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1、1.concernThis article concerns some studying methods. v.涉及My fathers illness concerns us greatly. v.(使)担心Thank you for your concern. n.关心Overweight has been a great concern to us. n.令人关心/担心的事be concerned with 涉及. be concerned about/for 关心担心2.upset She was upset to hear that the holiday had been canc

2、elled.upset a bowl of soup 打翻一碗汤 upset our plan 扰乱我们的计划3.recoverWith my special care,my mother recovered from her illness.We worked hard to recover the lost e upHe came up to me and asked me the way to the station.A good proposal has come up at the mandApplicants will be expected to have a good comm

3、and of English.6.recognizeLisa,I didnt recognized you-you ve had your hair cut.Feng Xiaogang is recognized to be one of the best directors in China.I was surprised by her words,which make me recognize what silly mistakes I had made.7. view in my view While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm

4、sunshine and a beautiful view.We view film as a type of contemporary art. 8. trapI trapped my coat in the car door. Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work. 9.shelterWe should find a shelter from the wind.Trees were planted to shelter this area from strong sand storms.10.removeHe was to

5、o tired to remove the stone.remove sbs fear/doubts. remove a man from office11.sinkHer heart sank as the list ended without her name.I was worried and sank in my thoughts.She let out a sigh and sank into a chair.12.admitNews came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted to/into Beijing

6、 University.He admitted stolen/having stolen the carOnly ticket-holders will be admitted to/into the stadium.13.replaceWed be happy to replace the radio for you.Replace the magazines after reading14.chargeYour order will be sent free of charge. He charged me $ 15 for delivery.I need to get the batte

7、ry charged. He was charged with murder.in charge of 主管,负责 in the charge of 由负责 an admission charge of ¥ 5 五美元的入场费15.deal make a deal 达成协议 Its a deal. 成交 Its not a big deal. 没多大的事We discussed different ways of dealing with the problem.This book deals with the ancient history of China.In many peoples

8、opinion, that company,though relatively small, is pleasant to deal with.16.containSome plants and animals contain natural poisons that harmful to people.My father could hardly contain his pride in me.17.affectWith the governments aid, those (who were )affected by the earthquake have moved to the new

9、 settlements.She was deeply affected by the story.Disease affect almost everyone at some time during their lives.18.appreciateHis talents arent appreciate by his boss, which makes him depressed.I would appreciate it if you could do me a favoe.It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreci

10、ate what my parents had done for me.19.succeedOwing to her assistance, we succeeded in starting the engine.He will succeed his father as manager of the shop.20.employKelly is employed as a teacher.The police had to employ force to enter the building.21.incident Not too long ago, an incident that hap

11、pened at Walt Disney touched me greatly.The July 7th Incident of 193722.rollTears slowly rolled down her cheeks.He rolled up the map He rolled her eyes.23.attachI attached a photo to my applicant form.To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance/significance to becoming rich and famous.The r

12、esearch center is attached to the university.He was attached to his mother and followed her everywhere.24.take place (无被动,无进行)In the past few years great changes have taken place in China.The wedding will take place next Sunday.25.gatherGather ones belongingsHe soon gathered a crowd round him.He gat

13、hered some information from various sources.Gather ones strength gather speed26. drown The streets and houses were drowned by the flood.He would drown his sadness in coffee.She turned up the radio to drown out the noise from next door.a drowning man27.set offWe ought to set off at 7:00,while the roa

14、ds are empty.His rude reply set off a bad feeling of me.Some boys are setting off fireworks in the street.28.consultConsult a doctorYou should consult with your parents about your future plans.Youd better consult reference books.29.cut downDeserts are also created because people cut down trees and d

15、ig up grass.We need to cut the article down to 1.000 words.If you want to lose weight you have to cut down on fatty foods.30.bring upBorn into a family with three brothers, David was brought up to value the sense of sharing.Every time I bring the matter up, the changes the subject.He brought up all his dinner.31.accountOpen /close an account 开/销户 an account book 账本,账簿One must take the audience into account when


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