竞争力。It is our policy not to have any exclusive agents in any country

4、.我公司的方针是不在任何国家设立总代理。2.请求回函We look forward to hearing from you.希望收到贵方的回信。We are looking forward to receiving your reply.期待着您的回复。We look forward to your order.期待贵方的订单。We look forward to receiving your order confirmation.期待收到贵方的订单确认。We look forward to hearing a favorable reply from you in due course.我们

5、期待着很快收到贵方肯定的答复。We look forward to receiving a favorable reply.我方期待着肯定的答复。We await your response.期待贵方的答复。We await your reply in due course.我们期待贵方很快的答复。We await your positive reply.期待贵方肯定的答复。We await your quotation.期待贵方的报价。R.S.V.P.Your early response on this matter would be very much appreciated.贵方若能对

6、此事早日答复,我们会非常感激。Please confirm your attendance by November 12.请在11月12日前确认您是否能出席。Please confirm receipt of the price list by E-mail or fax.请用电子邮件或传真方式确认收到价格表。Please confirm this booking.请确认此次预定。Confirmation is requested by return fax.请回传真确认。3.信函的目的This is to formally invite you to our party.现正式邀请您出席我们

7、的晚会。This is to announce a charge of organization in our company as of September1, 2010.现宣布我公司于2010年9月1日前进行组织变更。This is to inform you that our office will move to the following address.现通知贵方我公司将迁至下述地址。This is to advice you that I am returning to Beijing at the end of this month to take up my new assi

8、gnment in our head office.现通知贵方我将于本月底回北京总部就任新职。I am writing to thank you very much for the beautiful gift.我去信感谢你送我的漂亮礼物。I am writing to thank you for giving us the name of ABC Electronics Inc.现写信感谢你给我们提供ABC电子公司的名字。I am writing to find out the possibility of our having a brief meeting sometime next w

9、eek.现去信咨询一下我们能否在下周某个时间见一次面。I just wanted write to say thank you very much for being such a wonderful host while I was in San Francisco.我去信只想说谢谢你,感谢我在旧金山期间你对我如此热情的招待。Please be advised I will be travelling to the United States next month to promote the latest products from Hara Software Inc.现通知贵方下个月我将

10、去美国推销Hara软件公司的最新产品。We refer to your companys brochure dated 2 October, 2008.我们指的是贵公司2008年10月2日的说明书。We take pleasure in sending you a brochure and a price list describing our cellular phones.我们高兴地给贵方寄去我公司手机的说明书和价格表。We are delighted to send you our 2008 Cellular Phone Brochure, which we hope you will

11、find of interest.我们高兴地寄去我公司2008年款手机说明书,希望贵方感兴趣。Enclosed please find a copy of the minutes from the department meeting on budget cuts.内附有关削减预算的部门会议记录。Enclosed is our latest new products brochure.内附我公司最新产品说明书。We enclose our brief project plan for your perusal.内附我公司项目计划概要,请过目。We have enclosed our compa

12、nys brochure for your reference.内附我公司说明书,供贵方参考。We are enclosing two copies of the contract duly signed by us.现附上两份由我方正式签署的合同。Attached please find a copy of the letter which we faxed today to your London office.内附信函复印件一份,今天我们已将此信传真到贵公司在伦敦的办事处。We have attached our draft contract for your perusal.内附我方的

13、合同草案,请过目。4.信函的致谢Thank you for your letter of November 30, 2008.感谢贵方2008年11月30日的来信。Thank you for your letter of September 15, 2008 introducing Mr.Takeda.感谢你2008年9月15日介绍武田先生的来信。Thank you for your letter of October 15 regarding your visit next month.感谢你10月15日有关你下个月来访一事的来信。Thank you very much for your l

14、etter of October 22 accepting my visit.感谢你10月22日的来信,接受我访问贵方。Thank you for your letter of May 20 informing me that you will not be in New York on June 20.感谢你5月20日来信通知我你6月20日不在纽约。Thank you for your letter dated 31 August, 2008 inquiring about our company and our products.感谢您于2008年8月31日来信询问我公司及产品的情况。Th

15、ank you for your letter of November, 2008 requesting details about our product No. 1080.感谢您于2008年11月15日来信了解我公司1080号产品情况。5.收到信件的辞令We have received your inquiry dated July 10 concerning Digital Video Discs.我们已收到贵方7月10日询问我方生产的DVD情况的来信。We have received your letter (you ref. BSNS-1234) dated September 25, 2008 and the enclosed contract signed by your company.我方已收到贵方2008年9月25日的来信(贵公司参考号为BSNS-1234)及内附的由贵方签署的合同。We are in receipt of your letter of August, 31, 2008 with reference to your film project.我们已收到贵方2008年8月31日有关电影计划的来信。We confirm receipt of your letter of Septe



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