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1、课时练(一)阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2019合肥质检)Theaters of the PastThe Greek TheaterTheaters developed in many parts of Greece. Ancient Greek theaters were built in natural openair sites on conveniently shaped hills. This allowed a great mass of people to enjoy a show at a time. Due to this, actors place

2、d emphasis on exaggerated (夸张的) action and speech. And colorful symbolic masks and costumes were used.The Medieval TheaterThe Medieval theater started in churches. Thats why medieval plays were about Bible stories. At first, it became a custom for priests (牧师) to act out brief scenes during Christma

3、s and Easter. These acts attracted large crowds. Finally the church refused to allow priests to participate in any such events again, so ordinary people began these performances outside. Performances were set in the town square, with several stage settings around it.The Elizabethan TheaterThe Englan

4、ds theater developed rapidly in the years following the defeat of the Spanish Armada. The dominant feature of Elizabethan theater was the stage. It has three parts: The fore stage for outside scenes; the inner stage for scenes inside a building; an upper stage or balcony for various purposes. The re

5、ason for this design is that there were no scene changes, or breaks during the play. Very little scenery was used, so the actors had to create a scene through their voices and dialogues. This led to a more poetic script, and poets became the main source of script writing.The Restoration TheaterSome

6、of the plays told sad stories, but the majority of the plays were really funny. Many specialized machines were used to create the scene. The stage was a very clever idea, in that on the sides of the stage large back shutters (百叶窗) were painted with the scene.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了几家过去的剧院。1Why were ancient Gre

7、ek theaters built on hills?ATo hold a large audience.BTo build a big and strong stage.CTo have a better sound effect.DTo emphasize exaggerated performances.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“This allowed a great mass of people to enjoy a show at a time”可知,希腊剧院依山而建是为了可以容纳大量的观众,故选A。2In which theater could actors voi

8、ces and speeches help create scenes?AThe Greek Theater.BThe Medieval Theater.CThe Elizabethan Theater.DThe Restoration Theater.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句可知,在伊丽莎白一世时代的剧院里,演员们必须运用声音和对白才能够创造场景,故选C。3What is special about the Restoration Theater?AColorful masks were used.BThe stage was smartly designed.CMost

9、of its plays were sorrowful.DOrdinary people were the performers.解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The stage was a very clever idea, in that on the sides of the stage large back shutters (百叶窗) were painted with the scene”可知,王朝复辟时期的剧院的特别之处在于其巧妙的舞台设计,故选B。B(2019昆明质检)Medha Gupta sometimes felt worried about making

10、the 20minute walk from the corner where the school bus dropped her off to her home in Herndon, Va. especially during the colder months in winter.Her mother, Divya Gupta had a suggestion: Write an app. She was halfkidding, but Medha took the challenge seriously. So she went to work.The result was Saf

11、e Travel, an app designed by Medha to help walkers feel more secure when they are traveling alone. Using the iPhone, a person can program it to send a warning to someone he or she trusts if he or she fails to arrive at a destination within a certain time.It was the first iOS app that Medha had creat

12、ed. While she didnt think much would come from the project, her effort caught the eye of judges for the annual Congressional App Challenge, who selected her as the winner for Virginias 10th District.The App Challenge is designed to encourage students to consider careers in science, technology, engin

13、eering, and math by experimenting with coding and computer science. Winning students are invited to attend a reception on Capitol Hill in April and also received 250 in Amazon Web Services credits.Medha said it took her about 40 hours to design, program and test the app. As for her next app? Medhas

14、not certain. She temporarily has her appdevelopment ambitions on_hold because shes busy teaching herself artificial intelligence to help deal with improper words on Facebook. Yes, she knows that there are teams of engineers probably doing the same thing. But she figures it cant hurt her own part, to

15、o.“If we see something wrong with the world, we should do something about it,” she said. “After all, the only one stopping us from doing something is ourselves.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Medha Gupta设计一款手机应用程序的故事。4Why did Medha Gupta feel worried?AIt took a long time to walk home.BIt was colder than ever in w

16、inter.CIt was unsafe to walk home alone.DIt was difficult to write an app.解析:选C细节理解题。根据首段的描述,以及第三段首句可知,Medha有时担心自己放学回家时的安全,因此她设计了应用程序Safe Travel,它可以使出行者独自出行时感觉更安全,所以选项C正确。5What does the underlined phrase “on hold” in Paragraph 6 mean?ADelayed.BDeveloped.CSuspected. DSatisfied.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“because shes busy teaching herself artifi


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