当代物流学 小保罗chapter5

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《当代物流学 小保罗chapter5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《当代物流学 小保罗chapter5(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013 5 24 1 CHAPTER 5 Protective Packaging and Materials Handling 保护性包装和物料搬保护性包装和物料搬 运运 CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 5 Section 1 Product Characteristics Section 2 Packaging Section 3 Unit Loads in Materials Handling Section 4 Beyond the Unit Load Section 5 Materials Handling Summary Key Terms Questions for D

2、iscussion and Review Learning Objectives 1 To know how product features affect packaging and materials handling 2 To identify the functions performed by protective packaging 3 To analyze the utilization of unit loads in materials handling 4 To appreciate how the environmental protection movement has

3、 affected packaging and package choice 5 To learn materials handling principles This chapter concerns on packaging and materials handling Each product has unique physical properties Determines how and when the product is packaged Packaging attributes strongly influence materials handling concerns Se

4、ction 1 Product Characteristics 产品特征产品特征 Product Characteristics Product characteristics can influence packaging and materials handling considerations Physical Characteristics Substances exist in three forms solid liquid gas and each form has specific packaging requirements The product s ability to

5、withstand the elements Product density 产品的不同特征会影响到对产品包装和搬运的选择 其产品的不同特征会影响到对产品包装和搬运的选择 其 中之一是产品的物理特征中之一是产品的物理特征 1 1 物质存在三种形态 固态 物质存在三种形态 固态 液态 气态 每种形态都有特殊的包装要求 液态 气态 每种形态都有特殊的包装要求 2 2 物质对物质对 外界环境的承受能力 外界环境的承受能力 3 3 产品的密度 产品的密度 2013 5 24 2 Product Characteristics The physical characteristics of some g

6、oods change while they are moving in the logistics channel Fresh fruits and vegetables respiration harvest before ripe Perishables such as meats fish yeast and fresh produce require special packaging loading storage and monitoring 在物流渠道的移动过程中 一些产品的物流特性会发生改在物流渠道的移动过程中 一些产品的物流特性会发生改 变 变 1 1 例如新鲜的水果和蔬菜

7、 它们采摘以后仍然会呼例如新鲜的水果和蔬菜 它们采摘以后仍然会呼 吸 释放出气体和水分并产生热量 通常会在成熟之前采吸 释放出气体和水分并产生热量 通常会在成熟之前采 摘以保证到达零售店时正好成熟 摘以保证到达零售店时正好成熟 2 2 鱼 肉 酵母 新鱼 肉 酵母 新 鲜农产品等易腐品需要特殊的包装 装卸 储存和监控 鲜农产品等易腐品需要特殊的包装 装卸 储存和监控 Product Characteristics How to package them Product Characteristics Chemical Characteristics Incompatible products

8、Characteristics must be made known to consumers 产品的某些化学性质也会影响包装和搬运方式的选择 产品的某些化学性质也会影响包装和搬运方式的选择 有些产品是互不相容的 有些产品是互不相容的 必须让顾客了解产品的不同特性 以帮助他们作出正确必须让顾客了解产品的不同特性 以帮助他们作出正确 的购买决定并正确地保存和使用产品的购买决定并正确地保存和使用产品 Figure Portion of Fabric Care Label for Levi s Jeans Sold in Japan 售于日本售于日本Levi s 牛仔裤织品护理牛仔裤织品护理 标识的

9、一部分标识的一部分 Product Characteristics Hazardous Cargo Explosives 爆炸品 Compressed gases 压缩气体 Flammable liquids 可燃液体 Oxidizers 氧化剂 Poisons 毒药 Radioactive materials放射性物质 Corrosive materials腐蚀性物质 Section 2 Packaging 包装包装 2013 5 24 3 Packaging Building blocks concept Smallest unit is consumer package Each uni

10、t is stocked within the next larger one to protect the product Is it useful for building blocking Packaging Packaging which refers to materials used for the containment protection handling delivery and presentation of goods Three general functions To Promote To protect To identify label Packaging Pr

11、omotional functions of Packaging For many products customers can examine only the printing and pictures on closed cartons before making their choices It would be appropriate to display some advertising on the outside of the box Packaging Protective functions of packaging Enclose materials Restrain m

12、aterials from undesired movement Separate contents to prevent undesired contact Cushion contents from outside vibrations and shocks Support the weight of identical containers stacked above Packaging Protective functions of packaging continue Position the contents to provide maximum protection Provid

13、e for uniform weight distribution Provide exterior surface for labeling Be tamperproof Be safe for consumers or others Figure Checklist for Box Users 2013 5 24 4 Figure Boxmaker s Certificate BMC Packaging The carriers established different classifications for two main reasons Packaging specificatio

14、ns determined by product density encourage shippers to tender loads in densities Carriers specifications for protective packaging reduce the likelihood of damage to products while they are being carried Packaging It is difficult to know exactly how much carrier tariffs and classifications control sh

15、ippers packaging Packaging Labeling Usually done at the end of the assembly line Avoids accumulating an inventory of preprinted packages When the material is placed into the box it becomes necessary to label the box Bar codes are widely used in labeling Not all labels are visible to the naked eye li

16、ke RFID labels Packaging Many regulations govern the labeling of packaging including the labeling of weight specific contents and instructions for use Labeling regulations differ from country to country Packaging Labeling Contents Batch numbers 批号 Weight Specific contents Instructions for use Information to allow passage through customs One or two dimensional bar codes 一维或二维条 形码 Smart labels or RFID labels 智能标签或无线射频 识别标签 标签内容包括 生产批号 标签内容包括 生产批号 重量 内含物 使用说明 重量 内含物 使用说明 通关信息 条形码 智能通关信息 条形码 智能 标签或标



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