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1、课时跟踪练(九)Lesson 2 & Lesson 3Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Her careful makeup hid the signs of age beneath (在底下)2Try to grasp (理解) what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole.3The government had already committed (投入) itself to a wide range of reforms.4After he had given an accoun

2、t of the difficulties, he went on to suggest ways to overcome (克服) them.5In some countries, it is illegal (非法的) to use the cellphone while driving. 6I reminded him of the appointment (约会), but he didnt make any response.7The children were jumping constantly (不断地) to keep warm.8We should inspect (检查)

3、 the goods to see if there is any damage.9We were determined to explore the surrounding (附近的) countryside.10He hesitated_(犹豫)for a while before he made the phone call.单句语法填空1Do you believe the existence of ghosts? Perhaps they only exist in the minds of some people.(exist)2Theres enough time left. Y

4、ou can go into details at the moment.3If you do know the answer, speak up so everyone can hear you.4Im constantly (constant) telling him to behave himself.5Stave has a good grasp of the European legal system.6Having_committed (commit) herself to this line of action, there was no retreating for bad w

5、eather.7The boy ran away quickly the instant his father turned his back.8Its suggested that I should have an appointment with the interviewer.9The officer, surrounded (surround) by these noises, was moved and a little embarrassed.10It is illegal (legal) to sell tobacco to someone under 16.完成句子1我现在不能

6、细说面试的事,太费工夫。I cant go_into_details_about_my_interview now. It would take too long.2他声称他是这里唯一能做任何工作的人。He makes_out_he_is_the_only_person_here who can do any work.3如果你全身心地投入到你的学习中,终有一天你会成功的。If you commit_yourself_to_your_study,_youll succeed one day.4我一听到说话声,就知道是父亲来了。The_instant_I_heard_the_voice,_I k

7、new father was coming.5只要能保护环境, 我愿意过低碳生活。As_long_as_it_can_protect_the_environment,_I am willing to live a lowcarbon life.课文语法填空Wang Junyan is the 1.presenter (present) for Universe TVs news programmes. It was being curious, working hard, and believing in what was true that made her the 2.success (s

8、ucceed) she is today.She owed her success 3.to her mother, whose attitude towards life influenced her 4.greatly (great). After 5.graduating (graduate) from university, she became a reporter for a local newspaper. She wrote a report about an illegal business. Her report helped the people 6.who had be

9、en affected and it also helped the government inspect the company and catch the 7.guilty (guilt) people. 8.Writing (write) that report wasnt easy and it paid off because she won an award for the report. She discovered then that as long as she is committed and never gives 9.up she will be able to pro

10、duce high quality reports. Thats exactly 10.what Wang Junyan has been doing as the face of Universe TV.串点成篇微表达李明勇敢、坚强而且聪明(wisdom)。我们都信任(believe in)他。没有什么困难是他不能克服的(overcome)。以前,他的英语很差,但他一直(constantly)用英语写日记。他的努力得到了回报(pay off),最终他英语掌握得很好(have a good grasp of)。Li_Ming_possesses_courage,_determination,_

11、and_wisdom._We_all_believe_in_him._There_is_no_difficulty_that_he_cant_overcome._In_the_past_he_was_poor_at_his_English,_but_he_constantly_kept_a_diary_in_English._His_hard_work_paid_off,_and_in_the_end_he_had_a_good_grasp_of_English.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解A new report from the International Bar Associ

12、ation (IBA) suggests machines will most likely replace humans in a growing number of occupations. One of the authors of the report, Gerlind Wisskirchen, believes that governments need to introduce human quotas (配额) in some sectors in order to protect jobs.The report suggests that the jobs at risk ar

13、e common ones, such as accountants and lawyers. Financial services are more at risk than legal roles though, as algorithms (计算程序) are easier for a computer to solve when compared to keeping client relationships and making new laws. Simple physical work is also in the firing line, the authors mention

14、.As the world population heads towards 7 to 10 billion, futurist Morris Miselowski says, “Im not sure that this ninetofive, Monday to Friday work as we understand it, will continue for many of us for the next couple of decades.” He forecasts that the biggest changes will be a shift (转变) away from th

15、e traditional work schedule.“Artificial intelligence (AI) . and all sorts of new technologies are just about to happen; all of thats going to change where, how and when we do work.”Ms Wisskirchen was surprised by how farreaching the effects of automation (自动化) are.“Even though automation began 30 ye

16、ars ago in the bluecollar sector, the new development of artificial intelligence and robotics affects not just the bluecollar sector, but the whitecollar sector,” said Ms Wisskirchen.Toby Walsh, professor of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW, said there was a silver lining when it came to technology and the future of jobs.“Its always good



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