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1、 高考英语语法填空语法知识精选题目综合试题25道:(语法填空单句填空)1. I went to _countryside with my father to visit grandparents.2._(Apologize) can be harder than realizing you have acted_(poor).3. It is of great_(important) to apologize in person.4.They often get some useful_(inform) from the internet.5. My uncle tells me that t

2、he key to his success is _(honest).6. The other day, my father _(offer) to teach me to ride a bike.7._(Whatever/However) hard learning a new thing is, you should never give up.8. With the National College Entrance Examination_(approach), I strongly recommend that we should value time.9.We can choose

3、 between staying at home and_(take) a trip.10. If we go on a trip abroad, we can_(broad)our view and gain_(knowledge).11. The kitchen is_ hold special sounds, smells and memories.12. A middle-aged woman was knocked down by a car while_(cross) the street.13. Around ten minutes_(late), am ambulance ar

4、rived.14. I was beginning to get_(impatiently).15. 68% of the students_(survey) have study anxiety.16. Only in this way_(can) we live a happy and healthy life.17. I have no choice but_(bother) you to correct my mistakes.18. I am so_(honor) to serve as your guide to a local restaurant to taste tradit

5、ional Chinese food.19. I often imagine _my life will be like in the future.20. Never get_(discourage) easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.21. Miss Li returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons, we were_(deep) moved, all_(rise) to applaud her.22. The smile is the key to_

6、(solve) any problem.23. We are supposed to spend an hour_(do) exercise everyday.24. My parents had moved to England from India during_1970s.25. Most caves are formed _nature.综合试题25道:(语法填空单句填空)参考答案1.the 2.Apologizing poorly 3.importance 4. Information 5. Honesty 6. Offered7.However 8. approaching 9.

7、taking 10. broaden knowledge 11. what 12.crossing13.later 14. impatient 15. surveryed 16. can 17. to bother 18. honored 19. What20. discouraged 21.deeply , rising (all rising to applaud her此处作独立主格结构) 22. solving23. doing 24. the 25. by (by nature通过自然的方式,大部分洞穴是自然形成的。)冠词知识单句语法填空1.She is earning 6,500

8、a day as_a_model in New York.2.For her, the return of the ring was _a_wonder. 3.Its not all that hard to build an advanced and large vocabulary; like many things in life, its_an_ongoing process. 4.A new collection of photos brings _an_unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.答案anunsuccessful前面用an修

9、饰。5.Brian is gifted in writing music; he is very likely to be_a_ Beethoven. 6.Each country, of course,in Copenhagen, has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why _an_agreement is so difficult to reach. 7.He missed_the_gold in the high jump, but will get_a_second chance in the long ju

10、mp.答案the;a句意:他没有得到跳高的金牌,但是在跳远项目上还有一次机会。a序数词表示“又一”;gold前加the表示特指。8.please bring_a_ packed lunch because _the_ competition is expected to last all day.9.In 1931,Addams became_the_ first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.答案the序数词前面加定冠词the。10.Now, years later, this river is one of_the_most out

11、standing examples of environmental cleanup.答案the句意:多年之后,这条河成为最杰出的环保典型之一。可知,此处most前用the修饰表示的是最高级的概念。11._The_prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.12.I went to _the_countryside with my father to visit grandparents.13.Beijing s bid for _the_2022 Winter Olympics has driv

12、en public enthusiasm for winter sports to new heights. 14.I just heard_the_ bank where Dora works was robbed by gunman wearing a mask. 15._The_prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.Animals are obviously _a_ lower form of life than _ man.答案a;/本题考查冠词。man表示“人类”的意义时,前面不加

13、冠词。form是可数名词,前面有形容词修饰时要加不定冠词,故用a修饰。句意:很明显,动物是低于人类的一种生命形式。16.When he left_college, he got a job as_a_reporter in a newspaper office A.:a B.;the C.a;the D.the;the 【解 析】 这是一个由when引导的时间状语从句。根据语境,他大学毕业时就得到了一份报社记者的工作,a job as a reporter,reporter前面的不定冠词a表示数量,而大学毕业是表示一种抽象的时间概念,不用冠词。【答 案】 A 17.I dont think t

14、he experiment isafailure. At least we have gained/experience for future success. 解析failure 如果仅表示失败的概念, 是不可数名词;如果表示具体的失败的人或事物,则为可数名词。 类似的单词还有: danger, surprise, pleasure, success, honour, difficulty 等。experience 作经历讲时,是可数名词;作经验讲时,是不可数名词。 答案a;/18.-John, there is _a_Mr. Wilson on the phone for you. -Im in_the_ bath. A. a;the B. the;a C. a; D. the; a+姓名,表示“一个叫的人”;


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