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1、AChinese officials have arrested nine people and detained 45 others allegedly tried to a recent product safety scare involving poisonous drug capsules that has shaken the countrys pharmaceutical industry.detained 拘留,allegedly 有嫌疑的, involving 陷入。中国警方逮捕了九名罪犯,拘留四十五名犯罪嫌疑人。因为他们卷入了最近的一场骇人听闻的食品药品安全问题毒胶囊,这一

2、事件动摇了整个国家的制药工业。In addition to the arrests and detentions, officials have also shut down 80 illegal lines of production and seized 77 million drug capsules that had been made with hazardous industrial gelatin, the Ministry of Public Security said in a statement Sunday.illegal 不法的,seized 【法律】查封,hazard

3、ous 危险的,gelatin 明胶。公安部 周日发布,除拘留与逮捕,警方也关闭了80家非法生产线,查封了7700万粒使用了对人体有害的工业明胶制成的毒胶囊。Chinas drug regulators announced last week the suspension of sales of 13 drugs, 11 Chinese traditional medicines and 2 antibiotics, after finding they were encased in gelatin capsules that contained excessive levels of ch

4、romium. According to Chinas state broadcaster, CCTV, the toxic drug capsules, believed to originate from factories in Chinas coastal Zhejiang province, had been made using scraps of leftover leather.suspension 中止,停止;antibiotics 抗生素;encase 把包在内;excessive 过多的;chromium 【化学】铬;toxic有毒的;originate 发起;scrap

5、s 小块。中国食品药品监督管理局在得知这批毒胶囊的铬含量超标后,上周禁售了13种药物,包括11种中药和两种抗生素。据中国中央电视台(CCTV)报道,毒胶囊的源头来自中国沿海省份浙江省,制造用的原料是皮革边角料。Chromium, a chemical sometimes used in the tanning of leather, can be carcinogenic with frequent exposure, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.tanning 鞣皮(法),制革(法);carc

6、ino- comb. f. 表示“肿瘤”,“癌”;genic 【生物学】基因的;基因性的;由基因引起的;遗传的;exposure 曝露。据美国疾病控制与预防中心 公布,铬是一种时用于鞣皮法制皮革的化学物质,频繁接触会引发癌症。The 13 suspended drugs were all made by Chinese pharmaceutical companies that purchased the capsules from smaller manufacturers.purchased买,manufacturers 制造商,厂主,制造厂。13种下架药物都是由中国制药企业生产的,其胶囊

7、外壳皆为小作坊生产加工。Public Security officials announced last week they had closed 10 of the factories alleged to be responsible for production of the capsules, while Chinas State Food and Drug Administration said it was ramping up its investigation, dispatching police and health authorities to look into the

8、 contamination.alleged被提出而尚未证实的,有嫌疑的,ramp 增加,investigation调查,dispatching 派遣,contamination污染;污秽,污物。公安部上周宣布他们已查封了10家有嫌疑责任的胶囊生产厂商。同时,中国食品药品监督管理局 说他们正排遣警力、联系卫生部门做进一步的认真调查。Inspection teams from several departments, including the police, health authorities and supervision agencies, have been sent to Zheji

9、ang , Hebei and Jiangxi provinces to supervise the investigation of the case, according to a statement from the SFDA.Inspection 检查。根据食品药品监督管理局,由公安部、卫生部和食品药品监督管理局组成的检查团深入浙江、河北和江西省以调查、监管此事。Officials have also arrested suspects allegedly responsible for burning down one of the factories connected to ma

10、nufacturing of the tainted capsules, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.据新华社 报道,警方现已逮捕几名涉嫌纵火焚烧胶囊生产厂房的犯罪嫌疑人。China is a major maker and exporter of drugs, but pharmaceutical analysts say it is unlikely the capsule have gone beyond Chinas borders.exporter 出口商analysts 分解者,分析者;化验员。中国是药品的主要制造国和

11、出口国,但据一位医药专家说,目前胶囊还未必越境。Food and drug safety remain major issues within Chinas borders despite repeated crackdowns. Economic motives frequently drive food and drug manufactures to cut corners, filling newspapers with horror stories of consumers unwittingly ingesting industrial chemicals and calling

12、into doubt the ability of regulators to safeguard public health.issues 发出,despite 不管,crackdowns 制裁、猛击,motives 动机,consumers 【经济学】消费者,unwitting 无意的,ingesting 咽下。尽管中国方面反复打击食品药品安全问题,但在经济利益的驱使下,一些食品药品生产商仍偷工减料,屡禁不止。有关于(在食品药品中使用了)让消费者难以下咽的化学品的骇人故事充斥着报纸,(这不得不)引起了公众对监管部门的监管力度的怀疑。BPasser-by catches girl, two,

13、 who plunges from 10th floor windowplunge 突然跌落。路人接住十楼坠落的两岁女孩A two-year-old Chinese girl cheated death after falling from a 10th-floor window thanks to a passer-by who caught her.幸亏一位过路人的奋力一托,一个从十楼窗户掉下的两岁中国女孩得以度过鬼门关。Wu Juping, 31, a mother of a seven-month-old baby saw the child dangling from the win

14、dow of the high-rise apartment block.dangling吊着晃来晃去地。吴菊萍,31岁,一位七个月大孩子的母亲,当时看到了这个女孩在高层公寓的窗外摇摇欲坠。The quick-thinking heroine kicked off her high-heeled shoes and ran towards her with her arms outstretched.outstretched伸长的。这位女英雄没多想,急忙脱掉了高跟鞋,伸出了胳膊跑向了那孩子。In saving the little girl, Wu is suffered a broken l

15、eft arm.为了救人,吴菊萍左臂粉碎性骨折。The child, named “Niuniu”, suffered internal bleeding and remains in a critical condition.internal bleeding 内出血,critical 危急的。这个孩子名叫“妞妞”,(这次事故后,)她内脏出血,病情危急。Wu said that because of her injury she would be forced to stop breast-feeding her infant son.breast-feeding 自己奶养(婴孩),infa

16、nt婴儿。吴菊萍说,由于这次受伤,她不得不给她年幼的孩子忌奶。“I dont regret anything that happened; I just hope that Niuniu will recover.” she said.“我对我的所作所为无怨无悔,我只是希望妞妞能痊愈。”她是这样说的。The accident took place near Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang.这次事故发生于浙江省省会,杭州。CDescendants of some of the 1,500 people killed when the Titanic sank a century ago were among the p


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