仁爱英语七年级上测试题Unit 3

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1、2020-2020学年七年级英语测试卷-Unit 3 Class _ Name _ NO. _ Mark _一、 听力测试。(20分)I . 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)( ) 1 . A . Yes , I could . B . No , I couldnt . C . Sure . My name is John .( ) 2 . A . Shes a worker . B . She is 37 . C . She looks nice .( ) 3 . A . Yes , I do . B . Yes , please . A hamburger for me . C

2、. No , I dont .( ) 4 . A . OK , Id like . B . OK , Id love to . C . Sure , I do .( ) 5 . A . No problem . B . Sit down , please . C . Sure . See you .II . 听句子,选择正确答语。句子读两遍。(5分)6 . _ 7 . _ 8 . _ 9 . _ 10 . _III . 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)( ) 11 . Who is the letter from ?A . Zhang Hao . B . Mary . C . Lin

3、da .( ) 12 . Where do Joe and Mary do ?A . In China . B . In Canada . C . In England .( ) 13 . What does your mother do ?A . She is a nurse . B .She is a doctor . C .She is a teacher .( ) 14 . Where do they work ?A . In a school . B . On a farm . C . In an office .( ) 15 . What would Jane like ?A .

4、Some eggs . B . Rice and fish . C . Some bread .IV . 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)PeopleJob (职业)Favorite food Mike 16 . _ riceLindanurse17 . _ Peter18 . _ eggsEmilystudent19 . _Jim20 . _ bread二、笔试部分 (80分)I .单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. I can _ Chinese , but Jim cant .A . say B . tell C . speak( ) 2. My aunt works in a ho

5、spital . She is a _ .A. farmer B. nurses C. doctor( ) 3. _ your uncle _ in a school ? Yes , he does .A. Does ; works B. Do ; work C . Does ; work( ) 4. _ have some milk ? Good idea .A . Why dont B . Would like C . Why not( ) 5. _ you please tell me your name ? No problem . My name is Kelly .A. Could

6、 B. Are C. Do( ) 6. _ does your mother do ? She is a nurse .A. Who B. What C. Where( ) 7. What would you like to drink ? Some _ , please .A. milks B. eggs C. milk( ) 8. Does Jims grandparent live with _ ? Yes , _ is .A. him ; heB. he ; him C. his ; he( ) 9. _ does your father work ? He _ in a hospit

7、al .A . What ; works B . Where ; work C . Where ; works( ) 10 . Can you help me _ my English ? No problem .A. in B. of C. with.完形填空。(10分)I come from England . I am 11 English girl . 12 name is Kate . Im twelve . My parents are teachers . they 13 in the same school . I have one 14 , Peter , and one s

8、ister , Maria . Maria 15 vegetables very much . _16 Peter doesnt like them . His favorite food is 17 . We all have milk and eggs 18 breakfast . We have lunch 19 home . We like to eat healthy (健康的) _20 .What about you ? Would you like to be my pen pal( ) 11.A. a B. an C. the( ) 12.A. MyB. I C. me( )

9、13.A. works B. worker C. work( ) 14.A. brother B. sister C. aunt( ) 15.A. like B. likes C. to like( ) 16.A. AndB. But C. So( ) 17.A. juice B. chickenC. hamburgers( ) 18.A. withB. for C. to( ) 19.A. in B. with C. at( ) 20.A. apples B. milk C. food.阅读理解。(10分)AMy brother is 24 years old . He is a worke

10、r in a factory (工厂). At about 7:30 a.m. (上午) , he goes to the factory. He works very hard (努力) , and all his workmates (同事) like him very much and say he is a good worker . He has lunch in the factory . At 6:00 p.m.(下午) , he goes home . In the evening , he studies English at home . His English is ve

11、ry good . He often helps me with my English . I like him very much .根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 21 . My brother works in a hospital .( ) 22 . Only (仅仅) some workmates like my brother .( ) 23 . My brother has lunch in the factory .( ) 24 . My brother studies English at school .( ) 25 . My brother helps me

12、with my English .BIm Peter . I am an American (美国的) student . I study in Beijing . I like Beijing very much . I often go to the Great Wall . I also like Chinese food . For breakfast , I like eggs and apples. For lunch , I like rice and chicken . For dinner , I have some bread and soup (汤). Chinese f

13、ood is very good ! But I dont like to use(用) chopsticks.( ) 26 . Is Peter an English student ?A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. No, he isnt.( ) 27 . Does Peter study in China ?A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he do. C. No, he dont.( ) 28 . Does Peter like Chinese food ?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he dont. C. No, he doesnt.( ) 29 . What does Peter like for dinner?A. Eggs and apples. B. bread and soup. C. Rice and chicken.( ) 30 . Please guess what is “chopsticks” in Chinese . (请猜猜“chopsticks”的中文意思。


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